Best comic book Q1 2017 thread

Moon Knight is incredible
>mental health theme
>split personality disorder emphasized with 4 unique art styles
Why didn't you read it Sup Forums? Too busy raging on Secret Empire?

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Ellis' run was better.

Hello summerfag. The only people who like "muh DiD" MK are the fags that jumped on with the Bendis run. Lemire's run was a waste of money and time. The art saved the book.

>enraged by character getting evolved while user is still living with his parents

Are you a Marvel intern? If so, tell the guys we like Ellis interpretation more.

Ellis is OP
It's a good intro for newfags, the character needed a slight retcon considering the entire Marvel Universe getting rebooted after Secret Wars

A character walking around for 16 issues asking "Am I crazy or am I not?" Isn't being "evolved" whatever the fuck that means. It was carried entirely by the artists. Same of which could be said for the Ellis run.

It clearly says Lemire.

Not really. The execution was mediocre, decompressed, full of filler stuff and predictable. It's like Lemire gave Smallwood the scripting duties.

>"choke on my fuck, commissioner Gordon"

Ripping the Joker's nipples off!?

Wow, thanks, guys. I read Lemire's Old Man Logan today and was disappointed, because all of the same problems. Was just about to start reading Moon Knight, because I heard how much it was praised in hopes to redeem Lemire in my eyes after the OML blunder.
I guess I won't bother then.

There was never any doubt if he's crazy or not. The character knows it and so does the reader,maximum after 2-3 issues. The main question is: what's real? In the universe where everything's possible: super heroes, psychological warfare, alternate dimensions, magic/sci-fi shit that's a very thought-provoking question

>let's take a supernatural detective
>and violent vigilante
>with a bloodstained past
>who found salvation
>and turn him into a "muh DiD" crybaby

Also, what the user here said.

Just fuck off summerfag. Smallwood saved the book. And literally nothing happened. The whole story was in his head. All he did in the real world was climb some stairs and call Khonshu a shit again. Then lament about "muh DiD".

He is making progress.

>Moon Knight is incredible

I totally disagree. It's not even the best MK run for starters. The Moench, Huston with Finch, and Ellis runs were all better.

It's maybe a little better than the Bendis run. It's alright but hardly "Incredible"

Old Man Logan was trash but Moon Knight is actually good.

The Ellis """run""" is just plebby action filler shit. Lemire's run was better.

Quit trying to waste this user's time.

This shit was terrible.

>There was never any doubt if he's crazy or not. The character knows it and so does the reader,maximum after 2-3 issues. The main question is: what's real? In the universe where everything's possible: super heroes, psychological warfare, alternate dimensions, magic/sci-fi shit that's a very thought-provoking question

So the same question that's raised in every MK book but this one ham-fistedly beat the reader over the head with it so it's better?

Whatever user. Lemire's run was pretentious bullshit that showed he didn't understand the character at all.


Decompression is cancer fuck off. How is it "filler" if it never pertained to a longer arc? How is it "filler" if it's not an anime adaptation making up stories to let the mangaka tell new stories.

No it wasn't. It was incredibly decompressed and boring. I'll take 6 issues of fun with vs a boatload of crap.

never have I seen an opinion get shredded as quickly as yours has.

Absolutely NOTHING fucking happened in this run besides terrible retconning

At least it had really good art

Now that I think about it more, I think Lemire's run gets praised because Marvel and DC pre-rebirth were such shit that anything even remotely OK were hailed as great.

It's like the 90's when there were so many shit awful titles that when somebody found one that was OK it was seen as the greatest thing ever.

>*was hailed.

>Le 90s were bad because Rob Liefeld existed meme

I didn't like his MK, but you should try it before buying it. I think the same problems persists in all of Lemire's superhero books. Most of his creator owned books, where he actually gives a fuck, are far superior. Try his old Vertigo stuff.

You're probably a troll, but if not...

I don't think you remember how bad most of the shit during the 90's was.

Yeah you had some great stuff like Starman, Morrison JLA, Busiek Avengers, Sandman etc but the vast majority of stuff on the shelves at the time was absolutely awful. 1991-96 were mostly pain and it's not a Liefeld thing, it was the whole industry.

What's "muh DiD"?

I think he meant "Dissociative identity Disorder"

>Yea you had some great stuff like several seminal works in the genre
Are you seriously implying that there's any comics out today as good as those ones you just mentioned (and the gigantic list you so conveniently turned into a simple "etc")

Not the same user, but 90s DC and Dark Horse was actually good. Their current catalog isn't even close to it.

Dissociative Identity Disorder. It turns Marc from a troubled man into an idiot who can't do anything.

Nigger Legends of the Dark Knight alone makes you look like a fucking clown. That's a title that ran for hundreds of issues with great stories from a multitude of great writers and artists, there's not even something remotely similar to that right now.

Oh yeah? And was so good about the 90s. huh? What, Marvels, Kingdom Come, Preacher, Sandman? Or maybe Authority, Sin City, Hellboy, Bone, Starman, Waid's Flash, Morrisons' JLA, Strangers in Paradise? Or Madman, Stray Bullets, Hellblazer, Astro City, The Maxx, PAD's X-Factor, Strangers in Paradise, Transmetropolitan, Weapon X? Or Jim Shooter's Valiant line, Rising Stars, Daredevil: Man Without Fear, Waid's Captain America, Joe Kelly's Deadpool, Why I Hate Saturn?
And that's it? 90s were a joke.

>Are you seriously implying that there's any comics out today as good as those ones you just mentioned (and the gigantic list you so conveniently turned into a simple "etc")

I don't think I ever said that or even implied it, so no.

>considering the entire Marvel Universe getting rebooted after Secret Wars
Marvel vehemently denies they had a reboot after Secret Wars and despite how much I hate them, on this I agree. 616 was rebuilt as it was before. There was a 6 month time skip so they could lazily justify various status quo changes like pregnant Jessica Drew. But really, the only major change that was made was bringing Miles and his cast over to mainline continuity.

They SHOULD have taken the opportunity to reboot. At least with some characters who need it like Spider-Man (the real one). But Marvel is too insistent on not-copying DC's continuity maintenance methods.

Also OML, Ultimate Maker, Jimmy Hudson and Ms. Sinister's pet mutants and new space abstracts hierarchy.
>But Marvel is too insistent on not-copying DC's continuity maintenance methods.
And thank god for that. DC's continuity is a terrible mess.

The "90's comics were all bad" meme is such a pleb filter.

eh kinda?. There were so many awful titles on the shelves especially during the early to mid 90's. The Speculator boom put millions of awful comics on the stands then.

Overall there was a lot of product out, some Gold and more unreadable.

I think it's good to look at what was actually selling in large quantities.

Were there good comics in the 90's? Yes, especially in the latter half of the decade.

But early on there was so much garbage.

>Why didn't you read it Sup Forums?

Hey, I've bought the first two trade paperbacks! I'm doing my part!

This said, it really is a fun, chaotic series, and kind of refreshing to have something as immune to big events as this one is.

the majority of that is good

someone's been putting up a complete storytime of all the moon knight comics, and from what I've read (I'm at like thread 8, the issue where moon knight meets the kingpin for the first time) I like "muh DiD" mk more than what I've read so far, which just feels like a batman expy. it could just be the art though, MK's art in the modern comics is really nice.

Eh, it was a neat story. I prefer Konshu as an actual power source and not a symbol of Marc's crazy so the conclusion was a disappointment, but Lemire wrote with enough ambiguity that the ride was fun. The art throughout, Smallwood, Francavilla, Stokoe, was all amazing. MK is usually more an artist showcase anyway.

Top ten best selling titles of 94

1. Violator #1
2. Spawn/Batman
3. Stryke Force #1
4. X-Men #30
5. Spawn #17
6. Spawn #18
7. Generation X #1
8. Spawn #21
9. Spawn #22
10. Gen 13 #1

Does anyone even remember Stryke Force?

7/10 are good

No, just no.

You're right, they're all good.


Nicieza X Men,Gen 13 and early Spawn aren't nearly that bad

But nobody would describe them as good either and that's the top 10 that sold hundreds of thousands of books.

1 Big Trouble in Little China/Escape From New York 1
2 Civil War II 1
3 Harley Quinn 1*
4 Champions 1
5 DC Universe Rebirth 1
6 Batman 1
7 All Star Batman 1
8 Black Panther 1
9 Suicide Squad 1
10 Batman Rebirth 1

I would
Generation X is the best X title ever
Gen13 is fun as fuck
Spawn was badass for the first few years
eat a dick

No one said the 90's were worse than now.

Then you have awful taste.

I agree, Ellis' run was saved by a good artist

90s vertigo has some of the best comics ever made you pleb. It was just capes that were bad. Fucking read something other than capes. it's the same now, cape suck but there is a lot of good indi books

this list is better than current stuff

whatever you like is shitty

And no once could save Lemire's run.

Holy fuck. No one is disputing that, but ignoring the massive mountain of shit in the industry for the chunks of gold buried in it doesn't mean there isn't a mountain of shit.

ITT: People bitching about Lemire because he said 'Fuck Marvel' and is writing a book making fun of them.
Get over your company wars faggots and grow up.

He actually did it the absolute madman

it's arguably the best time the industry ever had though, fuck off
or people who have read Moon Knight before

Hey Linkara, how does that tranny asshole feel when you put your dick in it?

>an entire list of nothing but shit Sup Forums pretends is good
Also grabbed right off the amazon best seller charts. This list is meaningless if you don't have the brains to explain why these comics are supposedly good

So is there no good MK run? Nothing worth reading?

It also doesn't pay attention to scale. High selling comics before the speculator bubble burst sold in the millions. Cherry picking a few drops of good in a sea of awful is a bullshit argument.

The Moench stuff is worth reading for sure, it's like a supernatural Batman.

Everything but Lemire and Bendis.

Bunn, Wood and Dixon were forgettable too.

Agreed on all counts

Yet it made more money than any other error in comics history. Funny how that works. INB4 - but the movies make a lot of money, just talking comics.

Wow, edgy reboot of established capeshit character, must be some earth-shattering comics

It also crashed the industry because they were putting out massive numbers of books that were worthless. Funny how that works.