Are any of the current Marvel books even worth the hd space? Even for keks?

Are any of the current Marvel books even worth the hd space? Even for keks?

>not "gotta slow down"

no. I keep deleting them to make room for porn

I didn't know Sonic Man supported Eggman.

>decent to good
Ultimates has been consistently good since 2015 outside of the forced rebooting and event tie-ins. For that matter, Ewing's Avengers books (New Avengers -> USAvengers) are at least fun superhero stories, like 90's Thunderbolts or late 80's Justice League. Also his Rocket Raccoon book looks good for a synergy book but I haven't read it yet.
Of the current X-men batch...X-Men: Blue and Jean Grey are surprisingly the best imo, and I hate the O5.
The Nick Fury mini that just wrapped up wasn't bad.
Lemire's Thanos is readable.
Otherwise, I assume you've already voted "no" on Spencer's Captain America/Secret Empire.

>keks, cute and hate-reads
The Punisher is currently oscillating between "readable genre trash" and "borderline incompetent."
Gwenpool is better than it deserves to be, given the "lineage" of the character.
America is the current "holy shit, why?" book, having recently taken over from Mockingbird and Hellcat.

I heard X-Men was pretty shit recently but I'll check it out since I do love me some mutie stories.
For SE, I don't know it good?

It's OK. You'll probably get more out of it if you're a Thunderbolts fan/Gru fan/fan of pre-Brubaker Cap.

Overall I can't really say it's been a successful event but it's channeling the above and making an effort, and if you liked these older characterizations and comics you'll probably find something to like. It's just so long, that's a downside, and it changes every other book on the line at the same time.The Nazi stuff is ofc hideously overblown (not that I imagine that shite will put anyone on Sup Forums off).

These are reasonable recs. I don't like Nick Fury or Thanos much but YMMV. Duggan's new GotG is solid and the recent Nova and Foolkiller minis that wrapped up were both good (Nova was spectacular, such a shame it got canned).

Not related to the topic at hand, but a story where Sonic and Eggman teaming up in an AU scenario against Sonic himself would be a fantastic idea.

spider-man 2099 is p. sexual

Well, my bar is set pretty low for Marvel right now. It's better than AXIS, and if you're just looking for shit to read for free, it couldn't hurt to at least browse the current event.
they're not great, and there's no cohesive vision to the line, but it's just nice to have Bendis off the core books honestly. Bunn, Hopeless and Guggenheim might not be the best writers in the business, but they're nowhere near as cynical and shallow as BMB.

>GotG family of books
I think the obvious synergy runs people off, unfortunately. the little bit of GotG and Rocket I've read, I've liked, and Nova looked promising. I've actually downloaded Foolkiller but never read it...

GotG was garbage for such a long time under Bendis but Duggan right now is doing some good IMO. Similar deal to what you're saying about the X-Men.

>Mentioning Bendis
Damnit user, you may cause him to take over another book just by name.

I have to wonder what someone other than Bendis could do with the Infamous Iron Man idea.

Riri as an actual competent character and not a horribly written political mouthpiece?

A decent character?

No, Infamous Iron Man. The Doom book.
I could give a shit about Riri.

Gwenpool's pretty good.
Spencer's Cap is good if you ignore all the shitposting about it on all sides.

I'm out of the loop Doom has a book and they fucked it up?

After Tony got fucked in CW2, Doom took the mantle of Iron Man.
Now he's gallivanting around using his knowledge of all the super villains to put them all in jail, or kill them.

>The Nick Fury mini that just wrapped up wasn't bad.
It still has two issues to go.
And Rocket is really good.

Iron Fist and Luke Cage are both good. Power Man and Iron Fist was good.
Foolkiller is good like people said, and anyone here who liked it should check out the current Centipede comic by the same writer.
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme is definitely worth checking out, but avoid the main Doctor Strange title at least until Cates takes it over.
I like Avengers, although it took a drop in quality on the two issues with Whitley co-writing. The .1 issues with the Kooky Quartet are more well received around here.
I'm going to second USAvengers, and back up that GotG is good despite the apparent synergy.
Lot of people like Deadpool, although I've not read much of it past The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. It may have gone down in quality.
Scarlet Witch and Carnage both ended recently and were good.

Why are chameleons so cute?

That looks badass actually.

Which is what I was saying; I wonder what someone other than Bendis could do with it, because he's the one writing it.

Have we ever found out what Doom thinks of Lunella? A Doombot hates the shit out of her but that's just a glitchy robot.

He probably thinks it's beneath him to even think about her.

The new Darth Vader book is pretty neat-o.

I think it's the eyes.

Amazing Sipder-Man: Renew Your Vows is pretty solid. Thanos is also surprisingly great.

this was hilarious IMO