Why are people not tired of the Joker?

Why are people not tired of the Joker?

Cause he's the jokah baby

Because "people" don't read comics and they don't play much vidya, so they get to see the Joker once every 5 years.

Because normies still love Batman and by extension Joker


Better question: why are people not tired of the Nostalgia Critic?

I like his jokes. He is a funny man, but i respect your opinions dude. I know some people thinks he is annoying with his screaming.

he's never written the same way twice

hello Doug

Idiots gotta idiot


>hello Doug

yeah sure. Nostalgia critic goes on Sup Forums and defend himself.

I bet you watch pewdiepie trash eater

Nah, I never watch pewpewdie.

I know that Sup Forums does.

Because when a character is compelling and unique, it doesnt stop being that way just because a bunch of counter-culture hipsters start hating it because someone else liked it first

Because they don't actually know of Joker outside of TDK, Arkham, and SS

>Why are people not tired of the Joker?

They are. He reached Wolverine levels of too much a while ago.

They are. DC doesn't care

The Joker isn't compelling or unique.

The Joker isn't compelling, nor is unique. Even back in the 40s, when he was Hugo Strange (a generic Moriarty knockoff himself) in clown paint

Because he is so crazy xDD

Once you have an autistic fan base, they never go away.

I'm tired of OW THE EDGE Joker.

Because very few people know how to write him interestingly.

TDKR's approach, where he's obsessed with breaking Batman in every conceivable way, to the point that he goes catatonic when Batman disappears?

Killing Joke version where he's borderline sympathetic and just wants to prove that he's not necessarily the outcast everyone thinks he is?

Heath Ledger Joker who comes off like an amalgam of a bunch of previous Jokers, implying he's a former veteran looking to instill anarchy in order to strike back against the system that fucked him over?

Hell, even the kids' show versions from BTAS and BATB, where he's basically a sadistic mobster with a clown motif who ends up like an inverse foil to Batman (dark brooding hero vs bright happy villain), whose main motivation is just getting paid and fucking with the Bat-Family for giggles?
Interesting, for what it is.

But so many try to emulate these iconic Jokers without having the talent or subtlety to back it up. There's a difference between having a dark character and an edgy character, and so many think that just making the Joker into an edgelord gives their story depth, when it really doesn't.

Killing Joke isn't good because Joker strips Gordon naked and traps him on a carnival ride, it's good because Alan Moore wrote it. The Dark Knight isn't good because Joker licks his lips and growls about his scars, it's good because Heath Ledger is a talented fucking actor.

A lot of people assume making an iconic Joker is just as easy as having him do something fucked up or monologue about chaos, but there's a lot more nuance to it. The LEGO Batman Movie understood Joker more than the majority of comic writers do.