JSA Storytime: Mr. X

Good evening owls,

art change, still b&w


Jesus christ is it Sunday already.

Ooh cool.

I know, right?

It's so hot. I meant to go outside and work with some wood stain, but ugh.

This kind of skewed perspective drawing isn't easy, is it

Likely not.

But getting vertigo.


Hello, Storyteller.

>Brian Hitch: "I could totally Ultimates that shit"
I assume you were in that thread, but can we talk about this and how fuck stupid the idea of Ultimates style JSA is? Like, holy shit.

I don't know why I still play it, but Livewire in the DC mobile game is op af

don't look down, Dave

I mean it's sort of what Robinson intended on doing with E2. Would have liked to see it through, but I don't need another attempt so soon especially not for a main universe version.

I didn't see that

do not want

The bad thing is, he said that back in February and only recently teased he was maybe doing some JSA thing.

it's disorienting but already easier to follow than the last volume

Like I said in that thread:

The last time Hitch tried to Ultimates by himself he didn't even finish the fucking series.

And he thinks Josh Trank is a good director.

Too much Sup Forums bait is really turning me off of Sup Forums. It has really gotten worse this summer.

The Ultimates thing we really don't need is the "I am so cool wait no I'm actually dated as fuck" widescreen action with lots of splash pages of people 'fighting'

I just want Hitch to go on Earth 2.

Main JSA will be safe from being edgy, blown up, being in a terrible relationship, having the world end, and having to do terrible time travel.

Grundy is the result of a supersoldier serum that Jay Garrick was developing.

I can go on.

it's stylized but it's SO much less busy and "who are these randos on the page"


I completely lost the plot in v1 and was just looking at the pretty pictures, at least here it's relatively straightforward, even if B&W art is a little harder to parse

I mean, did Hitch even READ Earth-2? That's almost literally exactly what it was, and it managed to do it without filling it with asshole characters, rape, gore, and really stupid early-2000's style "realistic" versions of character powers.

And it even went into the exact same direction that the Ultimate U did with being overly destructive, stories becoming even more convoluted than the main universe, and all of the characters working for the same government agency!

It's going to continue getting worse forever, as per the old "any community that gets its kicks by yada yada yada" quote.

At this point I would allow one shitstorm thread then delete any extras that show up even close to the same theme.

heavy modding can actually change the direction of a community back to where it needs lighter policing. Even b-day worked for a little while.

Here's Hitch's idea of Ultimates:

We all know how Millar is - but there's the moment in Ultimates 1 where Tony decides to buck up and try to save the day because some random kid on the street believes in him....and all on his own Hitch added a bit where a soldier pushes that kid down for fun.

It's the way the whole site is. You definitely notice an uptick with any movie news.

I don't see that happening with hiro/current Sup Forums.

they got some janitors, right?

Right? It's such a terrible idea. Why can't Hitch just stick to being mediocre? Why's he gotta overstep his bounds into being terrible?

Like, just imagine like Jay or someone being racist and jingoistic because "lol realism". Fucking hell.

Please do.

I don't think it was the intention here but these pages almost feel like they're meant to transition from the abstract style in the rest of this volume to the more literal but still stylish art in this issue.

And I get kind of a Frank Miller vibe from these.

>It's the way the whole site is.
Sup Forums is not like that, seriously. It's like the only board where mods take their job seriously.

just, clear paneling, it's such a change

also love the roman numeral pagination

>they got some janitors, right?

/tg/ and niche interest boards aren't either but I mean, look at what happened to Sup Forums.


You can have all the janitors in the world but they're still basically just cleaning the bile as it hits the ground, the people vomiting everywhere are still there and have no reason to stop.

I can't top Jay being Racist from here without going into harder territory about Obsidian...too much horrible possibilities.

I think what Hitch meant in that tweet is update the team on aesthetic level more so than narrative level, so it feels more contemporary. And considering the direction of Rebland, that shit was really blown out of proportion.
I shouldn't have made that thread lol.

It really is more that "I do not read comics at all but look at this shit" threads get kept up. But Sup Forums has always been a mess between comics, cartoons, live action, movies etc. Anyway, I think it's a bit rich to complain about moderation when we're all still posting (AND IT'S AGAINST Sup Forums RULES GUYS) but I agree threads seem to continually get shittier.

Jannys are useless.

>update the team on aesthetic level
Blergh. No pimp-cape Alan, no buy

Hitch is a terrible writer, plotter, and now artist since he's been half assing it or died at some point, so even a normal JSA run written (or drawn) by him doesn't inspire much confidence with me.

Are you saying... we might go beyond even Taylor levels?

They should make the change they want to see :(

You'll still have the hardcore trolls but more casual people give up when shit just keeps getting patiently nuked, no response, no acknowledgement, just nuking

>tg/ and niche interest boards aren't either
Yeah, I browse /lit/ a lot and there are always one or two stupid thread but the board itself is pretty comfy. Then again people there are not literally underage and more worried about astounding other user with their sophisticated sounding bullshit.

Is this about the Wonder Woman thread were the OP is pissy that a franchise initially created to address sociopolitical issues had the sheer fucking gall to to reference sociopolitical issues?

i can't get over Sup Forums''s hateboner for marvel'll progressiveism.

yet also hating secret empire

>They should make the change they want to see :(
They do, because jannys are only interested on abusing power.

>more worried about astounding other user with their sophisticated sounding bullshit.
that's the proper function of any literary discussion

sounds like what comic threads used to be like

I'll just be bitter and blame the MCU casuals

All I know about /lit/ is back in the day Quentin tried trolling there like he had been doing on Sup Forums and most major boards and they laughed him out for trying to say The Great Gatsby was the greatest novel ever written.

I've been most amused by people taking Soule's "if you're abusive to Marvel staff don't expect to get hired" out of its specific context about someone posting shit about a female editor in response to a selfie and using it to get buttmad about how they're clearly not hired by Marvel yet because of their righteous battles with Dan Slott

I think if DC does want to put him on monthly, they'll do what Marvel did during his Fantastic Four runs.
Also the problem with Hitch is he doesn't get good inkers anymore, and since Kevin Nowlan is inking him on Hawkman Found, I have hopes.


goddamn what a shit show that stuff was huh

yet another impressive cover

Speaking of Hawkman...some five year old told me today that Hawkman was their favorite superhero, over Cyborg or Batman.

Is he in Justice League Action?
Where would he know Hawkman?

That, and that "gay propaganda" thread and that "Marvel editors harassed" thread. And probably some more threads that I've hidden or have been filtered.

make them interesting for the first time ever
what's wrong with that?

I've only seen a bit of it because no one would link to the fucking wank and I'm sorry, vague upset subtweets don't cut it, if I'm supposed to get mad I need to see something myself

There's a DC Super Pets book starring the Hawks, maybe?

>did someone read Earth-2
no user, the answer is no

I'm still a noob (which means playing for four months because it's grindy as fuck) but I have resigned to only being able to get her to legendary 2. I don't exactly have a good team comp for that challenge.

>that's the proper function of any literary discussion
Bullshit. I want to talk about how Kel is best girl, but all I ever see when I go to /lit/ is a piss filled lake of fedora tipping armchair philosophers.

The fact complaining about moderation, or lack there of, is against the rules is frankly fucking pathetic.

I gotta put up with legit hate speech on a constant basis, but mods can't take people saying mean things about them? Fucking grow a pair, ya simps.

There are some threads on /lit/ that are completely unbearable but I admit, no matter how obscure we're talking, someone has read it.

Maybe he has good parents that let him Netflix and chill on Justice League/Justice League Unlimited.
Honestly kids that age probably are more attracted to cool designs and his parents got him a Justice League set or something.

man, I need to drop by, then

>I gotta put up with legit hate speech on a constant basis
That's pretty much always been a constant on Sup Forums.

>Justice League/Justice League Unlimited.

For Hawkman?


He is, but I don't think there's been a Hawk-centric episode yet. Also his design sucks

This, I read two obscure sci-fi novels couple months ago and I only found discussion on /lit/ about them.
Also they do have good taste for the most part when it comes to classic literature.

my 4 year old niece loves Firestorm because of JLA

>There's a DC Super Pets book starring the Hawks, maybe?
Imagine something with Krypto, Ace, Comet (but not the weird Comet) et al... and Hawkman and Hawkwoman.

Hawkman IS on Action, IIRC. One of the main members.

But most likely what I would guess is that they just think he looks cool or something. When I was 5 I said Silver Surfer was my favorite despite never having read Silver Surfer or even gotten to the arc in FF where he shows up. I don't even know where I could possibly have known him from.

Just did a quick search and Hawkman seems to come in most Imaginext DC Toy Sets.

I'm calling it that.

Super Pets Big Ted is amazing

balanced page see

I'd leave but I don't know many other comic communities that are any good. Sup Forums got me into comics but I think I've hit that 4/5 year mark now where I see the same patterns too often

I mean he was there for couple episodes right? I really don't know if he has actually featured in any series extensively.

I've been hoarding gems a little, so I went ahead and bought the 100 shard pack. Her speed is just too good to pass up.

I play pretty casually though. Not even at the point where I care about team synergies and shit beyond putting Medphyll as the lead for the shield and healing.

I have seen quite a few "deleted" posts courtesy of 4chanx in some company wars threads regarding movies using certain words that rhyme with truck, so some (just some) crap is getting culled under global rule 3.

The staggering levels of pleb/patrician elitism are pretty wearing, it's like Sup Forums in that respect.


>Comet (but not the weird Comet)
No comet then

>I mean he was there for couple episodes right?
There were two versions for 3 episodes or so total.
And both sucked.

raising them right

I haven't gotten into an opera flamewar in a long time, no energy

He is in Action, yes.

also he has a mace so I'm guessing that's why the kid likes him. He hits people with his mace.

This is like the only place I know where people get called out for unironic characterfaggotry and people discuss/post about indie, alternative and Euroshit. As garbage as it is, there's no alternative that I know of.

>Grant Morrison's Kathmandu trip

Oh yeah, toys are always an avenue. I did a double-take when I saw a 90s hook-hand Aquaman toy on supermarket shelves a year or two ago.


Yeah but I'd rather have that than people accepting everyone's taste as equal blindly.

Yeah I've only seen vague references but like damn, what the shit

Precisely my point. If I have to deal with having every slur known to human language tossed at me, y'all can deal with a bit of criticism.

I'd leave, but then I couldn't hang out with you lot. And at this point, I don't even care if the rest of the board sees us as SJW hipsters, at least we actually read comic books.


People also dug up a barely looked at comic from 2015 because the word "gamergate" was used

I'd leave but storytiming has become meditative.

Otherwise I wouldn't be storytimimng Grendel this week.

>somewhere DC writers don't frequent?

I think I actually would prefer that on Sup Forums than what it has been lately, honestly.

You know, several years ago I completely stopped following anything involving video games, unfollowed all the gaming people, etc. because it was just CONSTANT drama, every single tiny thing that happened would create a huge uproar, then there would be an uproar over the uproar, and everyone would feel the need to chime in with their opinion on every site and write awful blogposts that would throw more fuel on the fire and it was just exhausting.

I feel like comics discussion has just become that now.