Sana Amanat is going to be fired from Marvel as the sacrificial lamb Rich Johnston mentioned being terminated from...

Sana Amanat is going to be fired from Marvel as the sacrificial lamb Rich Johnston mentioned being terminated from Marvel to appease the Mouse and fans.

The termination will be sugar-coated and presented as "mutual departure" (complete with golden parachute severance package) but it's a firing designed mainly to punish her for running Marvel into the ground with her bullshit diversity crap.

Her being fired comes off of a bit of Game of Thrones level jockying to find a sacrificial lamb. Sana wanted David Gabriel to be fired for daring to speak the obvious (minority books don't sell) but Ike intervened and demanded Sana's head be offered up.

Ike and Sana don't like each other at all, both over politics and what he feels was her poisoning the well regarding the Inhumans. Ike believes that had Sana not killed sales by replacing all of the white heroes with minorities, then Marvel would be making enough money to allow Ike to continue to push the Inhumans over the X-Men.

Sana's going to be fired and current plans are to promote Bendis to her position; another sacrificial offering, since Bendis would be removed from the day to day and be handcuffed by Ike and the suits, since after Sana's antics, whoever replaces her will have a fraction of the power she did.

So yeah, Sana's going to be fired. And while everyone involved will be lying through their teeth when it gets publicly announced, she was fired for ruining the company. And more to the point, is going to walk away with a rather large pound of flesh in terms of bribe money to keep her from launching jihad against Marvel for kicking her and all of her evil works, to the curb.

Praise Jesus.........

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my uncle works at marvel and can confirm this

I believe every word this man says completely and harbor no doubts or disbelief in his statements.

I'm Stan Lee and this is true

Shut the fuck up, Jesse.

Who is she and why should I care she's being fired?
Also not reading that wall of text

I wish people would pay me huge sums of money to fuck off

Thank you, brave insider, for bringing these bulletins from behind enemy lines.

So at least one God does exist...

Shes an editor, which believe it or not Marvel has those

Sana gave me Kamala and I want to fuck her so I don't dislike her at all.

Nice fanfic OP

For real, ruining Marvel/DC AND getting paid for it? Sign me up

I wish.

> I post unsourced info for (You)s and use first names to sound like I'm in on things also I don't know how tenses work in English

So it will be OK to be a white, straight, crhistian male, again?

Alex Jones levels of reporting here so it must be true.

I fired here because she was shit and wouldnt do my OC commission

They fire people at Marvel?

I'll believe it when I see it.

It's the exact same guy who writes these "rumors"

Do you actually read her run? Have you read the latest issue? Is this just a fetish or do you genuinely believe she's a well written character?

If true it would be a step in the right direction, but firing Amanat is meaningless without firing Alonso. He's the real fuck-up here, Amanat is just a consequence of his fuck-ups.

She is the current editor for Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and Captain Marvel

She was the editor on Daredevil, Groot, Rocket Racoon, Elektra, New Warriors, Venom, Avengers Assemble, and the Ultimate line from 2009-2013

So Rich throwing out BS to see what sticks?

Also same guy posting these rumors:

jesus fucking christ OP you're a sad little faggot and not the cool Freddy Mercury kind

I'm Nintendo and so is my uncle and this is true.

I shouldn't have giggled and yet here we are

More by the "Insider":

At least OP is being entertaining with his bullshit. What the hell have you contributed to Sup Forums except being a little bitch who can't stand people having a little fun LARPing in the face of Marvel being run out of business?

Hi OP!

Calm down OP. No need to be such a little bitch.

She doesn't have a run because she doesn't write the comic. She just helped create the character.

The guy probably is a Marvel zombie who thinks the company is doing great and wants to kill off the stupid white people who rightfully refuse to support the company's racist crap....

>What the hell have you contributed to Sup Forums
You get back to me when you post a shop that blew up into this

But no, you keep shitposting pipe dreams.

OP, why do you keep responding to your own posts in order to defend them? People can see it's written by the same guy.

He got one of his made-up rumors on Bleeding Cool, does that count? Forums-fan-fic/

Damn, that sauce really confirmed what may have been a unsolicited postulation of our collective hopes and dreams.

>does that count?
He got one faggot to repost some words he typed.

I also built Kevin Stewart's career as a fashion designer by posting a meme about him exactly twice.

But seriously, good on you for catching a desperate blogger's attention. You must feel super important.

Oh, and that NTR "That's Amore" singalong on Sup Forums? IT WAS ME, BARRY

Anyone can shitpost, kid

Are we waggling our e-dicks around now? I posted the "wow argument fagtron" etc post. Glad my shitposting legacy is intact.

Why do these self righteous virtue signaling faggots feel its necessary to shove feminism into everything?

>Ultimate line from 2009-2013
Death is too good for this pig!

>wow argument fagtron

never heard of it
get on my level kid

she's the "creative director" of the company

she was the one that turned marvel into webcomic style

>Sana's going to be fired and current plans are to promote Bendis to her position; another sacrificial offering, since Bendis would be removed from the day to day and be handcuffed by Ike and the suits
So it's a win-win.

Explains the overblown milkshake bullshit.

If you're going to post unsubstantiated rumors, for fuck's sake, work on the image presentation. Unreadable red text and piss-poor grammar ("for nearly killed") are really fucking dumb mistakes, you aborted cumstain.

This would be a good move for Marvel, so it's clearly fake

Ms. Marvel hasn't sold well in over a year and no other book was remotely as popular, all her ideas have been basically failures
said at comic-con that she wanted to redesign Elektra
thats the last fucking straw

I'm your uncle, can confirm.


This isn't larping, you fucking idiot. Do you even know what that means?

Yeah, evidence please

>Putting Bendis in her position.

It would be even worse if you could believe that. Confirmed troll.

Sorry i misworded that. I'm talking about the character.

can someone post that collage of her

SSomeone post her twitter picture. You guys know the one.

Fake as hell. You do realize that if Marvel fires her, the media will come down on them with the fury of a Tsar atomic bomb. You saw how pissed and salty they were when David Gabriel suggested that diversity doesn't sell.

I think Bendis can find better artists and writers than Sana has.

Shitty little internet rags and twitter will get upset, and those places are only ever frequented by the very people who would complain and bitch.
The mainstream media is too busy being perpetually ass blasted about whatever Donald Trump and his cabinet is doing in any given week to worry about a comic book company firing some nobody.
Normies don't know shit about people in charge of comic books, nor do they give a shit.

Bendis has an eye for artists
who are his writing protegees though?

It's actually not that bad. Marvel has fired another muslim before. That dude who put in that anti-Semitic stuff in that X-men comic, remember? Nobody really raged about that.

And if it's true that it'll be more like a mutual departure than an outright firing, then it's doubtful that it'll make the news on those shitty libtarded websites.

The mainstream media did report on those comments tho and they were treating it as if Gabriel said that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. The thing that will never not be funny is that he was framing the audience as guilty for not wanting to buy the diverse comics and blaming them, but because in this day and age, where emotions lead to people misinterpreting other people's words if they get triggered, its no surprise everyone was butthurt about his comment.

Except the reason why they fired Ardian "Kaffir Killin Kommando" Syaf was because he was inserting anti-Semitic and anti-Christian propaganda in his comics and he made himself no favors by admitting the intention. He was given the boot because that shit was too toxic for Marvel to ignore.

Will she go out with a bang?

Not if she was given a big enough severance package.

>in this day and age, where emotions lead to people misinterpreting other people's words if they get triggered, its no surprise everyone was butthurt about his comment.
More like they read the clickbait headline and made their conclusions from that without reading the article, including half of Sup Forums.

someone could post their screencap


Not gonna happen, Shakira law for Marvel now! kill Ike Insha'Allah!

>Can't even be bothered to read the OP
Do you usually go into a thread blind like this?

Ike isn't the ceo of Marvel anymore.

>Shakira law

>if the hips lie, you must die

you all laughed when Joe Quesada left, well whos laughing now morons

Why does Quesada get so much hate? Did his run at marvel ever get this bad?


he was behind one more day
one 4 part crossover that hurt some spiderfags feelings,
he did alot for marvel in his tenner, but the most he bring his politics to work and turn marvel in to a dumpster fire that it is now

dint bring his politics
sorry wording wrong

Can we go back to measuring our e-peens?
Because someone asked about Cosmic Marvel reading order a few years back, in the middle of WoK, I wrote everything down, and after a few updates and upgrades by other people it became that bigass rec chart.
And I still haven't read that Thanos maxiseries.

I really like Quesda tenure. One more day aside he brought a lot of quality things Punisher max the greatest run of Daredevil creators the early Ultimate line

source: my ass

does this mean if it happens we have to take your ass seriously as a source of comic rumours?

can you ask your ass if we will get a great X-Men run in the next few years?

>promote Bendis to her position
Cool fanfic bro, Bendis has stated he has no intention of being an editor because he'd have to learn new things. At this point in his life he just wants to write until Marvel pays him to not-write like they do with Claremont.

Quesada was at his best when Jemas was there overseeing everything. When Jemas was thrown out, there was a change for the worse (in particular, the return of the annual event)

bendis writes
wow that one way to put it

To be honest, Claremont told multiple times that he keeps pitching books, one of them was a revival of Excalibur with Alan Davis, bur Marvel refused saying they were to expensive.
Claremont also told that if it wasn't for his contract, he would've go to DC to write Justice League Internacional

Who would fire this babe? Just demote her to sex slave.

>it's a Marvel insider story
>nobody is acting deluded

Quesada basicly set Marvels decline in motion
>OMD halted Spidey's character progression and become so hated it ate away about 50% of ASM's average sales, the book has not recovered to this day
>continues to shit on people that call out his shit
>was being a total douche to DC writers and now the company wont do anymore crossovers while hes still employed at Marvel
>Put Civil War out, wich sold so well that he started Marvel's event craze
>let Loeb loose on the Ultimate Universe with no restraints
>put Bendis in charge of the Avengers

>comic media
As if that would influence anything.

Because we desperately want it to be true.

If you're going to samefag, you should really put more effort into hiding your writing mannerisms.

>while hes still employed at Marvel
He hasn't been at Marvel for quite some time, son. I would even say the company's been worse since he left but I don't wanna get into a conversation with autistic spidershitters.

Quesada is still the chief creative officer.

Wait, marvels going out of business? Is there an article discussing this anywhere?

>she will never be in your harem

We'll never get a great x-men run again until they ease up on the hates and fears us shit.

It should be a theme, like power and responsibility in spider-man, not the fucking text 100% 24 hours a day and turning it into that is the real rot in the franchise under all the dross. I mean that and turning the X-Men into the fucking Brotherhood.