Will it be Comic-Kino?

Will it be Comic-Kino?

Every day my hopes for humanity die a little more.


Oh god is this real

I going to like it.

It is indeed


Who's the creative team

I'm getting a Marville vibe from this.

>Marvel announcing creative teams, rather than just posting covers and assuming everyone will get excited
What are you, new?

...Is that a Cho reference?

What the actual fuck is going on?

Is that a Cho Cho reference

Why are they doing Kamen Rider poses? What's the joke there?

I thought Forbush Man died in that Deadpool mini a while back?

I think it's a black person meme


I'm going to venture a guess that it'll be an anthology book with a bunch of different creative teams doing really short gag stories, like all of Marvel's Not Brand Echh-style books.

>a Gwen screaming OUTRAGE(ous)! from a white void
What do you think?

Forbush Man deserves better than this.

Could somebody please explain what the fuck I'm looking at? What is this?

>Who SAYS a comic has to be good??

Marvel's current modus operandi

A parody comics. Marvel used to publish Not Brand Ecch in late 60s, where writers were making fun of current trends, one of features was about Dr Strange clone in West Side Story rip-off. Brand Ecch used to be a nickname for DC, to avoid copyright.
What the--? series is a sequel...kinda.

He came back at the end along with everyone else slaughtered in it.

Dabbing is outdated now, imagine how out of touch it'll look when its on sale.

Oh. Might be neat but I am not holding out hope.

>Who SAYS a comic has to be GOOD?


What fresh hell is this?

This look great and I hope they rip into everything shit about marvel trends today

If they put Hastings or Duggan (aka people who actually know how humor books work) on it? Can be great.
That's an old tag line of NBE. Since the 60s.


forbush man, the greatest character Marvel has. It's like a PG version of Six-pack from DC.

>literal meme comic

Marvel is still making BvS jokes and they came out with a series referencing the Occupy Movement years after it lost any semblance of relevance. Never be surpised with their capacity to be out of touch with modern times or struggles to connect with current trends.

It's probably just going to be an anthology book with a bunch of short stories since that's how Marvel usually handles these books. Like always, it'll be mostly boring with some bad and some good. At the very least, these types of comics always produce at least one page/panel/story that justify it.

Secret Wars Too had Doom telling Hickman to kill himself. Marvel NOW What? had the High Evolutionary predicting a bunch of future events. I forget which one the "what if Black Panther was white" story. Shame Itself, maybe? Gwenpool Holiday Special #2 had "It's times like these that I wish Hitler was still alive. That guy always knew how to cheer me up. God, I miss him everyday."

Huh, I just realised that the Hydra symbol on Captain America's chest is the one that Brett Dalton designed. Neat.

That Red Skull story was gold.

>Marvel is still making BvS jokes

Everybody is. It's hard to forget

Smells like newfag in this thread

He's not wrong.