ITT: Pick a title and make your own Marvel Legacy story

ITT: Pick a title and make your own Marvel Legacy story

We keep talking about how shit this will be but what are some ideas that would truly bring a character's legacy back? Like reuniting the F4 or retconning OMD.

Basically Marvel Rebirth.

>X-Men Blue
Beast is a decent fucking person with basic morals and ethics and a nice personality.

>Beast is a decent fucking person with basic morals and ethics and a nice personality.
Never gonna happpen. Ever.

Damn that 90s X-Men cartoon for making me like Beast.

Nice spoiler for Black Bolt, you twats.

>Fantastic three

Red dinosaur should count as a 4


Someone recreated ulitmate universe.

It was all a dream, and america was taking some drugs

>Weapon X
Wolverine hulk got the brain bits of bruce banner.

>Return of the Purple Man
How is he a threat anymore? Cage's had nanites to clock his shit since Cage's Thunderbolts. I assume everyone else in Cage's family also has them.

>Marvel THEN!

>eight years later
I hope teen Annie isn't a shit. On the brightside interested see how they'll use Shine and Normie.

>incredible hulk

Cho will be returning a rebirth version of shaar home. And shaar going think he is invading his home.


Jane foster will be ulitmate thor.

>X-men Gold

>After witnessing the new generation rally to fight off a surprise Brood invasion and remembering her own past, Kitty Pryde realizes that the next generation of mutants they have been trying to protect are no longer children that need to be protected and using her experience leads them to protect a world that fears and hates them

It's amazing just how much they managed to destroy his character in less than a decade.

It really hurts

>Generation X
Kids have fun adventures

>Jessica Jones
just solves interesting mysteries

not written by Waid

He's going to appear in Uncanny Avengers with Wonder Man, he might get better again

Im broken to the point where I don't even care anymore honestly. I have plenty of comics and cartoons to read and reread. Marvel can basically stop existing for all I care.

Wait what? are they doing the thing dc did with the numberings on action and detective but for the entire line?


I'm getting there

Iso and Ahura run against each other for Attilan

>Black Bolt
BB finds an enemy he can go all out against

>iron fist
Bring back the immortal weapons and figure out if Pei is canon

>Secret warriors
drop moon girl expand the team with non inhumans