Who would you cast Aiden Gillen as in the MCU Sup Forums?

Who would you cast Aiden Gillen as in the MCU Sup Forums?


Green Goblin

As an unambiguously nice character. He's played too many assholes like Carcetti, CIA, and Littlefinger, that it'd be refreshing to see him play a genuine good person.

Nick Fury. Before he was SHIELD, he was CIA.

Iron man since RDJ wants out


Not MCU, but Black Tom Cassidy in the X-Verse,


He'd be a great Dr. Strange.

Who would you cast as Juggernaught for top tier chemistry?

Since he can't be Doctor Strange, Clay Quartermain purely for the meme.

norman osborn

hes got a liking to jailbait redheads anyway

Richard Parker, Agent of SHIELD

100 years from now when all the other memes disappear beneath the sands of time people will still remember the legend of Aiden Gillen and Tom Hardy and their epic love story.

Black Widow's old boss from the KGB.

kek I would fucking love CIA as Osborn, that would be a blast

He'd been a good Stark

Have him really emphasize the misdirection aspect of the character.

Kino prequel of CIA betraying the KGB when.

Rich Piana of course.

He's a genuinely bad actor.

The fact that you're asking the question tels me you already know.

I feel like he could pull off nice sociopath Norman like Ultimate


Brock Lesnar was born to play the Juggernaut.

Can he pull off the Oshair?
Can anyone?

I feel like at this point Baneposting is Sup Forums's greatest meme, finally surpassing Pool's Closed.

Tom Hardy of course.

I'm convinced you have to have some negro in you to rock the Osborn hair

Nah, It was fairly common in the old days to style it that way.

>the fantastic four will never be at MCU

life is suffering, specially because we can't put them as a stabilised super hero team in the current world, and a teen ff would suck a lot

pls consider your life choices

Eh, I think Cranston could pull it off.

I always thought it was supposed to be some weird ass cornrows


>Can anyone?



these could work

The real Mandarin


sooner or later, Hollywood is gonna try to do an action movie with those two, and the meme magic will increase tenfold.

For you


MCU already has a CIA

Yea, because Batista was totally a big mistake.

