TOKKA .... I dont hate Suki, in fact Im ok with here getting FIRED if that give him option to finally get Toph and in the future Suyin


Sokka doesn't know that Suki
And me do it in my throne room every Sunday
She tells him she's in the dojo but
She doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and
Sokka doesn't know
Oh Sokka doesn't know-oh
So don't tell Sokka
Sokka doesn't know
Sokka doesn't know

Suki says she's out shoppin'
But she's under me
And I'm not stoppin' 'cause
Sokka doesn't know
Sokka doesn't know
Sokka doesn't know
Sokka doesn't know
So don't tell Sokka
Sokka doesn't know-oh

I can't believe he's so trustin',
While I'm right behind you thrustin'
Suki's got him on the phone
And she's tryin' not to moan
It's a three way call
And he knows nothin', nothin'
Sokka doesn't know
Sokka doesn't know
Sokka doesn't know
Don't tell Sokka 'cause
Sokka doesn't know-oh

>the comics have apparently ended
>don't know if maiko got back together or what there is, if anything, to suki and zuko
>azula is still running around playing naruto

Did the sales suddenly tank or something?

No. Lesbian shipping is just more important than resolving plot threads now.

But these are two different comic series being made by different people.

The money that funds them still comes from the same place.
Besides, if people are reading this, that's time they aren't spending reading about lesbians.

And the lesbian comic is more important to all parties. No Avatar comic can be aloud to be more popular then the lesbian one, so they necked the non-gay one.

Magic Kung Fu is not what Avatar is about anymore.

You know, all those years ago when people were shipping Asami and Korra and drawing all that sexy fanart of them doing BDSM stuff and maid play...
I never thought the she would actually happen.

And when it did, it was nowhere near as fun as what the fandom portrayed.

Korra and Asami are proof that lesbian shipping is a mistake, because when you actually do get it, it sucks.

I regret all those past loads I spilled to Korrasami porn.

Lesbian sex is boring as sin. Unless it's depicted by a man


>You know, all those years ago when people were shipping Asami and Korra and drawing all that sexy fanart of them doing BDSM stuff and maid play...
>I never thought the she would actually happen.
>And when it did, it was nowhere near as fun as what the fandom portrayed.
Just like any other fetish fantasy. The reality is never as good as the dream.

Nah, Dark Horse announced more ATLA comics coming eventually, but nothing said for Korea.

>More ATLA comics
I wonder who they're going to retcon into being gay next.

both characters holding hads for one second and then one mean tweet from the showrunner?
well be careful with what you wish for i guess

>He hasn't been readin Turf Wars

how much yassss queen we talkin here

There's a thread up now, go have a read and die a little inside.

my god

The funny thing is that, at the current pont of the comics, Suki has been Zuko's shadow for like, ten times longer than any time spent with Sokka.

Wasn't there a full blown autistic theory post showing all the similar physical characteristics between suyin and sokka?

>Magic Kung Fu is not what Avatar is about anymore.
It's not like the Avatar comics proper have a whole lot of that, either.

But I would like to see them continue, just for closure's sake. Will Toph manage to teach her students how to 3D print with bending? Will Azula hatch some dastardly scheme to force Zuko into raising taxes? Will Ursa continue being a bad parent? Oh, the thrills!

I dont remember one of Suyin and Sokka, usually theory chooses to use her children to link him as the father, Baatar is basically older Sokka

and Huan being a horrible artist, just like Sokka

The show has a sameface issue anyway. Not as bad as an actual anime but the influence definitely shows. Using facial resemblance as a proof of anything is idiotic. That said I have no strong opinion on the theory one way or the other, but the "proof" is stupid.

This series is going to end with Sokka completely alone isn't it.

At the end of the day, he'll be the only guy who could say he fucked the moon

Well Suyin is also brown while most earthbenders have light skin

Well that's what was shown in Korra, no kids and living in Republic City instead of taking care of his Tribe.

Frankly, with their latest streak, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Bryke decided to retcon Sokka into being gay. The fangirls would probably explode in joy.

He fucks Toph.

Oh god they totally would wouldn't they? Thank goodness Yang's writing this shit instead of Bryke, even if he is shoving his crackship in.

>Implying the crackship isn't the best part

Also we're not really safe at all, You saw all the shit about homophobe Sozin and bisexual Kiyoshi, and all that came from a Korra comic. Bryke only needs the idea of "what would be more tolerant than making one of the original Gaang a raging homosexual? He's the only one without kids so it fits like a glove!"

where did we go so wrong famalam

When the Third writer of ATLA left and there was no one left to temper Bryke's Autism and filter their good ideas from the bad ones.

How is making a world in which any prejudices weren't even implied before so people could assume they don't exist, and with different cultures from ours suddenly homophobic progressive anyway? The main religion which is the most against it is Christianity and religions with similar source, I've never heard of Asian cultures to be particularly intolerant in the past even if it wasn't considered the norm, and some cultures like Greeks didn't really care. So they made all gays in the world homophobic just so they can show support to the poor oppressed avatar and her girlfriend, how PC.

>they made all gays in the world homophobic
This is what happens when I try to write two sentences at once. They made all the nations homophobic, not gays. Though that would at least be funny.