In A Heartbeat

What do you think, Sup Forums?

leftist propaganda

ok, so, without watching this fucking trailer and knowing what i know about this:

why does it have all those awards?
is it because its GAY CHILDREN IN LOVE?

because that is wrong and all of those awards should be taken away and all the people who made this put in jail for life

this is SICK


The Christian Taliban at its finest. :^)

It's certainly a adorable idea and I do think that it actually pulls off the premise quite well without it feeling like it's saying "OMG look at us we're doing a gay couple! We're special! LOVE US!" It's just exists to create a cute, funny and quirky little cartoon about a romance without feeling forced, especially for such a short cartoon. I personally liked it.

Well that was pretty cute
Altough, it felt awkward. Their first meeting was the red haired one accidentally assaulting his crush. If i was him i would be freaked the fuck out and run away calling for help. I know with these short films its all symbolic and the message is more important than the logic, but i cant help myself.
I also think that the awards given to it are overblowing it. Its a cute short, but its not THAT good, and if it was about a boy and a girl it wouldnt be as recognized. I would still like it regardless,but what are you going to do.
If people really want homosexuals to be treated rightfully they should stop praising something just because its gay, and accept homosexuals as part of the status quo. By praising gay stuff for superficial reasons they are only making the industry create a shallow view of it, so that next time they incorporate gay characters just to sell. Power rangers did this and so did beauty and the beast. To me those representations are offensive to gay people because it treats them like idiots. This short doesnt do that, which i like, but the critics do.
I fear for a day when a straight male will make a great piece of art and be swept under the rug by a mediocre work from a lesbian. I hope those days don't come and we can all agree when something good and when something sucks, regardless if its gay or not.

Well it looks really good for a student's film bu that's it
the love story is just as bland as the pink/blue umbrella and volcano shit from pixar but this one apparently is so much fucking better because it has the gays

> why does it have all those awards?
> is it because GAY CHILDREN IN LOVE?

Pretty much. If it were a straight couple we wouldn't have this thread because no one would care.

2003 called, it wants its false dichotomy back

> I fear for a day when a straight male will make a great piece of art and be swept under the rug by a mediocre work from a lesbian

This is already happening. If you're going to dread that day, dread today.

summerreddit plz leave

wasnt anything special but hey romance movies are cute even if they are really gay

user I dunno if you know this but plenty shows have romance between kids. it's nothing new

Pretty gay
I liked it desu


looks kinda gay desu

I'd freak the fuck out if a stranger held my hand out of the blue.
The film is bland and artificial.

tip sent to the feds =^0

> Hi guys I'm a faggot
> Oh no they don't like my big gay movie
> I know I'll call them redditors
> That'll really show e'm
> *molests a child*

It does nothing for me. I'm fujoshit so I thought I might like it but it feels really bland.
I wonder if hearts popping out are normal in this universe? Seems like it is because the classmates were more disgusted at the gay rather than weirded out by the heart. If hearts popping out are normal than why hasn't this happened before, this redhead has had a crush on him, he's probably spied on him before, wouldn't his heart have chased him?

Degenerate shit

it was pretty gay

as a fujoshit you should be used to your gay romances making no sense at all

also the heart is a fucking dick for pretty much forcing the boys to come out as gay in front of all those classmates

how noble of you to turn yourself in like that

There will be rule 34.

>short animated movie about school children in love
>no sex or even heavy petting
If not a member of the Christian Taliban, maybe stop sharing their sentiments and opinions.

over-reactive b8

Why you gotta ruin this for me user

If porn was going to happen at all, it would have happened by now.

>This is already happening a work thats being swept under the rug for gay shit

Ever heard of bacha bazi? Moral police are a resort when it's already too late but castrating perverts is something I think most are for.

I'm gay, but it's a terrible message forced by most gays who want you to come out regardless of what you want. I'm not in the closet but it's still a shitty sentiment. People should come out when they want and there are a number of factors where it's not smart to do.

No I only drop stuff when it stops making sense in universe. I also drop fanfictions the moment the characters stop being in-character
And the sickos on Tumblr are gonna be the ones to do it because underage is only bad if it's female.

They're from California, it's not surprising that they think coming out isn't that big of a deal
speaking as someone who's also from California and whose coming out wasn't that big of a deal of course

> If you don't think the constant pushing of homosexuality is a good thing you're literally a terrorist

t. a faggot

Post pics or GTFO

>if you think a portrayal of gay school children should land the creators in jail, you're literally the Christian Taliban.

nah, they go after shota too
a popular tadahiro comic got bawwleted because of it

it IS okay if it's a coping mechanism apparently.

It's still bullshit. If someone wants to do that's okay but if they don't then let them be don't fucking be an asshole about it.

I don't, though. What I did agree with was that it's pretty much only getting so much attention and praise (as well as condemnation) because of the gay children

looks like a propaganda piece made by out of touch leftist kids fresh out of college approved by out of touch leftists.

who reads books on paper any more? more importantly they act like girls, not even flamers act like this, any upstanding homofaggot knows these two would have met up behind the bushes or in the bathroom, or at one of their houses to "play video games" and then traded bj's. frufru soppy 2qt shit only happens after fucking + sucking

You missed my point then. Fair enough.
Unlike the user, on whose post I commented, I just don't believe making that short should land people in jail.
It's a harmless little animation. Shouting pedo and jail is just ridiculous, so I called it out.

>it's the best thing ever cause it's gay

when will gay creators finally realise being gay isn't a taboo anymore and make content with actual substance?

armor eric

Probably around the same time as discrimination against gays stop, and there are no more countries in which being gay carries a death penalty or life in prison sentence.

It was made by a straight couple actually

I'd drop it in a heartbeat if you know what I mean.

Just looked it up to rate on IMDB. The redheads name is Sherwin.
What a stupid name. It's fine as a last name but as a first name uggh.

Maybe his last name is Williams and Scotch Blue is his tape

once they stop pushing gay in my face like it IS taboo and will get them killed by a firing squad in the 1950s

Those shitholes aren't a demographic anyway

yeah you can see from miles that the people that did this short have no fucking idea what is to be homosexual

I need to know. What is with homos and having the sides of their head shaved short?

Indeed they are not democracies, but that doesn't stop them from being close allies of the Western World, like Saudi-Arabia to name one of the grosser ones, and maybe that should factor in, when policies are being made.
Fun fact: Saudi-Arabia also executes people for sorcery, and atheists are automatically labeled as terrorists, because muh Islam.

>do animation about two cute boys falling in love

>the twist was one was actually a grill all along

>the boy is happy with this and actually somewhat reassured

>lgbt gets triggered and we get a cute reverse-trap in the process

I'd be okay with this because the boy would still be bisexual, so joke's on you

>The word leftist being tossed around in this thread a lot

Did I accidentally enter a Sup Forums thread?

>same time as discrimination against gays stop
not on my watch homo

Oh wow. Gay shit again. When can you white people stop doing disgusting shit. What's next? Animating them fucking each other in their poop hole? Disgusting all of you.

at the place I live literally 95% of guys have that haircut
men are insecure faggots afraid of individuality

I've been asking that for a decade. gay media fucking sucks.

What the fuck is wrong with white people and gay shit

What would you call a group of people that dedicate hundreds of man hours to create an animated film about two gay children, just for the sake of them being gay and no other reason?

>no extra scenes at the end
Why bother watching it?

I hope so, can't wait for the sequel

>being gay isn't a taboo
literally false

Gay as shit.

At least it aint lesbians this time

>hundreds of man
that sounds gay

this would've made it literally 10 times better

oh shut the fuck up I'm talking about the western entertainment industry, not some oppressed country

I can't name any works being ignored in favor of gay works, you have me there.

But I can name a few gay works that are getting undue praise simply for having gay content aside from this one. Speaking as someone who likes Steven Universe, I doubt it would get half the praise it gets without having canonical lesbians and constantly ship-teasing

Butter Lover?

Well at least it would still make sense if one of them was a girl.

Lesbians are at least hot

In fiction, at least. Real ones usually look like cows and smell like them, too

fuck you

It was cute

Since when do any mated student shorts get trailers and media attention?
Seems to me like hit shilled garbage presumably pushed by some nespotic jew trying to get her barbers cousin butcher into Disney
Pute trash

your precious western media is influenced by those countries, just look at pic related for an example you moron

>It had to be white males again
God i hate white man. They try to tackle an important issue and what you get is again a total white cast.
They had the chance to add a single person of colour but nooo.
God forbid being sensible

It was cute.

Not a whole lot else, but the animation was smooth and the characters were...well, cute. Reminds me of that paper short disney released a while back, except gay.

no one wants to focus on a black or hispanic dude because then you'd have to pretend being gay wouldn't result in abuse.

Wait, that's the whole cartoon? That's what they were gathering money for? That's a fucking scam.

i bet the writers are white males too!

are you blind? it's a brown boy and a ginger without a soul

No that's just a white boi with a tan

>it's a brown boy
Whitewashing is it
You don't have a person of colour by just makeing the skin a little bit more tanned

Nice blog post
You should congratulate yourself, I know you have been meaning to start a blog for a while
Well today is the day that you finally went ahead and made your own blog fucking here in 4 chan
That took some fucking courage
You should celebrate, maybe order some pizza and he'll let's go crazy and open a bottle of wine what the hell, you need some stories for your next blog post

> They don't even kiss or cuddle

If I were gay I'd feel ripped off too

It's just one of those rare diseases that only gay people get like aids

>no snu snu

> three sentences
> blog post
> Makes a blog post to criticize a "blog post"

Neck yourself

It's the industry. These things are expensive, ignore the writing because it's not good. The technical level is extremely good.

Is it an STD?

Does that mean ginger-nuts dipped his ginger-nuts into the wrong hole already?

friendly reminder these character cannot have other ears and eyes because it's company's watermark.


>I was worried that I might be gay, but now I know you were a girl all along I realise I wasn't, what a relief

Woha there don't go crazy with names it was a four minute long short not a film
Everyone knows films have real people acting, there hasn't been any animated film save for snow White and who framed Roger rabit

>falling in love with what is perceived to be a boy
>not gay
sounds like the same denial as "traps aren't gay" user

Well gay people are too busy having gindr sex with strangers to learn animation


Oh , Korra, so over dramatic. First your dad, and now Sup Forums


It was cute. Unfortunately people on both sides are making a big deal out of it.