So Constantine. I just read through both Swamp Thing and Sandman and this British man was pretty cool in both...

So Constantine. I just read through both Swamp Thing and Sandman and this British man was pretty cool in both. What's up with him and how are his solo's?

They range from mind shattering to meh.
But the endings gonna suck for both of you.

trv/ has a magnet link of it open in a thread i think.

Read the Hellblazer from the late 1980s onward. It has ups and downs, and a bad ending, but a lot of the series (300 issues) is good.

Any Sup Forums recommended runs?

It's pretty good.
especially the arc endings.

Is the Rebirth any good?

How is the show? I know that for some reason an average of 4 million viewers a week wasn't enough for NBC. I wonder why the CW didn't pick it up.

I feel behind on the rebirth but what little I have read so far was good but not as good as the old stuff.
Dcyou was also great but not as good as the old stuff, the ending was probably my favorite Constantine con.
New52 was fucking terrible outside of a few moments.

Read Hellblazer from issue #1 to #300.

Avoid the New 52 series. You're safe, and probably better off ignoring the DCU series.
The Rebirth series is a bit closer, but still very toned down from the Vertigo.

Read Gaiman's Books of Magic mini, and if you liked Tim, read the series, John shows up occasionally as a big brother figure to Tim.

Watch the NBC series and join the suffering in knowing it got canceled.
The Keanu movie was fine in it's own right, but it wasn't Hellblazer.

>Avoid the New 52 series
>better off ignoring the DCU series.

No, 90s everything is shit. Read Rebirth instead. Johns saved him with Rebirth.

I don't actually recommend reading Hellblazer (Constantine's comic book). John is fine in moderation.

When you marathon his books you get right sick of him and his cycle of addiction and meanness. Everyone mad at John is right.

I recommend you just read until you get to the finger scene. You'll know it when you see it.

It's OK. It felt like a Supernatural knockoff.

Supernatural is a Hellblazer knockoff!

It was really watered down

And also the show had a massive budget, so even the 4 million viewers wasn't enough for NBC

I'm kind of glad CW didn't pick it up though. It would have been watered down even more than it was on NBC with more forced love triangle drama ala Arrow. They were barely brave enough to show John smoking on NBC, I can't believe CW would dare even allude to it.

All of them in order until it starts to suck. And Books of Magic.

>forced love triangle drama
If it leads up to Fear Machine, that wouldn't be so bad.

This is basically correct. I'd say you could stand to skip Milligan's run as well.

He appears as a supporting character in Mob Psycho 100.

I'd say stop reading at issue 250 and skip most of Azzarello's run, except for the "Freezes over" arc

Azz had a pretty divisive run though, so they might actually enjoy it, for that reason I wouldn't recommend skipping it

it wasn't BAD but I found it boring, which isn't something Constantine should be
Also read The Trenchcoat Brigade. It's kinda silly cause the concept is just having all the trenchcoat magic people team up, but it's good

>but it's good
Because they're a group of badasses with significantly different powers and personalities.
And it's odd to see Constantine defer to someone.


god damn that is some fine (near)pointalism art. And that colouring is fantastic. I need to buy this book. read it by download but I want to own it

It really is fantastic. Every issue had a different artist, but they all brought their A-game

does it amazing anyone else how Gaiman just lied his way into DC and then became one of the only people who hold veto power over his own creations? Anyone who writes his books characters has to be passed by him for approval before published, this includes Timothy Hunter. The guy lies straight to DC, publishes a mediocre book or two, and then launches into Sandman and somehow negotiated a contract that gave him full creative control over everything he invents. Then admits to lieing to them and continues to hold a lot of sway.

First off, lied about what?
Secondly, everyone contacts him first out of respect, not contractual obligation.

I think rebirth Constantine is trash

>I have to confess that I lied appallingly. I listed all the people I'd like to write for, figuring that there was no way this editor was going to ring up every other editor in the world and say, "Has this guy ever written for you?"