Comic strips that speak the truth

Comic strips that speak the truth.

Just ignore it and move along.

expecting a good thread.

literally everyone ever should kill theirselves. Regardless of this comic existing.


yes and no.

>men: i have an opinion on something i don't know anything about
>women: allow me to correct you on this subject with anecdotal evidence
>men: fucking sjws

>women: i have an opinion on something i don't know anything about
>men: allow me to annotate this with a correction and to stop spread of false information
>women: stop mansplaining

i hate both sides and everyone should die


>read comics like the OP
>have had it nailed into my head that girls have high standards, so focus on getting swole and building a career
>fat sweaty hairy Italian looking dude with Congo hair, unemployed virgin at 20

>but this cute white blonde blue eyed cashier at the local supermarket has been giving me attention, asking about my personal life and if I'm up to anything, only recently found out she's going to college when this whole time I thought she was underage and I was trying to avoid her

It's like... I set myself up to be a hermit for the next ten years and suddenly a fucking Stacy is after my broke ugly ass, what the fuck? It's like I'm living in a twilight zone reality compared to these comics with women and men bitching at eachother

Is this really trying to claim fujoshit didn't exist in 1998? Because nigga, I remember Cardcaptor Sakura.

These people don't really get out in the real world much, do they? Sure you run into this here and there, but for the most part, the average person doesn't think or act like the author OR her strawmen.

Once you're out of college/your twenties, no one cares about this shit.

Where's the unedited version?

She's only trying to be friendly user. Don't over think it before you appear on breaking news for something.

You gotta admit it's certainly more prevalent now.

>Immediately thinks of the merchant and Ben Garrison when facing this request
I don't have It, but in the original the guy only replied with the Celtic Cross

because it's

>promoting homosexual positivity

the penis size edit is better

I hope so. She looks like a fucking 12 year old. I don't wanna go to jail, man.

It's a person who clearly has either never watched anime and just jumps to assumptions or had only seen a very small amount and assumed that was the majority.

And the first part is completely true though, the vast majority of consumers of anime are men, and thats why the vast majority of anime is aimed to appeal to men, so I don't know why she's supposed to be getting mad at another countries industry.

Maybe she has a fetish for out of shape, gross men, there are girls like that.

It just that women can be so

Wait, remind me again which gender is the one that cries about "online harassment" every time someone says something even slightly negative?


This fellow is either a troll, or rather sheltered...

Serial killer

>tfw you're 25 but guys avoid you like the plague for this exact reason
>other bitches have called you "sweetie" and "little girl" in front of guys you were trying to hit on
>just want tall bf to help you reach stuff on the shelf

This. People need to realise they're capable of being just as irritating no matter what they are.

I don't give a shit if her fetish is my asshole, I don't wanna go to fucking jail for dating a chick that looks like a middle schooler

It's funny because now it's just placating the gay male audience.


The internet is littered with these types. The kind that are so weak and fragile that they feel like men are under attack and have to defend themselves.


She was a cashier. Being nice is part of her job.

You don't think anybody would be nice to you for free, right?

That's me

>what is overpopulation

The Middle East and Africa could use some of this propaganda.

Right. And I'm Adam West.

Who the hell is that girl with Marco and why did he dye his hair?

Being nice is one thing, asking me if I'm doing anything later is another thing entirely

Why is the dude goose-stepping away in the fourth panel with his eyes closed?

>Sweetie and little girl
Bitches make sure no one gets laid but them. It's like their superpower.

Friends say that one another all the time. That's how they get to hang out.

It's a bit of more prevalent now, but more so more readily available now.
1998 you had Toonami, and whatever schlock was at the Blockbuster. Now you got streaming, manga, stuff in theaters, etc.


Just dress more adult user.


Sort of same even down to the age but I don't really mind not dating anyone just that I mind the fact people wont even talk to me sometimes because they are worried about jailbait.

People can't fucking handle this one.

You won't go to jail for dating someone that looks young, just if they are young my dude. If she's in college she is at least 19, so you're clear.

guaranteed replies

>The kind that are so weak and fragile that they feel like men are under attack and have to defend themselves.
Change that to "people" and you're more correct. Both genders are like this. People in their 20's are extremely prone to having their egos fractured.

>Just dress more adult user.
not them but depending on one's situation this can just make you look like those pageant babies or a slutty middle-schooler.
middle-schooler kept trying to spellcheck as preschooler

Smoke a cigar and curse like a sailor.
You'll have to beat them off.

But I don't know her, she's not my friend, I just go to the store there and she's the one asking to hang out. Which Im not prepared to do anyway cause I thought women were supposed to hate hanging out with rando dudes, so I just walked away whole she looked at me frowning.

Why is she trying to befriend me? What does she want? Why is this happening? All I wanted was to buy some fresh chicken...

>These people don't really get out in the real world much, do they?
Nobody doesn't these days. It seems people are becoming more and more reclusive with each passing year; at least millennials are.

What is this? Is it a Sup Forums meme no one filled me in on?

>Womanlets BTFO

What I'm trying to say is that men are acting like women.

Ever consider that people like something because they enjoy it and not because they put some measure of personal worth toward liking it or because they personally identify with it?
Wow, crazy fucking idea, huh? It's almost like the author of that is projecting something fierce.

It was probably just a bet. Maybe she wanted to get a reaction from you, and if she saw you right now she'd probably be laughing and content with her own success.

I don't know about smoking one but I guess I could get a prop, also anything besides the word fuck is hard for me to say out loud.

>qt asking him put
>he actually walked away and left her hanging

Are you a brainlet?

Not him, but I have the same response.
>P-please stop talking to me

That's the problem, dressing adult shouldn't mean dressing like a ho.
Also y' it well.
You're overthinking it user.
Just do what I do, pretend you're absolutely unlovable, and that it's your natural state, and that since there's nothing you can do the lonliness doesn't bother you. But it does, it's eating away at the pit of your stomach and your pessimistic attitude has lead to a myopic view that alienates you from those that would befriend and love you.

Oh sweeties, this is a site for grownups, you should go back to club penguin and neopets before you see something you shouldn't :)

bro, on this board, there are people who are obviously utterly unhappy with comic books and cartoons and would probably be far better off trying something different
but nope! they gotta come to Sup Forums and complain, or worse, bait with faux-outrage about something they're hypocritically obsessed with

It seems like he's poking fun at himself.
Also user, if the rash on your big fat vagina is irritating you THAT much you should probably visit a doctor.

Decades of media cashing in on the "the loser nerd gets the girl" plus the constant demonization of traditional masculinity have practically raised a whole generation of whiny, panicky guys afraid of coming off as rapists or abusers.

Nowadays, of course, nobody buys that "Nice Guy" drivel anymore, but the damage is already done.

On the flip side
>she got rejected by a fat sweaty uggo and now her coworkers are laughing at her

>Oh sweeties, this is a site for grownups, you should go back to club penguin and neopets before you see something you shouldn't :)

>Except me, I'm one of the good guys
this has been standard human behavior since the dawn of time.

>I thought women were supposed to hate hanging out with rando dudes
If you go to the market often enough you aren't rando; stop being dumb.

Yeah, he should have had at least tried.

>bro, on this board, there are people who are obviously utterly unhappy with comic books and cartoons and would probably be far better off trying something different
Wow it's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person or something.
Crazy fucking idea, huh!

>It seems like he's poking fun at himself.
-And everyone else who likes something more than just a passing familiarity with it.

>not having accepted already that no girl on earth will ever like you, even as a friend, or want to talk to you

>Wow it's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person or something.
It may not be one person, but it's certainly not a lodestone of original or broad-minded thinking.


What if there are actually lots of people who like lots of different comics on Sup Forums, but also other people who loathe different comics on Sup Forums and complain about them, while having their own likes and interests?
Yes, it seems weird they would join a thread full of things they don't like. At the same time, what if they actually do like the series itself, but hate just a particular part of it?
There are so many people on Sup Forums that the constant stream of negativity can't be caused by a single person, or even a single group of people. One of the great things Sup Forums has above 2ch is that we don't have Pro and Anti threads for every single series to have either constant negativity or constant positivity.

She didn't watch Gundam Wing because.. I dunno?

Probably didn't watch Sayuki or Prince of Tennis either.

Problem that those were rank shit, of course.

She was asking about you because she doesn't want you to be some random guy.

Just fucking do it you pussy, your misconception is that she shouldn't like you, but look at fucking Pat from Two Best Friends Play, he's a short, balding, out of shape gremlin and his girlfriend is a curvy red head who has a thing for fat old guys. Men aren't the only one with weird attractions to stuff.

Pursue, user, the worst that could happen is she actually just wants to be your friend and hang out with you, but if you don't give it a shot you may miss out on someone who is actually interested in you and may wanna get your D

is the message that there are people who are so sure that they're right that in their head anyone who has a differing opinion must be pretending


No user, my position in life is to be alone and unloved.

Folks don't sufficiently appreciate that being social and having self-esteem better than shit are the most vital components to getting laid, yes.

Wasn't Fist of the North Star in the 80's and DBZ in the 90's?


Is it really about women?
I just assume they had no father figure in their life.
A dad will teach them that a man's happiness lies between the couch, a beer, and the remote. Everything else is just extra.

I think the real message is that if you're an obnoxious cunt no one wants to hang out with you.


I'll take one.

Imagine the person you hate the most in the world.
Now imagine having to be their wingman.

>reddit spacing
>dude, people should stop worrying about "muh ess jay dubble yuze" it's 2017 the true fans deserve more progressive, diverse and socially conscious comic book characters. Who cares if we're turning every established character into a black, gay, muslim, transgendered woman instead creating new ones? Stop getting triggered you butthurt bigots.

if pic related can get this pic related , then there is still hope. you just have to seek it. it may be hard, but things arent going to just happen if you do nothing,

Literally nothing a good suit, a few shots, and 100,000+ salary can't fix.

Imagine the person you hate the most in the world.
Now imagine you have to get that person a job.

You can't base your life around exceptions to rules.

The general rule is, women don't like being with some random guy, especially if that guy is below average in looks or gives the impression of not having their shit together.

And it's not like getting together with s.b. beneath you is an instant happy ending straight out of a fairy tale. People everywhere choose the wrong partner and end up regretting it or being burdened all their lives.

Stop giving optimism to people that will clearly squander it and ruin themselves for it. They're better off receiving guns, not positive advice.

That guy doesn't look so bad. He is at least doesn't look like he's a real-life prop.


I still need to buy that book.

That's not what he meant by "adult" I think.
>that spoiler
Hehe, Jews.

Bad idea. You'll just look like one of those underage whores and probably get sent to jail.

The joke is trying to get people to like you, when even you don't like you.


Just be friends. There's literally no downside.

he is super short angry guy that was that bald since his early 20s. she is also an angry ginger, they make fun of each other for funsies.