Weekend Sup Forums creation thread

Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.

the-conservatory.wikia.com/wiki/The_Sup Forumsnservatory_Wiki

Last weekend's thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Last time:

-The Sup Forumsnstruction Crew got some development
-More about the Blang siblings
-More than a few new Sup Forumslette pics
-Talked about GG scripts again
-More updates on the Lovely Ladybug Summer Special
-The return of Saudra, the wine elf
-New BQ content
-Other stuff I didn't mention

So, we're having another slow thread?

Does Colette do anything besides get her ass kicked and be tied up?

She gets naked and does each of those.

She punches bad guys in the face a lot.

Drawfags just like drawing sexy stuff better than action stuff.

She gets impregnated by /d/ and has her baby.

I just got the king rank in today's Splatfest.

This is probably the only time we're going to see white and red ink used in a battle.

Anything you wanted to see her doing right now?

Giving someone a German suplex is something I've wanted to see Sup Forumslette doing for a while now.

For some reason I imagine if she tries this on Stretcherous, it just pulls her torso still leaving her standing in place.

While that is funny, I think it would be better if she did it on someone where it would take them down.

>I think it would be better
in what way would that be better? how?

To show Sup Forumslette being an effective hero in actually taking down a bad guy instead of being made to look like some ineffective joke.

Not one of those "I'm not actually evil" bad guys, but a real villain.

Because that's the current (and has been off and on for 5 years now) complaint.

and somehow Sup Forumslette will be taken more seriously if she's drawn suplexing Doctor Doom? cuz that's how Squirrel Girl got her Eisner, right?
the only thing that will fix that is an actual story with plot progression, character motivation and more time and work than anyone here is currently able to put into this atm.
but sure, we can scratch the cute little gag drawing request of Sup Forumslette wrassling with Stretcherous and swap her out with Godzilla instead. then all of Sup Forums will see how serious and powerful a hero Sup Forumslette is and apologize profusely for looking down on her so.

There's a lot I could say to this, but it feels like any response I give you will just incite a flame war.

Literally nothing I could say in response to this would make you happy, you seem to only be here to get mad.

I've written actual stories with Sup Forumslette as the main character doing non-fetish shit before. I did it because I wanted a story with Sup Forumslette doing something where she wasn't tied up or being eye candy.

You want something, you have to do it yourself.

user makes an offer to draw a thing, I make a suggestion, some other user wants to do something, else, I disagree and state why, other user gets defensive.

I think its okay if not everything about her has to be a joke.

Who else do you have in mind?

Pfft that's pretty good!

Colette and Conrad being cute together because I ship them.


>not everything about her has to be a joke.
not saying that.
just saying one picture isn't going to completely change what other people think of her. I'm also saying that we shouldn't really put a whole hell of a lot of stock into what other's think of Sup Forumslette at this point because... who cares?
anyone interested is probably already in this thread. And until anyone in this thread is ready and willing to produce something from these concepts meant for public consumption, maybe how bout we just chill out and make stuff.
fun stuff. for fun.

if suplexing omega-level threat bad guys is your idea of fun, that's cool.
that doesn't make it "better" than anyone else's fun, is all.


What about a civic duty like being a cross walk guard and stopping a speeding car (with a punch) or catching a falling giant concrete pipe that was rolling?

I'd like to read those stories!

Heh, great balance of adventure and humor which seems a good mix for Colette who can be failure prone

Alright, well, that's sort of the attitude I am approaching this.


Anything you had in mind?

Although I search my archives and didn't find this pairing. Its kind of surprising, considering how conventional this pairing seems to be.

Sounds like a good idea.

Colette fixing Conrad's tie lovingly.

draw Colby and Conrad doing detective stuff together because I ship them.

The only one I collected into a patebin was this one:


And this is almost the exact opposite time of year for such a story.

The others were ones I did in the threads, so they're either in the archives or gone.

I might have the one about the thief clusterfuck saved in a txt file somewhere, but I don't think it was ever properly written out in full story format instead of just beat points.

Oh hey I think I remember reading this and digging it

babby tats' scarf looks so comfy and snug

I don't only draw her in trouble and or bondage pics. I sometimes make her a robot.

>I don't only draw her in trouble and or bondage pics. I sometimes make her a robot.

How susceptible to bludgeoning should a stretch person be?

I was gonna add some dialogue saying how "I know this won kill you, but can't think when your brain are scrambled huh?" but I thought that's too much dialogue for a short action.

It might be a bunch, I think the cartoon expression does the job. Also, I was planning on drawing the necktie thing but you aced it before I could!

This image, for some reason, makes me imagine Tats doing the "Aw, that's sweet. I hate sweet! Need photos! Photos of-"

But then I realize I don't know who Tats needs pictures of.

Two cakes, user.




I imagine she can take more than an average person, but not nearly as resistant to attack like the rest of herself.

I figure a stretchy person is still susceptible to getting dizzy, though training and getting used to it could help mitigate any disorientation. I think the effect would be something like your head getting rattled hard, still feeling a little woozy, but no bruises or cracks cause your body has bounced back.

I totally support a cyber-sci-fi alternate universe. Complete with Deckard/Seed Conrad.

Would you settle for a retro sci fi universe like Cobra The Animation where Conrad is like Cobra and Colette is like Lady Armaroid?


>How long were you planning on going with your tie all messed up?
>I was just waiting for you to fix it

I've been involved with these threads for 5+ years and until this thread I always assumed Conrad was with Colette.

You shut your filthy mouth. Conrad is a happily married man, you homewrecker!

I separate board-tan Conrad and Sup Forumsverse Conrad.

I blur them for whenever it is convenient to me.

Mainly because I enjoy Kid Cookie being a character.

I still need to at some point think of a story where he meets Alpha, the boy robot, because I think they would have a good dynamic.

I'm still kind of kicking myself for losing the one I started about Sup Forumsnrad, Appladay, and Bees Knees working security detail for a car that was meant to be a prize at that big Australian Burning Man festival.

It starts with them in the car in a plane, and then the car gets dropped out of the plane, but they didn't realize that would happen.

I think that ended up in the archive gap that also swallowed the first GG threads.

Stretch is probably a lot less resilient than her sister, because her sister is nearly inhuman.

Both have the same level of durability, but Stretch is more like soft rubber while her sister is closer to hard rubber.

So are they Rita from Doom patrol levels of weird?

I mean, do they have the ability to come a horror from the beyond like Richards can?

Because I've wondered for a while now how much they can stretch at will before snapping back like rubber.

No nor like Plas. They are still human in which a mutation made them highly elastic. Blackstrap does tend to use hwr shapeshifting aide of her abilities to take a daunting form sometimes.

Blackstrap has a much greater ability to stretch in volume than her sister, favoring making massive limbs and using them as blunt weapons. Stretch's forte is more towards stretching at length and malleability, preferring to wrap and constrict. Blackstrap's powerset is basically the "You, but stronger" version of Stretch's, in that she can do almost anything Stretch can, but Stretch's body is better adapted for it. It takes less effort for Stretch to use her powers, which can actually be something of a downside since it's probably how it's so easy for other people to tie her in knots, her body naturally reacts to being pulled by stretching.

So no shape shifting, just growing and stretching.

Makes me want to see a fight and/or game of twister between Delta and Stretch.
It'd get really weird really fast.

I don't think Del's upper limits have been outlined either, but I think they veer towards the "bullshit" range. They're capable of turning their body into metals and other inorganic matter, so it's beyond human ranges.

Good thing Delta is really lazy then.

While on the subject, we have an Alpha, a Delta, a Theta, and an Omeggis (close enough) that I know of.

Any others using the Greek alphabet?

Mu and Phi of the Live Wires.

Delta isn't so much lazy as disinterested. Playing hero isn't something Delta does for heroism's sake, it's a means to an end. It's an opportunity for all sorts of theatrics too.

I can't help but think at some point or another they are all going to meet or become involved with something.

Some idiot in-universe will assume they are all connected and it's part of a conspiracy, so they themselves will conspire to bring them all together to get to the bottom of this.

And then it all goes to shit when the magic from the bongs seeps into Greece and the old god statues start turning into living gods.
All by coincidence somehow.

From a theatrical standpoint, we haven't actually seen much of Delta doing any super heroics.

I mean, if the Motion comic/plot/story ever gets going again, then I would assume Delta would over preform the role of Motion while covering for Alex to help maintain her secret identity.
An exaggerated performance that reveals how Delta perceives Alex's character.

But Delta just working on their own could do a lot more weird things, but that might speak to their personality of keeping things simple and effective while still being theatrical. Always leave them wondering.

>Some idiot in-universe will assume they are all connected and it's part of a conspiracy
So it's a Tatyana story.


We don't really do much with her. I always imagined she's the person people are telling their origin stories to.

Like if Chaptor's origin story were ever drawn into a comic, I imagine it would begin with Tats and Sup Forumsnrad going to his big manor, Tats complaining but begrudgingly grateful to Sup Forumsnrad for setting up this interview, Agnes greeting them at the door and seeing them in, then getting to Chaptor who is waiting in the den or whatever fancy room they proceed with the interview in. Then it goes into his already written origin.

Having Tats be used as something more than exposition would work, though I don't know how she'd get in touch with anyone or arrange anything since her level of connections are all over the place/not firmly established.

Conrad and Colette should make a baby. Or is that the daughter from the future?

Sup Forumsnrad doesn't have the ass to be her dad.

And Sup Forumsnrad's son is the one dating her.

I suspect her father is either also /d/emona and she just didn't inherit anything from her,
Sup Forumsle, because I don't know, I think he has the ass for it
some kind of other bullshit that I can't go into detail about because it's past 3 in the morning and my brain would inevitable mess up the thought process needed to proceed down that level of bullshit.

One of our big unsolvable mysteries.

And here's hoping the thread survives the night.

sketched this yesterday, there are a couple things I'd like to draw mentioned in this thread but you know me. I've got my kinky priorities in between comic stuff.

>But then I realize I don't know who Tats needs pictures of.

Shady government and superhero shit to upload to her website that's either nothing but raw HTML like RMS' site, or like some 90s GeoCities/Angelfire monstrocity.

>Some idiot in-universe will assume they are all connected

What if they're right?

Booby bump

You do you famalam.


Ugh, my week has been even more grueling than the last with family stuff. Didn't want to leave the week without doing one of these, though.

What if she just needs pictures of Ladybug?

Then they take the blame for the god statues coming to life.


Is there a place where you post these? I've seen the pages from the last thread and it looks pretty nice so far.
I also hope things get better for you man

I only post them here. Don't really have anywhere I post art. I should at least see about putting the story so far into an imgur album or something...

An imgur album would be great!

Album of the thing so far.

Mostly I just want to give them some actual content, even if it's a short, simple comic like this.

It could also go on the Sup Forums booru.

I'd imagine this is what it's like trying to give /d/-tan or Deelette a "haircut".


Speaking of Deelette, anyone else think she's like a young version of Marina?

Not sure. I think their personalities are different.
I like to imagine Deelette was pretty excited to see Marina up on the big stage though.

Strange how Deelette was made several months before Splatoon was even announced.

How Deelette changes hairstyles might make for a good story in the monsterkid school setting that came up around her back when /d/ was having threads dedicated to OC.


Not letting this die on a Sunday.

So is Tats just really bad with kids?

People just don't understand her alien Slav ways.

So what if she had to take care of an alien child for an afternoon?

I wonder if I should try bringing those back, or are they banned on /d/ now?


So how does Colby get along with Sup Forumslette's kids?

You'll never know if you don't try.

I've tried before, but they usually end up really dead.

Then, once, they took off and stayed somewhat active for a year on their own, but then died off again a number of months ago.

I can't leave the thread for any length of time without it dropping all the way down to page 10 is seems.

Are we adding Bounce and the rest of the SuperHoes now?

Bounce maybe since she actually got stuff down for her. Superhoes has like next to nothing in content.

Do I even want to know?

Check the catalog if you want. Just noting that Bounce is not affiliated with Superhoes.

I'd really rather not. The entire thing is just really juvenile and stupid, even when compared to the usual /coc/ stuff.

Sup Forums creates a black female superheroine.
It goes about as well as you'd expect.

Bounce is their best attempt out of the lot at making an actual character.

SuperHoes SuperMILFS/SuperBimbos 3.0

Just noting that that shit has nothing to do with /coc/, and that it crashed, burned, and turned necro, in record time.

I used to believe the same about Golden Girl.
funny how that turned out...