Wonder Woman establishes in the DCEU that the one true religion is Greek Mythology. We know this for sure...

Wonder Woman establishes in the DCEU that the one true religion is Greek Mythology. We know this for sure. So all of the Superman Jesus imagery is for nothing since Yahweh and Jesus aren't real in this universe.

So, is Greek criacionism right on the DCEU? How old is their earth? Some thousand years?

>tfw actually replying to obvious bait
It's a cape universe. All religions are true.

We have no proof of that.

We actualy have proof of the opposite.

Nigger you what

But that's bullshit.
They're just the same thing Enchantress and Diablo were but in Europe.

They technically don't disprove Christ or God.
Also it doesn't really matter if Christ or God exist since Superman's Christ imagery is only meant to evoke the idea of him as a burdened savoir of man.

So they are weak as fuck and can die to normal bombs?

They're more like evil spirits than gods.

Different gods coexist in the universe

What. Jesus doesn't have to be real for his story to mean something same way Superman doesn't have to be real to mean something in the Iron Giant.

Go back to Israel Gal.
We're on to you.

You're a fucking idiot.

monotheist btfo!!!!

captcha creations ecole

What do you mean? The New Gods literally exist. Enchantress had her shit. That's all other religions too. Maybe the Abrahamic God isn't confirmed yet, but you have proof that Greek myth is not the only thing around.

Victims falling! Many die without a sound!

only, normal people weren't making bombs 2500 years ago.

Justice league dark will probably deal with all that angels and demons stuff

this place is full of autists. they won't understand.

I thought all the old gods were dead except the Greeks' in DC.

>They're more like evil spirits than gods
If an evil spirit is powerful enough, how is it different from a God?

That Superman isn't actually Jesus but people project tlit onto him was basically the whole point of BvS.

even the pajeet ones?
Do pajeets even exist in DC?

pretty much.

>forgetting the new gods.
wew lad

pretty sure only the nordic gods are the ones who died before the new gods rose up

The writters project it too. It's their fault to begin with.

You're retarded, the name Kal-El was specifically chosen because El means god in hebrew. He has always been a messiah archtype you silly pleb, and the point has always been that he isnt jesus or moses but just the fifth world equivalent there of (and before you get extra retarded on me, im not saying Seigel and Shuster were conciously thinking "lets make fifth world jesus" but rather just made a character that fit the archtype, and since then we have gainted the term fifth world).

pretty sure that was just a reference to the original idea being Marvel's Thor ending with Ragnarok and Kirby continuing with New Gods

That all depends on one's definition of a god. Most bad guys in fiction that are just a little harder to kill in general consider themselves gods in one sense or another.
Just like longevity is all you need to give yourself the immortal designation nowadays.

New Genesis is mentioned as having originated from the remaining atoms of "Baldur"

In an alien is powerful enough, how is it different from a god?

I guess no one told Snyder about The Presence

Wonder Woman in itself had pretty Christian imagery in its depiction of the gods. I think Snyder's visual style (which WW definitely carried on a bit, just with much better conveyed characters) just has that as a baseline over it specifically *being* Christian.

The Nordic, Egyptian, Greek etc. pantheons were the Old Gods, they all died except for the Greek 'cause they either pussied out or screwed the others majorly
There are New Gods, like the one from the JL flick

I can't not hear the voice of Barbas from Skyrim with this doggo form

I think they should just integrate the New Gods with the Greek ones desu. It's gonna get way too confusing otherwise.

Just make like Highfather Zeus, uh I would say Ares Orion but they already have him. Hermes could be Mister Miracle. They're basically the same idea, just makes it more accessible for a film audience and ties it to Wondie.

Why not, Ares died to lighting.

the gods are born from the energies from the death of the second world. The first world was no gods. Second world was the first wave of gods that died in raganorok (which was ALSO a reference to the end of Kirby's Thor run) and now their god energies give birth to the third, fourth, and fifth worlds respectively.
The worst part is this is all on the wiki so you could have just googled this shit instead of looking like retarded fuckboys.

>fifth world

Yeah fuck that. I go by the Kirby.

Why not, Ares died to lightning and Wonder Woman can die to bullets.

>wikifag mad that others aren't like him and prefer to jog each other's memory through conversation


>The Nordic, Egyptian, Greek etc. pantheons were the Old Gods, they all died except for the Greek 'cause they either pussied out or screwed the others majorly

I thought the Egyptian gods were still kicking around?
Aren't they the ones who fuel Black Adam's shazam powers?

Is DCEU WW weaker than MCU Thor?

Also, Diablo or whatever was some sort of Aztec demi God, so there's that

Thor might be more durable. He apparently has super hard skin (unlike Wonder Woman, who just appears to possess shock-resistant bones and muscles) and survived having a 100-ton boulder thrown at him. He can also throw out much more powerful attacks than Wonder Woman can if he charges. From his Leviathan-exploding lightning to that one charged hammer blow that leveled part of a forest. Or that other hammer blow of his that flipped a small tank.

On the other hand Wonder Woman's magic sword and shield really renders that difference irrelevant, since she can still cut him and block his blows. She's much faster than him too. His fighting speed isn't even superhuman, while she can actually pull Neo-esque bullet dodging and blocking if she's on-guard and only blocking from one direction. In an actual fight she should be able to just handily cut his head off. If he tries throwing lightning, she can just do the exact same thing she did against the last guy who tried that.

I'm not sure who can lift more. I'm going to say Wonder Woman because she actually blocked one of Doomsday's blows, which requires a lot of strength; albeit with both arms and way better leverage, so it's not like she's anywhere near as strong as he is, but the best strength feat Thor has is doing the same to the much, much weaker Hulk. But if you go by actual on-screen feats, Wonder Woman is stronger. She lifted a tank over her head, about 30 tons; and in an earlier scene threw a 8-ton armored car several meters. I can't recall Thor ever lifting something that heavy or throwing anything to suggest he could. In any case they'd still be close.

Overall they're surprisingly evenly matched with different specializations. Thor is tougher and has better destructive capacity, and unlike WW he can fly and shoot projectiles, but Wonder Woman is faster, has better active defense thanks to her bracers and shields, can inflict more damage on a single target, and is overall more flexible.

>Jesus aren't real in this universe
Why do idiots still not realize Jesus was a real historical person?