Teen Titans Go: The Night Begins to Shine

Normally I absolutely despise TTG, but honestly this was pretty good, even if the animation got somewhat choppy at times. And the music was pretty great too. Why the fuck couldn't TTG always be like this instead of poorly-written jabs against the old Teen Titans audience?

The song at the end and the scene where Cyborg slayed the dragon with an axe to the head and it slowly turned into dust had me half-believing that something like old Teen Titans was possible again.

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Those are THE worst Teen Titans designs I have ever seen. Yes, worse than that "serious" episode

>Those are THE worst Teen Titans designs I have ever seen. Yes, worse than that "serious" episode
>not liking punk Stafire

>Why the fuck couldn't TTG always be like this instead of poorly-written jabs against the old Teen Titans audience?
Because the old teen titan audience made shit like pic related

>Why the fuck couldn't TTG always be like this instead of poorly-written jabs against the old Teen Titans audience?
Because it's been years and they're STILL crying that the show exists as if they're owed something. That's sad as fuck

So Robin was not only observant enough to know they had sex, but also that they didn't use protection. And yet he couldn't check to see if Beast Boy listening nearby before telling him this out in the open?


>Because it's been years and they're STILL crying that the show exists as if they're owed something. That's sad as fuck
To be fair the show as a whole kind of destroyed the personalities the characters had originally, while everyone involved was talking about how they're the same characters. Considering Teen Titans fans are part of why the show became a thing in the first place, they do have a right to complain when shit like the Return of Slade happens and the show takes up more than 50% of CN airtime for several years. Part of why I liked the special was how Cyborg was almost brought back to his original characterization.

>Because it's been years and they're STILL crying that the show exists as if they're owed something. That's sad as fuck
Maybe that's because there's so much more that could have been done with the original show, and a pitch from the writers to continue it with a proper sequel series was rejected?

Is this where the meme came from?

i love this comic


No it fucking didn't, the comics ruined these characters more than TTG did.

>To be fair the show as a whole kind of destroyed the personalities the characters had originally

And the original show diverged from the personalities the characters had in the comics, too.
Besides, all the humor in the show is derived from the original personalities from the original show, just warped for the sake of, you know, humor. Its a fucking parody series. Why is this so hard to grasp?

Most of the people most upset about GO are kids who grew up with it. For those of us who were older when the show aired, we already know Go for what is, a parody spin off that was never intended to be anything like the original

Because we didn't WANT a parody series, and neither did the original writers. See

The 03 Teen Titans deserved to be roasted for their lack of self awareness. They're too shallow to admit that the old cartoon was goofy as fuck and started the trend of sanitizing the Titans.

The writers should just leave it as is. That kind of thinking is the reason Teen Titans GO exist in the first place.

user, CN doesn't care what a bunch of neckbeards in their 20's and 30's want in cartoons

That's totally glam

That's their loss, I suppose.
>You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway. - Walt Disney

If you think the original writers would have ever made something resembling the abomination that is TTG, you must be high.

That quote wasn't made for adults to use in their pitiful rationalizations for watching cartoons.

Oh? And you know that how?

Of course they would make an abomination similar to TTG because the writers nowadays are slaves to fan's demands. People nowadays are so oversensitive about race, gender and sexuality that it's impossible to make a show that captures the feel of the original.

The difference is that there's a difference between animated movies aimed at a FAMILY audience and a cartoon aimed generally towards children to sell toys and merchandise because that's where the actual profit is. Adults don't ho out and buy the latest shitty toy, kids do, and that's why they're more profitable than the whiny neckbeard who probably doesn't even have cable and just watches a stream

Putting the old cartoon pretty high on that pedestal there

I like this Cyborg design.

The show literally had an anti-racism episode that Tumblr still loves today. SJWs wouldn't have interfered much if they kept up that writing quality.

It's ironic how you bring up writers being slaves to the demands of fans when you yourself want them to make something that caters to you

From the Corner.


We're the right kind of fans.

The thing about TTG is that half the time it's wacky jingling your keys for babies tier jokes. And then other time it's really experimental, out of left field stuff that's actually pretty decent.

Unfortunately there's so much of the former that you don't really get to experience the latter.

>If you think the original writers would have ever made something resembling the abomination that is TTG, you must be high.


>"Lol, the Teen Titans costumes from before now sucked!
>Lol, Transformers and Hanna Barberra references!
>Written by David Slack


>the whiny neckbeard who probably doesn't even have cable and just watches a stream
If the networks got their shit together and offered a quality cartoon streaming package, neckbeards would pay for it even if it were expensive. Seriously, fuck the cable industry.

So you're a hypocrite then?



So you refuse to buy the product but still complain about them catering to the people who do while ignoring you and you won't even put your money where your mouth is. This is why the GO creators enjoy making fun of you autists

In a conversation.

The NTT shorts are in no way comparable to TTG
They're actually funny, and they don't insult fans of the original series.


I don't want the writers to cater to me, I can always watch the original Titans on the internet. I just don't believe that there's much of a need to revive the old show.

I *want* to put my money where my mouth is, but all I'm getting is offers to pay for what I consider literal excrement.


>ceelo and fall out boy
>both were cringey and unfunny
>made up for it by actually following up on them joining the fight
>they did covers of the song to go along with their battles
it was better than expected



The only real missed opportunity was having all of the different versions combine into one huge medley of all the different singers during the climax.



Is there a mega if it ? I can't find those episodes on my usual streaming sites.

>actually looking to watch TTG
Come on man, watching that is only excusable if you're really fucking bored and channel flipping. And even then just barely.

This is an exception.

>cyborg wearing a weave.
Should have been a halfro.

With a fade to the side.

The episodes look interesting. And it's not like there's anything else good to watch right now.

>Puffy Ami Yumi did a cover as well
Okay TTG that was pretty cool of you. The rest of the special was kinda "meh" up until the last episode but you good for once.

No it should have been a Jerry curl. Afros were out of fashion in the 80s

>I Checked.

>a pitch from the writers to continue it with a proper sequel series was rejected?
You're so full of shit it's brimming out from between your keys.


Never argue with me, user:
>In reality, ratings (and toy sales!) remained ludicrously high right until the end of the show, but new management at CN forced every show to be "re-evaluated" for its suitability to the network, and they didn't feel it was a good fit for the direction they were trying to go with CN.

>And the last episode was planned that way by the show writers BECAUSE the show was ending, there was no network/producer influence there, and had the show continued the episode would not have been written that way. Also, one of the show writers pitched a follow-up series in lieu of season 6, but it was turned down by the same dumbass execs.

>It's a lengthy chat transcript, and it would take quite a while to get the relevant bits copied out of there, so just search for "season 6":

>And in case anyone cares, here's a source for the rest of that info (the exec stuff in particular):

When 40% 40% 20% aired, did anyone else think B.E.R. was an actual band from the 80s?

>Somewhere out in the multiverse there is a reality in which Teen Titans Go! was another Brave and the Bold in terms of quality, just focusing on other aspects of the DC Universe.

I do like cee lo's verison of the song

This was pretty good, too.

I assumed they were some actual band who just had their song licensed for the show.

Is the Fallout Boy version the only one not up on youtube?

yeah, maybe something to do with their current record label?

>this whole comic

Amazing. It's like The Room, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Teen Titans had an unholy threesome and this is the result.

>"Let's keep this between us three."
>"Don't tell Beast Boy."
>only three of them there


To think that the song was made for the show and became so popular that it generated a 4-part sequel.

This kind of reinforces the idea that episodes with Cyborg as the focus are the better episodes of this show.

Have the writers been holding out on us?


Wow such a thing. Willing stuff into existence.

Chaos Magic is best magic.

Oh, so THAT'S where this image comes from.

So why didn't they just use "Always"?

This nigga. Acting like everybody read the comic.

and here i thought Puffy didnt existed anymore.

The Dragon remix should not be this good but it is.

He obviously means Raven, retard.

Anyone in the US (or any other country they may be watchable in) who could run the Youtube versions through youtube-dl and upload them somewhere?


why dont you just use kiss and watch?

Streaming sucks balls.

Let's go hit those showers

TTG is not a bad show.

Didn't know they made a whole special based around this song. Are the multiple versions available to download anywhere?

I don't understand why they made an 80s nostalgia episode for a show watched solely by kids 10 and under. There weren't any 60s and 70s throwback episodes on shows when i was a kid

The songs were good and I enjoyed the episodes, Although I wished they played the whole song at least once instead of cutting it off and restarting from the beginning in the episode. That other song they made Forever Mine was great too, I was surprised.

>I don't understand why they made an 80s nostalgia episode for a show watched solely by kids 10 and under.
It's almost as if the show isn't solely watched by kids 10 and under.

Some of the original writers WERE on ttg early on (most notably Amy Wolfram)

Fun Fact, the special wasn't written by any of the normal writers, but rather by some of the show's directors

>There weren't any 60s and 70s throwback episodes on shows when i was a kid
Yes there were. You just didn't understand them.

Maybe not whole episodes, but references to something you grew up watching when you make shows isn't unusual. People have been doing it forever, but it's hard to notices when what they are referencing aired before you were born. The Powerpuff Girls had entire episode that was just a reference to the Beatles. Same shit.

The giant female robot actually showed up and is named 'Sweet'.
This special was just too 80's but in a good way.

Can someone please tell me how it's this shows fault that people want to watch it?

>instead of poorly-written jabs against the old Teen Titans audience?
There's like, five times out of 150 episodes they do that, though.

That's parody.

They should have been in the special too. Recruiting more than just two bands would have made it seem like the stakes were higher.
