Did Nolan ruin batman by making it too good? A fictionalized batman with other superheroes is kind of shit...

Did Nolan ruin batman by making it too good? A fictionalized batman with other superheroes is kind of shit. I'm positive that if we didn't have nolan batman people would being loving ben affleck as batman.

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>would being loving

Only in the minds of Sup Forums shitposting kino retards.

Nolan's Batman films got weaker with each movie

But 99% everyone IS loving Affleck's Batman aside from the killing. Dumbass.

I like TDK more than BB, but I definitely think BB had a better Batman. Especially the voice.

Shit taste.

Yeah I like TDK the least for being the most grounded. I'm not a fan of realism in superhero stories. It just serves to make the fantastical less so. It also comes off as the people being embarrassed by the source material

I mean Batman Begins has Bruce trained by ninjas and Gotham's water supply being tainted with fear toxin.

Then you have Bane threatening to activate an earthquake machine in TDKR

Dude. They're just knocked out

I dunno... I have no problem with Affleck as Batman. His character as written was dumb, but that's not his fault. If we're just going by how he played it... there was nothing wrong with it, but it didn't blow me away, either.

His Bruce Wayne, though... has no fucking charisma. He is so boring and characterless when he's not in the suit. His whole squinty-eyed grey-templed, slightly drawling Clint Eastwood impression doesn't come off as natural, it seems like Ben Affleck is trying to hard to be "weathered and gritty and world-weary" or whatever.

Keaton had that relatable awkwardness that showed that he was uncomfortable trying to be a "normal rich person" and was only at home in the suit/cave, Bale had that dualism between the smug-but-clueless fop and the intense and driven, obsessive martyr, but Affleck... just brings nothing interesting to the Bruce Wayne character at all.

I just keep on comparing the "well, a guy who dresses up as a bat CLEARLY has issues!" moment with the "Gotham has a bad history with freaks dressed up like clowns" exchange in my head, because they are both scenes with Bruce Wayne being forced to comment on Batman without revealing his identity, and Bale's bit, due to both writing and acting (I know, comparing the writing isn't fair, but it's hard to avoid) just comes off a couple orders of magnitude better than Affleck's bit.

>by making it too good
It is not Nolan's fault he's too good. Blame everyone else for being not a good as Nolan

I dunno, the fact that the Nolan films strove to be "good films" and not just "good superhero films" makes me feel like they fully embrace the source material and the concept of the character and respect it enough to fully believe that you can make a movie just as good as any other movie about a guy who dresses up like a bat to punch bad guys. Dark Knight trilogy isn't ashamed to be superhero movies, but is also not afraid to try to be more than "just" a superhero movie... they are movies.

To me, it feels more like they are a bit embarrassed by the source material when they try to "laugh at ourselves so that they are laughing with us and not at us" and undercut any sincerity with self-conscious irony and doing a send-up of the genre. I feel that the Marvel movies do this sometimes.

>Inb4 company wars LOL SUCK IT DKEK memers

Lol, just because I'm not the biggest fan of the MCU doesn't mean I'm in the DCEU camp, either. That series' only non-shit film is Wonder Woman.


They strive to be good movies, but they never quite hit the mark.
They're ridiculously cheesy (not even in intentional way like Raimi's stuff) and yet they take themselves so seriously as if they're trying to make you think you're watching Tarkovsky. And fuck that wooden dialogue delivery too. Ledger was the only one who more or less talked like a normal human being and not a robot.
>inb4 contrarian

>His Bruce Wayne, though... has no fucking charisma. He is so boring and characterless when he's not in the suit. His whole squinty-eyed grey-templed, slightly drawling Clint Eastwood impression doesn't come off as natural, it seems like Ben Affleck is trying to hard to be "weathered and gritty and world-weary" or whatever.

People compare Snyder to Lucas for a reason. He has no understanding of how to direct actors because he doesn't care about their performances, only how they look in the frame. His only real interest is the aesthetics of the scenes, it's all surface level to the point that he can't even direct the people in them.

Even Amy Adams was bad in BvS. It's absurd.

>Even Amy Adams was bad
Bitch is always bad. How that talentless gets any job is beyond me. She's not even attractive aside from being a terrible actress.

I still prefer Affleck to Bale and BvS to anything Nolan did. I find everything Nolan makes to be exceedingly dull and uninspired. Great on a technical level, he's a more than competent director, but completely uninteresting.

Sure, Ledger's Joker was one of the best villains in recent memory but I have troubling remembering any of the scenes he wasn't in other than the one with the boats and the intro of Rises everyone has taken the piss out of.

>earthquake machine
>ive been watching arrow since day one
>i just noticed this
nothing in bvs was memorable besides him murdering everyone and the arkham tier fight scene

>implying piss bottle luthor wasn't memorable

I'm not saying he was good either.

>nothing in bvs was memorable besides him murdering everyone and the arkham tier fight scene

>The post apocalyptic dream sequence
>Every scene Lex was in
>The intro sequence going over Bruce's backstory
>Superman's first appearance, saving Lois from those african guerillas while that badass musical cue plays
>The Batmobile sequence
>Superman's funeral and the contrast between the humble one back home in Kansas and the big phony one in Metropolis.
>Every dialogue between Brice and Alfred

And I could go on. It was full of great moments.

none of those were memorable to be honest. The movie was so weird and dysfunctional that it took away from those "great" moments.

I must be part of the 1% then, because I thought everything about Batffleck was laughably terrible. Literally, I actually giggled during his scenes because he was so shitty and looked so bad.

Well of course if Nolan's trilogy never came out we'd love batfleck. Remember that the last batman film before the trilogy was batman and robin, and basically anything is a step up from that.

I haven't made up my mind on Batfleck yet but I will say his voice modulation is infinitely superior to Bale's growl.

>Did Nolan ruin batman by making it too good?

At some point Sup Forums you're going to invite people who genuinely believe they're 10/10 films and you'll never be able to enjoy your baneposting ever again because they will ruin it for you.

>would being loving ben affleck as batman

Bro, people have already covered it, to add emphasis, he is one of the few unversally loved things about the DCEU along with Wowo.

>ruined it

more like raised it

People liked Ben Affleck as Batman, except for the whole mass murder thing. And imo Bale as Batman was the weakest part of Nolan movies.

Don't bother. The pearl scene and the warehouse fight scene were transcribed from the dark knight returns.

He's too fat

Nolan's movies are shit. Christian 'Sore Throat' Bale Batman is worst Batman ever.

>unversally loved things about the DCEU along with Wowo
But he isn't universally loved. He's the shittiest part of the DCEU.

Worrying, since I thought the first one wasn't very good. Especially since I thought Bale was the weakest part.

I think you're in the minority most people love christian bale. He got me hooked on huey lewis and news,

I very much seem to be. I will admit I saw the movie very late (just like last year?) but I really disliked his Batman and I never bothered seeing the other two because of it.

Scarecrow was awesome though, until he just kind of fell apart in the third act.

You don't speak for everyone, faggot.

nah you're just being edgy

>Too good

Not with those shitty non fight scenes. Can also nitpick various aspects of Baleman that didn't click with me.

Nolan Trilogy was great especially compared to what came before. But it's hardly untouchable. Of the trilogy only Begins even really feels like a Batman movie to me.

I think Matt Reeves solo Batfleck movie has a great chance of standing up to if not surpassing Nolan's trilogy

That was Batfleck's problem.

Nolan ruined batman.
That's all his trilogy was utter shit and shouldn't have been alowed to make it.
It's basically batman on the cheap with no imagination and the script was terrible. As for bale as batman he is the worst apart from cloonies nipples. I know this isn't popular to say but it's the truth.

Also this batfleck is the best since Keaton or Adam west

Why would Batman and Superman be in a Justice League with people who kill/murder people?

Do they think it's only bad for themselves to kill people?

Should Batman and Superman even be in groups with other people that kill people?

Who should replace Batman and Superman in the Justice League for the movies and comics?

>I think Matt Reeves solo Batfleck movie has a great chance of standing up to if not surpassing Nolan's trilogy

I just have no faith in Snyder and Warner Brothers keeping their hands off of it.

For better or worse, Nolan got to make the trilogy he wanted to with minimal interference. It's been made fairly clear at this point that Kevin Tsujihara won't let that happen again after BvS.

Hell, I'm pretty sure the only reason that he didn't fuck up the third Apes movie was because it would have been in production before the regime change. Live By Night was a clear example that even the prestige artists aren't safe from studio interference.

>Not with those shitty non fight scenes
Honestly everyone that likes Batfleck seemed to watch the fight scenes and ignore everything else in that movie. Speaks miles about the "quality" of this Batfleck.

More like speaks volumes about your inability to comprehend what you read or maybe you just pic the parts of the post you want to respond to? Either way Baleman was a highly mediocre Batman.He had some potential in begins only to continue to squander it as each movie came out. Going on to speand 8 full years retired from Batman because his not GF dies. Come on, how many of Batman's loved ones were offed by The Joker and he didn't call it quits. He then goes on to give his legacy to some random guy so he can go off to Paris and fuck Selina. Not even going to get into the stupid cancer voice and them throwing the whole detective aspect out of thw windo and him falling for that Joker bomb plot that kills Rachel while comic Bats would have likely figured that shit out.

In the Nolan trilogy Batman is easily the weakest aspect of it. Hence why Joker and even Bane easily steal the movie. Batfleck is the opposite, pretty much stole the spotlight in BVS.

He's the first on screen Batman that is as imposing as he is in the comics ( yes actually looking like Batman is a big deal for me) However good or bad you feel it was portrayed he did do a bulk of detective work to find Luthor's boat or whatever. He is determined and driven ( misguided as it is ) and paranoid, which is what i expect from Batman. Bale was none of these things.

Batfleck's only real problem was debuting in BVS as opposed to his own movie establishing him.

>I just have no faith in Snyder and Warner Brothers keeping their hands off of it.

The boogie man Snyder has no influence in the DCEU anymore from this point on as has been reported already. Plus Reeves contract includes having creative control, hence him gutting the script and starting from scratch

Did Nolan and Bale DP your mom or something? I ask because your post is just factually wrong.

It's insane. In Man of Steel, you have Henry Cavill and Amy Adams, two attractive, charismatic people, but when they sit down it's like an awkward blind date.

The boogie man Snyder has no influence in the DCEU anymore from this point on as has been reported already


>Plus Reeves contract includes having creative control, hence him gutting the script and starting from scratch

I'm sure that was cold comfort to Ben Affleck after WB clearly gutted Live By Night.

>It's insane. In Man of Steel, you have Henry Cavill and Amy Adams, two attractive, charismatic people, but when they sit down it's like an awkward blind date.

Snyder is functionally incapable of writing small talk. Everyone speaks in trailer lines and one-liners. For all the talk of the Snyder defenders trying to claim that he secretly wrote and directed all the good parts of Wonder Woman, he could never have written or directed the boat conversation or the dance scene in the village.

>Snyder is functionally incapable of writing small talk

And by Snyder you mean Goyer because Snyder didn't "write" anything

No why do you fap about that at night?

>factually wrong
I'm not sure you know what that means I don't actually state any facts just my own opinions. I just really didn't like them I thought they were boring and every one apart from ledger was wooden and even then he was pretty board like not at all like Nicholson or Remero . I am sorry I hurt your feelings bro but it's just how I see it. Maybe it's because I'm an 80'sfag or was brought up watching the west batman but it was just utter trash to me. I only watched the bane one to see what the memes were all about a year or two ago. Sorry let's dance

>Hell, I'm pretty sure the only reason that he didn't fuck up the third Apes movie was because it would have been in production before the regime change.

WB didn't even make that movie.

Marvel and Disney have plenty of 'interference' by people in the company in various positions and many of their movies are fine or better. Their animated movies are often basically made by groups of people that help each other develop ideas for movies.

>WB didn't even make that movie.

What? of course they di-

>Distributed by 20th Century Fox

nevermind I'm a huge faggot please rape my face

>Marvel and Disney have plenty of 'interference' by people in the company in various positions and many of their movies are fine or better

Sure, but the whole selling point of the DCEU was that it was going to be the "artists' cinematic universe" and that lasted for all of one movie(that was fucking terrible) and then we got Suicide Squad being shredded to pieces and Wonder Woman being most of a good movie until someone stapled a Snyder fight scene with Snyder-level dialogue into an ending that couldn't support it.

I have a right to be worried about Batman.

>Nolan Batman good
