I want to reinforce Reggie's childishness

I want to reinforce Reggie's childishness

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that can't be healthy

How far do you think Reggie will go to be childish? Far enough to wear diapers?

Far enough to cry for milk

In time, she will make peace with the Butt Witch and accept the fact and the value of maturity.

Is this an idea you would be interested in seeing drawn?


>spend two days hunting down trash themed food action figures and spend over 60$ on all of them and a vehicle just because it reminds of the line food fighters from the 80s and plastic toys are among the only things that make me happy anymore
Im 20 goddamn years old and im too old for this shit, so i can relate


Butt Witch was the worst part

diaperfags get out


Whos that nazi semen demon

Is that a boy or a girl?


Sorry for the delay. I tried to mix the show's style with my own, and it turned out a bit wonky, but here's a quick little something. (Don't click unless you like fetish garbage).


That show looks so fucking bland. Oooooooh it's a magic wacky world but also real life and she must learn to grow up but not forget about the good things and it's an analogy to growing up or some bullshit. So tired of this already.

Running around naked like little kids do sometimes?

It's got pic related so I hope one day it gets picked up.

>no one replied to me after a whole hour
I can show the toys off...if anyones interested

>Why are you looking at me like that?
Because you have two left feet.

Shit. Good catch, thank you.

Its alright, thank you for even trying. You're a

... What toyline are you referring to? Doesn't ring a bell.

These are the food fighters

And these are toys i bought yesterday

Holy fuck, ATHF had toys?


Sure they did, i own a couple

Why do you even care?

Because i have no life and fill the emptyness with action figures

Lighten up; 20 years old only seems old to actual children, you are still considered a child to 30 and 40 somethings.
I learned this from personal experience at an art school with a lot of much older classmates.

i want to beat reggie

There's always hope, but Buttwitch probably won't have a guy voice anymore.

By any means show us, now I have curiosity to see them.

I already showed themBut heres the vehicle

Seeing those two toy lines I finally can see the difference between 80s and 00s aesthetics. the 80s where more human like (california raisins) while the 00s where more stylized. Probably because back in the day most illustrators studied and practiced with real models while later artist where self thought.

Thanks for the epiphany user that was bothering for a while because I couldn't put the difference in words.

Dude, toys are to sculpture what comics and cartoons are to painting and drawing, they still have some artistic value to appreciate.

Lets get back to talking about Twelve Forever

So the Butt Witch was supposed to represent puberty right? And periods? That was why she was red, had a deeper voice and exaggerated sexual characteristics. Am I just reaching here?

I think she just represented growing up in general.

I can see what you mean, for a while I been saying that the Anime guy from Dexter´s Lab was DeeDee´s something similar, destroying her childish world of cute creatures and replacing it with pre teen interest (anime and boys)

Not just puberty but adulthood and femininity

Lumpy Space Princess was allowed tho

This got my attention faster than OK KO's pilots and minisodes honestly, not taking visual notes from that stupid AT/CalArts Style™ helped

too bad it will not get picked-up due to NuPPG flopping

The twist is that Buttwitch is actually the hero.

>tfw we're getting a selections of dumpster fires instead of this masterpiece
Feels awful.

OK KO is visually repulsive. And the only reason it even got greenlit is because the creator already had his fat black foot in the door.

That is what you get for not supporting NuPPG

Reminder that the woman who came up with this was the same woman who is basically head of the creative department on NuPowerpuff Girls, and that if this show ever got a full series, it would probably be a hot garbage fire eclipsing Steven Universe in terms of wasted potential.

Sometimes, dead is better.

>his fat black foot

Kill all niggers!

I'm sick of the shittiest pilots getting chosen over something cool


longer version

you only think it is good because it was not picked-up

good riddance
we do not need more feminazis shoving their commie agendas down children's throats

WTF does you post have to do with that show, you newfaggoty underageb&?

> Sup Forumsmblr detected

>Everyone who disagrees with me is tumblr

>falling for bait this hard

Is the white part on his body his skin or a suit? Because it looks more like the former but I feel like they would have trouble getting that through censors.

Reggie is underrated

That's actually pretty decent work, user.

Would you buy these food fighters if they were toys?

What off-the-wall hijinks led to that?

Thanks man, atleast somebody gets it

She'd be a possible 10/10 adult. Glasses guy got potential gold.