When is Disney going to grow a pair and make an animated movie for adults?

When is Disney going to grow a pair and make an animated movie for adults?

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When Walt Disney revives.

When adults grow a pair and go see them in theaters.

never since things aimed at children are more profitable
movies aimed at children = children and adults will watch it
movies aimed for adults = adults will watch it

>movies aimed at children = children and adults will watch it
>movies aimed for adults = adults will watch it

Worse, you lose all the adults only going to see an animated movie because of their kids.

Only a few of the highest grossing movies of all time have been children's movies. People just don't want to see "adult animation."

They already see adult animation on TV. Surely they could in a movie theater as well.

Those are all sitcoms.

they do make animation for adults, its just that its also good for kids

you dont need to aim at just one audience

>its just that its also good


What the fuck is going on with this picture

This is the most edgelordy shit

It's more like they make animation for children that's also for adults (accompanying the children to the theatre).

grats you won the no-prize

Maybe they'd rather focus on making movies that will actually make them money.
>animated movie for adults
Literally, old definition of literally, no market for this.

Why? There's no money in it.

Tell that to the French.

>edgy bloody movies are for adults!
I think you need to stick to current disney stuff, kid.

And notice I'm saying current disney, classic disney is too adult for you.

They do, you're just supposed to be a parent by now.

I saw a guy jump off a balcony and belly flop on concrete in Star Wars Clone Wars. There wasn't blood or guts, but he obviously died. I think that was made before Disney bought Star Wart though.

When doing such a thing is more profitable. So never.

OP Pic is part of a series by a deviantartist called 'Twisted Princesses' iirc





Walt Disney left clear instructions that he doesn't want adult films being made. Hense why every time Disney has tried to make an adult film, they chickened out. Black Cauldron, for example.

They don't need to make their own adult movies. They have miramax for that

I second this


No child has the patience to watch the 1940 Fantasia, it was clearly made for adults.

They did recently try their hand with TV animation for adults

They sold it in 2016 to the Qatari.

Really? Because Pinocchio, Bambi and Fantasia are adult films. Maybe the cancer and the bitterness affected uncle Walt's judgement during his last days

WAY too cutsey to be adult films

There was a reason why Disney inspired anime. The cuteness hide and even emphasize the fucked up shit

Fantasia is the only one that even comes close to being an adult film. Adult films don't have cutesy mascots shoehorned in to sell toys.

And to Japan

It's not adult unless they swear, bleed, or fuck.

>when even nipples are censored in America

Kektimus Prime

Sup Forums is for people 18+

If you haven't noticed OP, Disney already makes animation for adults, all of their movies are FAMILY movies after all. I'm sorry but your immature perception of what makes something for "adults" is actually quite childish

Is it too much to ask for an animated movie that isn't watered down for a G or PG rating?

Nobody in real-life says "You killed my [loved-one], you gosh-darn scumbag", they say "YOU MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKER!"

M8, please stop. I don't know if you're baiting or not, but you're not helping matters.

>still 25 days left in August

shadow huntress/witch doctor disney please

>When will the landscaping company grow a pair and start making cars? When is the insurance agency going to grow a pair and start catering? Why aren't dogs potato chips?

Japan does not count.

I'd love to see Disney do an animated horror movie.

The Legend of Ichabod is kind of like that.

If Disney or Pixar made a movie that showed canon skin, it'd be a box office hit. All the boys who grew up fapping to Ariel, Belle and Jasmine would go in droves to see it.

Adults are just big children

It's less that and more current year kids all have short attention spans and hyperautism. Also shit taste

they all have pets? thats weird...

If The Black Cauldron had been successful, we could have had them. So if Michael Eisner hadn't been there...

If they can make a successful PG-13 franchise in live-action (Pirates) there's no reason not to do so with animation.

disney has so many subsidiary companies that they're probably already making porn

Never because there's no market for adult animation. Disney doesn't want to make a mean spirited work filled with dick jokes, weed jokes, and posturing.

Make an animated movie for adults and some dumb ass parents will take their kids to it anyway. Worse still, they will have the nerve to complain that it is the movie's fault and other retards will agree with them. Still, be careful what you wish for. The way things are going, all movies may become CG one day.

I think other studios should make lots of adult animated films and drop them in theaters; eventually one of them will become a hit, and it may influence Disney to also tap the mature animation market.

why would they, if all those adults keep paying to see movies they made for children?

This. We torrent and steal, they make no money because we all assume everyone else will pay for it.

It's part of what makes each of them a princess

As close as we will get

Why don't people do the barest amount of research when it comes to drawing? That bow doesn't work. The string is too long, it doesn't bend the bow while being drawn back.

Doesn't sound like a lucrative venture, brah. Disney has a successful business model going and they're not gonna break it for the sake of "art."

So by your logic Sausage Party is the pinnacle of the medium, right?

Adults do not buy toys. Kids however do.

>I have no idea how a recurved bow works
Wew, lad.

People simply don't want to go see adult animation. Pic related was nominated for an Oscar but no one saw it and the Academy literally only votes for whatever kids movie their grandkids saw.

Adult animation on tv is shit like Family Guy and Rick and Morty; dumb ass college freshman tier garbage.

This movie was a hit.


when the higher ups die off and their successors have little care for the animation department but just enough to approve projects for varied demographics.

Ooh, good answer.

>This movie was a hit.
...A long ass time ago. Most people on here probably don't even know what it is.

This...no. Look, the day that the Big D finally decides to nut up and do an adult animated film, it will be ADULT, not thinly disguised porn and certainly not adolescent edgelord. I'm thinking something like Anomalisa, or an animated depiction of D-Day, maybe a biopic of some historical figure, something along those lines.

There's a whole bunch of them.

Disney has had the "G"/Family" market cornered for decades; they got no need to risk it.

>Adults do not buy toys.

That is just fucking hilarious.

Since the movie that came out this weekend sucked so much, maybe WDAS could make a nice R-rated adaptation of it in the future, if they eventually decide to expand their target demographic that is.

>...A long ass time ago. Most people on here probably don't even know what it is.
fritz the cat is a fapping right of passage for furries though, you cant call yourself one if you never fapped to it

People will eventually get tired of animated kidshit and demand something more mature. Look how well Netflix is doing with Bojack Horseman, F is For Family, Castlevania, etc.

If you want adult Western animation right now, your most likely bet is on Netflix, Amazon, or some other online streaming service creating a series or movie themselves for their services.

As for Western, adult-oriented, feature film animation that's made by a major studio and put into tons of theaters internationally, I'm not sure how close we are to getting that. Really, what needs to happen is for there to be a PG-13 animated feature with mature themes that's plotted and structured like a regular summer action blockbuster. They need to stop going straight for the hard R rating and take deliberate steps toward it.

I'm just fucking tired of people thinking animated movies with tons of gore and sex and swearing will lead to some Renaissance of "mature animation". Nobody in the theater is going to look at shit like Sausage Party and go "Gee golly jeepers, it looks like animation isn't just for kids anymore!" They'll treat it as a novelty, an outlier, and little else.


>and demand something more mature
No they fucking wont.

It is at the moment. Today's "adults" are basically children.

Disney's Shoujo Tsubaki?

As horrific as the original Shoujo Tsubaki is Americans NEED to make something at that level

That's what they said about Disney fairy tales and princesses, then Shrek came along and fucked them up. It took years for those things to be accepted by the public again.


>Star Wart

thought that was a stripper pole from the thumbnail

esmeralda wasn't even a princess.