Voltron Legendary Defender

Season 3 Discussion Thread

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So, Lotor sucks all of the Galra's dicks. He has ruined Sendak's marriage but he also got to check a box on the type of Galra dick he really longed to suck.

Team crossdressing infiltration episode for season 4.

Worst boy

It was too short. Shiro needs to be permanently booted out of the team, Allura is a much better paladin.

I wouldn't say the marriage is ruined. Sendak and Raht are stronger than this.

Which character has had the most sex?

Slav and Sven, with each other.

gotta appreciate the kitty

That ain't Shiro brah


But what if he sucked Sendak's dick too? Would everything be better then because they shared this life changing event?

These two. Honerva takes Zarkon's ass to pound town every night, often multiple times a night.

Do you even need to ask?

Kuron is love.
Kuron is life.
Kuron a miracle of the universe.
Kuron may do bad things in the future, but he still a good person, inside and out.

Punished Shiro was such a cutie.

Slav is the obvious answer. He has been visiting every reality and fucking every Shiro there. Slav is someone I aspire to be.

It's all her fault

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Voltron finale. It confirms that the real Shiro never gets his mind back. (Pic is Kuron)
Listen youtube.com/watch?v=pXth84G7dkM

Only if their disguises don't work for a second and the enemy immediately recognizes them as males.

Shiro, followed by Kuron to see if he could take enough cock to pass as Shiro.


After months of agonizing conflict, Raht finally confesses to Sendak. Sendak flies into a rage, and swears he's going to kill Lotor. Evnetually, Raht suggests the, admittedly appalling idea of letting Lotor suck Sendak's dick too.

Sendak agrees, so they can share in the trauma together.

Cova did nothing wrong



Stop posting this useless joke

slav 2bh

But what if Kuron doesn't actually exist and it's all just Shiro?

Why not Slav X Cova?

Post your RP in /trash/ please.

It's an old meme about how anime girls are drawn with a crease where their thighs meet their crotches
In this case, i guess it's shiros dick outline
Unless user is one of the fools that think the meme refers to hip bones

Slav tops.

Shiro's exposed vagina bones. They didn't even censor them.

Then I hope that his and Keith's relationship continues fracturing.

i love it!

Stop. This shit's okay when a thread has reached bump limit, but not at the very beginning.

I don't know why people like Slav. He's annoying and stupid looking.

Proceed with your talk of Shiro's vagina bones.

>we know for a fact there is only one female Paladin
>they think it's Keith

But he's got them here

It has to be shiro
The black lion wouldn't have recognized him in space, and we wouldn't be specifically told about his headache if it wasn't.
It's shiro being mindfucked again. My bet is shiro ended up with the matt rebels for awhile, but ultimately got captured and mind wiped and rereleased to see if they could fuck up Voltron from the inside.
The matt/shiro clip is a flashback


You Slav haters are pathetic.

No. This whole thread is already nothing but shitposting. Of course Ausfag hours are always the worst.

I can't tell if Keith knows something is up with Shiro or not

Keith would be better as a girl.

instead of fussing at people, why not just talk about the shit YOU like and maybe someone will respond... Yikes, you are such a grump!

We've kind of discussed everything there is to discuss. There really isn't much to do besides shitpost at this point.

Maybe he's mindswitching into his clones.

Fuck you, I'm European

Then post a topic worthwhile instead of pissing and moaning.

I don't think he does. Those type of expressions are pretty much reserved for Shiro.

How did his hair grow so fucking fast when he's only been gone for a month or two at most? Why would they deem his as a specimen rather than his designated prison number? What about the line from S1 about Shiro's memories being linked to the arm? What's the significance of injecting him with something and then putting him in a container of goo? And "Kuron"?

There's just too many red herrings to default to "jk, it was mind control". It'd be disappointing as fuck.

Nothing would really change, in both the show and how he's treated by the fans.

>complaining about late-night Sup Forums, universally recognized as the best time for discussion of any topic

It looks like he's arching his eyebrow in confusion.

>How did his hair grow so fucking fast when he's only been gone for a month or two at most?
Prenatal pills

So, like, Lotor preps his mouth by stuffing it full of marshmallows. Like, he wakes up, takes a piss, showers, brushes his teeth, and then frantically shoves marshmallows into his mouth to get it nice and flexible.

I agree but I'm not going to hate. They're relatively inoffensive and they could be posting shitty fanfic like the Galrafags, vascillating between wanting to torture or nurture him like Shirofags, making up increasingly retarded theories like Keithfags, or talking about what sick fetishes he might have like Lancefags.

Cova's only mistake was he didn't go further

You can't stup us, America! Go to sleep

Sure as hell isn't in this thread.

>hurr Keith crossdressing
>hurr Lotor sucking dick
>hurr which character has had the most sex
>hurr Shiro's vagina bones

Shitposting. This is why IP's drop off in these threads at the drop of a hat.

Is Cova a boy cat?

It's time to come up with a new theory /vld/! Help me out by filling in the blanks.

>_____ (character) has really been _____ (character) all along and is secretly planning to _____

Well you would know about shitposting. Now do us all a favor and fuck off.

Lotor is indeed a man with a keikaku.

Still doing the cow eyes, though.

Keith has really been Keith all along and is secretly planning to be Keith.

Sendak has really been Yurak all along and is secretly planning to grow out his mullet.

Pidge has really been Iverson all along and is secretly planning to steal the Declaration of Independence.

Lance has really been Bashar al-Assad all along and is secretly planning to gas his own citizens.

>waaahhh I want to continue my shitty gay Lotor fanficiton!!

Fujos are cancer.

I'm truly sorry user but I need to meme my fetish into the show.

t. Shiro being tsundere

>universally recognized as the best time for discussion of any topic

But that hasn't been the case in years. Not since the Aussies proliferated.

So do you think Haggar will ever get redemption of will Zarkon and Haggar go out in a blaze of sadistic glory?

Haggar and Zarkon both get a redemption at the end, but die not long after.

Lotor remains a shithead til the end.

I'm really just hoping this is a particularly bad thread and not an example that we've already run out of things to talk about and have devolved back into this /trash/ tier circlejerking.

I could see either. Maybe they give their lives trying to seal away the quintessence monsters or something.

Are they going to stick with Zarkon/Haggar and Lotor as the villains for the rest of the series or do you think they'll bring in some additional ones in later seasons? It would be cool to have some villains unaffiliated with the Galra who stuck around for more than one episode.

Sadly I do think we're approaching that point. Really all we have left is fanart and theories for the next two months.

Im not sure voltron could survive the public backlash of making fun of the Japanese language by naming a cloning project "clone" in engrish.
But as for the hair, it doesn't make sense no matter what because he has a 5 day beard but 2 years of hair
It's definitely been many months, maybe even a year since he went missing at this point, given the building of a ship out of the comet
There's no reason to believe a shiro clone would have been spotted and recovered by the black lion.

We only got seven episodes and have had about a dozen threads. It was bound to happen.

Haggar has a point about Lotor, I mean he gets called in to run the Empire in his father's absence and...he dicks around in an arena, ruins some dumbasses career, then toots around the galaxy with his wacky gang in this dippy little ship dicking with Voltron. He's basically done jack and shit to actually lead the Empire. Even his supposedly taking back a rebellious world turned out to be just so they could lure in Voltron. As far as we can tell he's issued no real commands and even attacked his own people.

God, it's like he really IS Keith.

Evil Alteans cross over into this dimension and Voltron and the Galra have to band together to fight them.

The evil quintessence swarm is the real big bad

What backlash? That isn't actual English, it's a borrowed word.

Sendak eventually returns from the bowels of space! Meanwhile Haxus returns from the bowels of the castle with his new partner in crime, Rover! Can Pidge reawaken the hero heart of her first robotic friend?

Do you think we'll get a comfy not very plot heavy episode like space mall in the second half?

Then I think it's time these threads take a break soon. I enjoyed all the actual discussion going on these past few threads so much that it's actually painful to see them go back to the burning wreckage they were before. Once we start spending 50+ posts griping about tumblr, then it's truly the end.

Allura must use her own ability to generate quintessence to become a giant blue quintessence Allura to fight it!

I feel like Zarkon will return to be the main villain towards the end, but there will probably be other sub villains throughout to keep Voltron busy

You don't get to decide when people are done talking. If you are done, leave the threads until you want to do more.

I hope so. It seems it's the only time Hunk ever does anything.

you sound like you would benefit from lotor's dick sucking. so grumpy.

The trailer seemed to show a couple of more lighthearted moments, but I'm not sure. Usually the second half of the season is when shit starts to go down in this show.
This. People have whined about shitposting in this thread more than there have been actual shitposts.

The pic you posted is literally just japanese saying clone
Like how they say "supaa" for super
It's something they do because they have difficulty reproducing the english language
An english speaking person using those pronunciations is racist. Like, akin to naming a black character LeDeMarcus

Yeah, that's where i think they're going
Then surprise gay ship at the end

I have the feeling it's going to be this too. Also think it's going to somehow tie into the psychic aspect of the lions/Voltron.