It's a Jei murders the fuck out of everyone episodes

>It's a Jei murders the fuck out of everyone episodes

granted it was a dream but damn that shit was pretty brutal

Got a link?

That's my favorite type of episode!

Also this happened

3-D Jei is so fluffy. I want to pet him.

Das a lotta teeth though.

Holy shit, I can't believe the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are fucking dead.

Tmnt 2012 do really dark shit still that spider woman was hot LMAO

I want to ____ Usagi's ____.

>I want to BE Usagi's FRIEND

Is the only correct answer. You can't taint Usagi with your lewd suggestions, user.

tfw you'll never see an animated version of Grasscutter

I jumped a little bit when Jei stabbed Mikey.

Anyone else annoyed how Leo was having a confrontation with Usagi? He's still having trouble being the leader but we're on the last season, the time for characterization is long passed, it's time to do your role properly now.

Yeah, it was awkward. Like 'we need to add some tension in this scene let's just let Leo be stupid'.

well somtimes friends will hold each others sword if the other is too tired to do so.

That is generally frowned upon.


I need more cute Jei's.

Jei plushies as merchandise when, Stan?



Why are tose always the best episodes?

Purgin evil one turtle at a time!

Be honest Sup Forums....have you been evil?

I want to purge Usagi's evil

She was hot as fuck before that reveal. Even WITH a huge spider body.

but man how much evil do I have to purge to get a proper Usagi series

>arc is now over
Whelp, who's ready for the 2018 TMNT's Usagi crossover?

I want to see how they do chill fun time Usagi. So far its been no nonsense Usagi (which was still good just want to see the fun side he also has)

if only Mikey didnt had a dozen different fakeouts during the previous 4 seasons

Considering that they spend a bunch of money making 3d usagi assets, along with Jei, and they probably have beebob and rocksteady that they could quickly push into service, maybe this could be a stealth launch.

Yeah I like the voice they have for him but I am curious how he'd handle every day walking around with a smile Usagi


So wait does Jei actually have magical power stuff like he showed in the dream or he can't really do that?

He never did anything mystical beyond "consecrating" his spear and possessing new hosts in the comic, but this is an alt universe so...


Any HD rips of today's episode yet?