It's that time of the week again:

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What's up with the wildly fluctuating animation quality?

>no molly
Awful episode.

Apparently animators take turns at what scenes to animate, which is a godawful idea.

this episode was bad. it made me really uncomfortable

So how heavy are the incest undertones in this episode?

It's not an awful idea, it's just executed horribly. Another case of a director who's too nice.

>her brother suppoerts her with her crush
>she gets angry when he has a crush
is this a cuck cartoon?

>Now you've gone too far, little miss PERFECT!
You can take miz Abbott, take the customers and take my job, but you can't take MY little brother!

fuck off rich evans

When did Pacifica Northwest start working at the library?

Vivziepop has to go!

it was very nice of them to allow very young children to animate their cartoon for them

Vivziepop animated the best scene so far (with help)

Sounds fun to work on tho

Am I the only one that appreciates the fact their voices actually echo as if they were in a library?

I don't know if that was intentional

Please tell me that animation isn't the final product

That is so hard on the eyes

Its like that episode of Gravity Falls

Who helped her?

Strange how that one thread about wanting to fuck our sisters was the best Too Loud thread we ever had.

Zeruel or whatever his name is

hey, i like zeurel.
okey she can stay

Cut the fucking bullshit, is Rich Evans in this or not? You NEED to provide this information in the OP.

is this show even on TV?

>Jeff falls in love with a girl who is basically an idealized version of his sister


You mean nearly all of them?
a great animator *cough*

No. He's not.

>zeruel works on this shit

This show...


Boy, that was stupid as fuck. But you're right. His stuff really does seem great. The animation is fluid, the characters are lively. Really makes you wonder what the fuck he's doing working on this.

How would you improve this show?

More Molly.

>more of the worst part

Make the entire premise about rich evans and his daily life

Just when I thought those fat retards couldn't get any worse. Worst episode so far.

Why's she the worst part?


Name one good thing about her
>red hair
>always dpressed
>don't want to be around the others
>stupid nasal voice
>ugly face not just her style
>ugly clothing

Delete this.



>the constant changes in animation quality
>the jokes are just "LOOK! WE ARE LOUD AND HAVE BIG HEADS LOL"

And people like this how?

How actually would you write THIS in the show?

mostly blind Vivz fans

the animators use different brush sizes for the same scene, and it bothers me a lot

It's simple, just do the same thing as the Ricky Gervais show and make an animated version of Best of the Worst.

You made this yourself don't ya ;)?

Those are all good things.


Being dead inside is part of her appeal


>>red hair
>>always dpressed
>>don't want to be around the others
>>stupid nasal voice
All of these are good.
>>ugly face not just her style
>>ugly clothing
Not true, desu.

No Evans, no view.


I didn't know there was forbidden love on this show

Porn when?

I'm still waiting for them to eat someone.

yeah me too, he already got this huge tongue


Preferably Molly

I want to be cucked by the lead characters

How about the download links of The New Adventures of Nanoboy for Amazon Prime UK?

That shit drives me nuts. I work on very small animation projects and one of the first things animation directors do is brief us on the brushes and tools we should use to keep consistency across all artists.

>that wildly fluctuating animation quality/linework
>weird incest vibes
>shitty audio mixing

This is such an obvious attempt to steal some of the loud houses fanbase

sorry mate.

Is rich evans in this episode?
If the answer is no, then I dont care

This airs on an entirely different platform, I doubt they're trying to 'steal' anything


OK time to point out the animation errors for this episode!

There aren't many this time around because this episode has the most instances of tweening than the previous 4.

For our first Error, Sarah's tounge wasn't colored in.

in this pic, Sarah's hair colors are coming out of the lines

right here Jeffery's sandwich is just bread, i mean, it's not really an animation error, but it's just really weird, i mean they could have just made like, purple slop, still giving it that gross feel, instead of a pure bread sandwich

That weird blush inbetween Sara's eyes disapears right here.

not really an animation error, but i just wanted to point out that Jeffery makes this weird turned on face in the last two seconds of the episode.

I think this is the worst episode yet with the incesty vibes and the gross out at the end.

Well, the last episode (episode 6) is coming out next week, and Rich Evans is garanteed to make an appearance, so maybe there is a light at the end of this big, moist tunnel.

Asking the important questions, this woman.

You know, these abominations remind me of Squigs.

The incest vibe grows.

>"Thank you for saving my life right after you endangered my life!"

>A kid tries to get a book from the very top shelf by climbing the bookcase
>They lose their footing and are about to fall
>Thinking fast, Sara or Jeffery hurry into position and open their mouths to soften the kid's landing
I guess Jeffery would be the best fit, what with his strengthened tongue.

>Sup Forums saying incest vibe
>it's like they never interacted with a girl/woman before.
women are fucking territorial, she was more mad at the fact she would lose her brother who fucking compliments her on shit all the time, you faggots.

God, this show is so generic.

>there is still no rule 34 of this

I don't particularly like any of the characters that way but still...

>she was more mad at the fact she would lose her brother who fucking compliments her on shit all the time
So, the sister pretty much wanted a boyfriend without benefits?

>i just wanted to point out that Jeffery makes this weird turned on face in the last two seconds of the episode.
Of course he did, Sarah just became everything he wanted in a girl; someone exactly like his sister.

I... Are you implying incest or not? My sister didn't give a rat's ass over who I was chasing after.

There's 14 pics on Paheal.

Also Sarah a cute.

>cartoon is hideous
Sup Forums doesnt care
>characters akward writing makes them seem like a couple even tho they are brother and sister
too loud general

>"Sara, you saved my life!"

but it was her fault your life was in danger in the first place.

I'm implying no incest, and your sister doesn't have to fucking fit in that mold.

But user, you're implying the femSquig wants whotsface as a boyfriend with no benefits. That sounds weird as hell.

There's always gotta be that one guy who gets triggered whenever someone points out the incestuous vibe in a cartoon.

women just want attention sometimes.

What the fuck did I just watch

Good Lord, and I thought the last episode looked bad.

Sibling love.