Teen Titans

Out of curiosity, do you prefer the Wolfman/Perez run of Teen Titans, or the cartoon? Only reply if you've read and seen both iterations.
For me, it's the comics

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I liked the TV show as a kid, but I always wished it was more serialized.

I read the first three trades of the Wolfman run. It was pretty enjoyable, but I didn't feel the need to read more than that.

I enjoyed the show too but a major problem for me is the visuals. The colours are muted and the anime stuff makes me cringe a bit upon rewatch, but it's still pretty good.

>I liked the TV show as a kid, but I always wished it was more serialized.
It was one of the most serialized cartoons to come out until the modern era, as every season had a major arc and many other eps clearly fit into a single timeline. Remember, there was no Adventure Time or horse show back then, so having any continuity in a cartoon was considered a huge risk for the network.

And honestly I'm not even sure it would have been better that way, many of the standalone eps were extremely enjoyable.

>The colours are muted
Backgrounds only. Foregrounds, especially character designs, are anything but that.


Wolfman's narration is too much for me, like even compared to other 80s stuff, but I really dislike how they changed some characters (esp Starfire because I hate the naive alien trope) and I hate the anime style they went with.

also i agree with in that I would probably like it more if it were serialized

>(esp Starfire because I hate the naive alien trope)

>It's really fun the way that they kept so much of he essential nature of the character, and yet made such a fundamentally huge change in the nature of the character. Starfire has always been an elemental character, a character who was always about her passion. I don't think it's an accident that her first true storyline had her kissing of Robin as such a key element of the story.

>Now, on the other hand, Toonfire is equally passionate as Starfire, and seems to have much the same temper (view her fights with Blackfire, or Killer Moth's daughter). However, they took her and added a layer of deep naiveite. She feels her passion so strongly (and the ep where she bodyswitched with Raven shows it), but she's essentially an innocent. Sure, she has her goofy habits (keeping odd pets, celebrating Blorthog, and the like), but the character is just much more endearing in the end. I don't know, maybe it seems that underneath all that passion, Starfire's most essential emotion is anger, while Toonfire's is joy. That's probably unfair to Starfire, but that's the feeling I get from them.

I'm gonna say the comics because there's a lot more sexy chicks than just Raven and Starfire

I like what I've read of Wolfman's run.

I think I like the cartoon better, but that's mostly because I saw it first.

Presented without comment.

I prefer the comics. Though, Wolfman can get pretty tedious.

However, I do have to say that I think cartoon Raven is a general improvement on comic Raven and cartoon Cyborg's design is the only good look Vic's ever had.

>doesn't even post best Kole

A good point to make is that typically the version people experience first will likely be the one they prefer

A good point is usually true.

The show a good show for kids but I prefer the comics.
In the comics you can feel they are a family, each worry for each other and real development. Robin transition to Nightwing and transforming into a competent leader, leaving Batman behind and founding a new family. Donna finding about her past and leaving wonder girl behind changing to Troia, getting married, etc. Garfield leaving the Doom Patrol too, his problems with his father and founding kindship with cyborg. Vic had his problem with Silas and Starlabs, all his complex and rejections being half man half machine. Raven who was a loner and tormented by her demons and her transition to the white raven, all her innocence about her feelings discovering love. Jericho also had his fathers problems, son of the most dangerous mercenary in the world but he was the most kind of all and how he demonstrated that without talk. Wally struggling with his ilness and his unrequited love for Raven. Starfire whith all her slavery past and her new freedom on eath, giving her all to her friends, her passion and her love.
Then add great villains and stories, slade, trigon, brother blood, the titans and olympians, Hive, sparta, etc etc

I prefer the show, personally. Wolfman's writing style is really wordy and melodramatic, even compared to other comics at the time. I barely tolerated that when Claremont did it, but NTT I just couldn't. And the smaller cast meant the show has tighter focus - I never gave even the slightest of fucks about Donna Troy or her creepy self-insert husbando, or Wolfman's Kid Flash really, who he openly admitted to disliking. And yet he still felt like a victim cuz he was brainwashed into being Raven's boytoy for a while, because he didn't trust her... so she violated his own private feelings, thereby proving he was totally right not to trust her, and HE'S the one that's treated as a heel? Yeah fuck that noise.

For that matter, I much prefer toon Raven, the outsider whose cynicism it turns out is rooted in her knowledge that the world WILL end at her hand, and the bittersweet desire to help people and inadvertently make friends before that happens. And the Trigon reveal had weight because you'd gotten to know her, seen hints at her demonic nature, and now you really cared about this girl and like the Titans, wanted more than anything to save her.

In the comics, her introduction is a big exposition dump about Trigon, and she basically forces them to become her personal bodyguard. She was purely motivated by self-preservation, which could be interesting, but Wolfman... doesn't seem to realize the things his characters do are awful. Like how Deathstroke is a creepy guy who fucks and/or murders teens, but he's totally noble and has a code of honor gaiz. The cartoon may not focus on making us think "Wow, Terra's a slut!", but they do unapologetically depict Slade as a monster who abuses kids, even without getting into his biological children. And when Robin does some shit like abuse his teammates' trust in 'Masks", the ending makes it clear that he's the one in the wrong.

TL,DR: the show felt more emotionally "real" to me even with goofy one-off anime or Wacky Races episodes.

I like how Cyborg is a likeable person in the cartoon, not just an aggressive black guy like in the comics.

What about Beast Wars seasons two and three?

Issue 7 where Cyborg spends time with his dad before he passes genuinely makes me tear up

I liked Wolfman's run but the cartoon handled a few things better than the comic.

In the comics Raven was basically a plot device for bad things to happen to the Titans. Toon Raven was an actual character.

I've been flamed for saying for years but the cartoon handled Judas Contract way better than the comics. The writers of the cartoon never pretended Slade did nothing wrong.

The cartoon also handled Terra a lot better than Wolfman ever did.

I more or less agree about Terra and Judas Contract. Wolfman really overdid it. That said, cartoon Terra's design is kinda shit.

>Sup Forums in charge of understanding anything about colors

there are people here who legitimately think Snyder uses color filters. Sup Forums likes to pretend they know what they are talking about when they really dont

So what is the actual situation with TT's colors, wise guy?

Sorry, meant to imply the second guy was right. The colors aren't muted at all. Not even the backgrounds, they just use darker shades (which isnt the same thing as "muted").

And later seasons of Adventure Time show exactly why executives didn't want continuity in cartoons.

And why is that?