Is Avatar worth a watch, or is it too childish?

is Avatar worth a watch, or is it too childish?

Slow start, but its one of the best animated series out there in my opinion. Don't bother with Korra

It is extremely cool.

There are still good fight scenes in Korra.

Watch it most of it, then headcanon the end of the series just before Katara fights Azula.

>asking if a children's cartoon is too childish

You're a special kind of retard OP

It's the second-best cartoon ever made, so if you think it's too childish Sup Forums probably isn't for you.

Yes, kids are a demographic of the show.

Congratulations, this may be the dumbest post ever made on this board.

What's the first?

Avatar is probably the most beloved animated show the US ever put out.

Is it worth a watch... yes. Yes, it is.

>second-best cartoon ever

'Steven Universe' is good, but THAT good?

Gravity Falls

Mission Hill

Definitely worth a watch. Just don't even think about watching the abomination they call "Korra". I'm serious, don't do it. It will retroactively ruin the first show for you.

Depends what you mean by childish.

And don't read the post-series comics either, they're even worse than LOK in some ways.

(The comics during the series are decent, though not nearly as good as the show itself.)

I only watched the episodes with Toph, she has cute feet.

Toph is best character

That and the music are about all I'll give credit for.

It's pretty bad otherwise.

LOK's fight scenes are absolutely terrible.
ATLA's music is on a whole different level, though

I don't know if you can objectively say which one had a better soundtrack. Both were made by the same guys, so the quality is pretty similar.

I can, ATLA's is a million times better. I had to look up who made the LOK one after watching the show, it was hard to believe the drop in quality