This meme fucking sucks

This meme fucking sucks

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not having a good time?

It's also the only good thing to come from this show.



>Pickle Rick

The one thing about this meme is that you can tell it was made to be a meme. Something people are going to repeat and spam for years.

It's self-aware. They know they can plug in the most inane shit in the world have their fandom drive it into the ground. It's kind of fascinating to watch.

Dear fucking christ STAY IN ONE THREAD


it sucks even more when you keep talking about how bad it is

so this is our answer to Sup Forums's baneposting, pickleposting?

Pickle Rick posting was born on Sup Forums. Please don't take credit for something that has Sup Forums written all over it.

I fucking love it. It's the epitome of the post modernist war on objectivism. Nothing has meaning so why is this joke funny? Because they said it is.

This joke is art.

Tell me, why does he wear the pickle? XD

No, this is the literal 14-16 year old faggots on Sup Forums crossboarding with 0 understanding of board culture

>Sup Forums
>having any board culture to begin with

Look at this man and laugh.

We never said it didn't

Will there be a cross over with the dog?

isnt Sup Forums's board culture screaming Sup Forums at everything?
the other board culture has it's own board now

this desu, Sup Forums is one of the few boards to have not do anything worth value. It's so boring

Pickle Doge?

Terrible meme from a terrible show.

i like the show but this pickle rick thing is so fucking unfunny and forced
they promote this shit on every outlet they have, it's unreal

Man I love looking at Rick and Morty memes on that alien forum but this one is really awesome!

>fire all the strong young aryan bucks from le show
>replace them all with cuckatrd cuck drumpf shillary
>act surprised when hitler moves to kekistan

What a shock goyim mudslime!

Just means less to lose.

what are you even saying?

I don't even know what it means. Cartoon Sup Forums is incomprehensible.


xD :D


That's because Sup Forums is the love.

>tfw two dumb for Rick and Mertin

>lol I'm so nihilist bro I own ALL 3 seasons of Rick and Morty and the hot topic merch

fucking kill me

I wonder how the king of pickles himself would feel about this

this cant be fucking real

All meme's suck.

Post memes.

no, that's just Sup Forums trying to inject itself into everything. If you've been to the board you should know this.

rapping Tomoko just put this shit on blast

Is there any chance pickle rick isnt in tonights episode and it was all a big bait and switch?

i fucking hope so

It's pretty clearly ironic.

eh y'know what pal, inferring i'm autistic speaks more to your character than mine, since if anyone is missing the point it's yourself

i am saying that the R&M show mirrors the current western milieu, in that we have steadily become more secular and with that; lost any belief in the intrinsic worth of life outside subjective concerns for one's personal well-being

at this point i'm gonna include the user who brought up family values at , because he too demonstrates the reductive worldview currently plaguing the west, his hedonistic enjoyment of life includes his family and friends - adding to his personal well-being and sense of fulfilment in a functional sense - but just like the R&M show reflects, not having any ultimate worth, other than what benefits him

the character of Rick is representative of every over-educated fool who thinks that this godless universe hold no absolutes other than personal pleasure, and that's why you both think the show has worth, because it reinforces your own atheistic worldview

but you're wrong - and the R&M show actually detracts from humanity by encouraging human beings to remain under such objectively evil delusions

Can somebody explain to me this meme? i just dont understand the meaning or appealing of this pieces of shit. I mean it just ricks face in a pickle for fuck sakes...

Sup Forums and christtards hate rick and morty for being popular on reddit and insulting their facist god, and they think pickle rick is the epitome of its cringey "lolsorandom" humor, so they ironically shitpost about how great it is in a sad attempt to be as much of contrarian shit guzzlers as possible. I admit this show has alot of problems but just because it said your sky god who raped a 14 year old isnt real isnt one of them.
>inb4 tips fedora
Im a diest so i think their is a god you faggots, just not yours

you are like a baby

It's pure, undiluted "le totally randumb XD" faggotry

absurdism and irony

Everybody wanted to believe Rick and Morty was reddit
They got what they wanted and now they're angry

I think the writters knew this was "Lol random" shit. They are taking advantage of the hype and fucking with us


Some Christians came here to cry because tv should all be about Jesus. Also a girl touched this cartoon once and gave us all girl AIDS which I believe is where AIDS comes from.

Excuse me

Sup Forums had a really strong board culture back in 2010, it's actually really shocking how downhill things went.

But they made a bunch of characters with gigantic chest tumors!

It insist upon itself, just like the garbage show

Only three hours until pickle rickle is in the house

>implying comics Sup Forums is any better

I sure love Gwenpool posting!

don't worry, you're just a large size faggot, not a fedorafag.

And I didn't think anything could outrank 2016's memes at being shit.


It had loss edits but Sup Forums's were always better in every way

Rick and Morty is a shitty meme show and Pickle Rick is the best example of it being a shit meme show

Holy shit you completely missed the joke you idiot.

Sup Forums thinks it's fucking awesome

All this irony and autism is giving me a headache.

nah, it's not as cultured or nuanced as baneposting

baneposting is a true art and probably the pinnacle of memes

you need to go on to see this cancer reddit meme taking effect

what emotion is this face trying to convey?

>cuckatrd cuck drumpf shillary


>stickies and bg music are reddit



So does POL, so why don't you go back there where you belong.


it's Sup Forumss to begin with

It's time to pull the trigger.

Typical /pol can't go two minutes without attempted murder.


It's suicide, not murder.

What the hell is going on?
I only heard/saw this meme in /s4s/ and now in this thread.

>What the hell is going on?
Extremely forced ironic shitposting.

Why do you mention me as a meme? user I assure you that Skyrim Reremastered HD is no meme. Why don't you buy it right now on the Steam store, with all the DLC?

ironic meme making fun of people who hate Rick and Morty because of popularity.

>hate Rick and Morty because of popularity.

or because it sucks a dog shit

hello, reddit!

Holy hell how man ylayers of irony are you on?

fuck off todd


When will ironic shitposting go away? Even normies are doing it now.

Vote up guys

I wish I could be more Dank

make Hitler/nazi memes of it and watch the autistic meltdowns.

>not using adblocker

But user!

We haven't even spent like 3 months CONSTANTLY reposting it and then wishin for the sweet release of death!


>I turned myself into an elder dragon planeswalker Morty!

This isn't actually a bad idea. Sup Forums was able to ostracize Pepe using specifically that tactic. If there was a concerted effort, you could probably kill a few memes' popularity outside Sup Forums.

Who else didn't know what Reddit was until Redditors invaded and started telling us to go back there in around 2010?

Thought it was an ass sitting on a dick from the thumbnail.

I thought the pickle rick was just something random for the trailer.
