Which one is your favorite?

Which one is your favorite?
Which one causes you the most butthurt?
Which one would you like to see?

My wishlist;
Galactus vs Unicron (w/ a tie-in DBX of Silver Surfer vs Galvatron)
Thanos vs Darkseid (no Infinity Gauntlet or Anti-Life equation)
War & Death (Darksiders) vs Dante & Virgil (Devil May Cry)
Teal'C from Stargate SG-1 vs Worf from Star Trek TNG/DS9
Red Sonja vs Xena
Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) vs Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond)
Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) vs Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Vision vs Red Tornado
Wario vs Shadow the Hedgehog
Goro (Mortal Kombat) vs Machamp (Pokémon)
Alucard (Castlevania) vs Magus (Chrono Trigger)

Other urls found in this thread:


spongebob vs steven
bonus autism point's if it's stevenafter not surviving

>vs steven

Yang vs Tifa just to see the FF fans lose yet another fight and watching the salt flow.

Favorite has gotta be either Guts vs Nightmare or Kratos vs Spawn. Both also has so much salt involved.

None of them really cause me butthurt, but I disagree with the Wolverine VS Raiden battle.

>Kenshiro VS Saitama

Saitama would obliterate him, even disregarding the "haha the whole point is that he always wins" thing, Kenshiro's best feat is fucking up some city blocks in his fight with Raoh in the movie. Saitama was *kicked to the Moon* and wasn't even scratched. Why do people want this meme fight?

Gaara vs Toph

Gaara should have won

I agree and I love Avatar. That match was complete bullshit

>Which one is your favorite?
Guts vs Nightmare

>Which one causes you the most butthurt?
Master Chief vs Doomguy, they made an extremely one-sided matchup, and then somehow got it wrong.

Oh also Batman vs Spider-Man, because why would you bother doing that one-sided a matchup? Actually all the one-sided ones annoy me.

>Which one would you like to see?
Thor vs Captain Marvel
Wiz vs Boomstick
Captain Planet vs Swamp Thing
Madness Combat Jesus vs South Park Jesus
Strongbad vs Someone from Gravity falls
Thorfinn vs Cervantes
Ash Williams vs Yoh Asakura
Team Battle: Original Left4Dead crew vs Original Nazi Zombies CoD crew

Saitama vs Popeye

This one was the worst, but Pokemon vs Digimon was terrible because the power is too large for it to have been interesting at all.

Shao Khan vs M. Bison was my favorite. That shit was pretty damn cool.

I want Avatar Aang vs Krillin to be a thing, even if Krillin probably has it in the bag easily.

Stopped treating them seriously when Leo beat Mikey.

ikr? people crying "b-but m-muh materia" like tifa is going to casually carry knights of the round or something.

I want to see Garp vs Roshi. Go, old person fight!

>Gaara vs Toph
Your salt is why I love that one so much.

Tifa vs Yang was bs

It was when I saw this screenshot on Instagram did I know they were just gonna let Tracer win that fight with no effort.

i like the ones were the characters are very close in terms of "power levels". even if it's a character i like i don't tend to like the one sided fights most of the time.

my favorites are:
yang vs tifa
both the deadpool battles
digimon vs pokemon
Iron Man VS Lex Luthor
Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom
Ratchet & Clank VS Jak & Daxter
Joker VS Sweet Tooth
Meta VS Carolina

never watch a death battle unless you're willing to see the character you like die.

>Which one is your favorite?
Hard to say. I think I'll go with Terminator vs Robocop.

>Which one causes you the most butthurt?
Scout vs Tracer. That one was so rigged it was funny.

>Which one would you like to see?
Conan vs Tarzan. As in, book/comic Conan vs book/comic Tarzan. That'd be some tight stuff.

Kirby vs Buu had some top quality salt

>Idiots who don't know shit about the things they are talking about decide who wins in a fight
How exciting.

>Which one is your favorite?
Guts vs Nightmare, Ratchet and Clank vs Jak and Daxter is a close second
>Which one causes you the most butthurt?
Gaara vs Toph, Link vs Cloud
>Which one would you like to see?
Dracula (Castlevania) vs Kain (Legacy of Kain)

If you seriously get butthurt over this show, then you take it even more seriously than the creators do.

Goku vs Superman, both times, because they generated the most butthurt

Eggman vs Wiley
>butt hurt
Bowser vs eggman

For whatever it's worth, the one that's the most bullshit from I've seen is their recent Renamon vs. Lucario matchup.

Guts v Nightmare still gets me because they literally just say Guts wins because he's a lucky fucker.

Honestly, I don't know who would win, but they really didn't even try to give Scout a chance, since they ignored pretty much all the comic stuff.

I like Mario vs. Sonic and Goku vs. Superman, but the one I cry bullshit at the most is Glacius vs. Sub-Zero. They said that he could penetrate Glacius' armor because of the test your might minigames but then that would mean that every MK character is capable of that kind of strength and that's just not true. TYM has never been proven canon. It's just a fun minigame that you play in Arcade. I'm not mad that Sub won, I'm mad that that's how he won.

Snake vs Sam

Cap vs B-man

>which up and coming one
If the leaked list still holds true:
Nightwing vs Daredevil

Goku v. Superman I
Goku v. Superman II
I really wanna see them throw one of the Jojos into the ring. I'd say Joseph vs. Edward Elric but they already did a one minute melee of that (and I'm not familiar enough with Edward to know if he doesn't pull some endgame anime bullshit and jump twelve tiers in the last 10 minutes).

Who lost?

>Thor vs Captain Marvel
>Captain Planet vs Swamp Thing
Stealing these for my wishlist

>I like Mario vs. Sonic
That was another bullshit one.

Thor/Captain Marvel crossover when?

Not really. Didn't they count Archie Sonic? Archie Sonic is damn near Wally West levels of absolute retardation


This, by far. It's delicious.

>Didn't they count Archie Sonic?


Favorite in terms of outcome and explanation? Probably Nightmare VS Guts

>"Yeah Guts literally deals with shit like this every day"

Most butthurt would probably be Garra VS Toph (I mean I didn't really get too butthurt about it but them coming up with Toph winning felt off. At least with something like Buu VS Kirby they had toonforce stuff as part of their reasoning)

Link VS Cloud was also kind of bullshit considering they gave Link his entire arsenal from multiple games but gave Cloud only Buster Sword and two basic materia

I'd like to see Samurai Jack face someone or for them to redo Doom Guy VS Master Chief because there is no fucking way MC should beat Doom Guy

none of it, because it's shit

Renamon lost

For this I kinda shrugged it off I guess it was just to satisfy the pokemon people after Greymon and Tai fucking bodied Red and Charizard.

They didn't even have digivolving for the Renamon match because she would have crushed Lucario if she was allowed to (even with mega evolution involved)

Kek. I figured.

>Conan vs Tarzan. As in, book/comic Conan vs book/comic Tarzan.
muh nigga

Favorite? Supes nuking Goku. Either time.

Which one bothered my booty? I will gladly admit Peach vs Zelda caused me to rage on the inside, I did stop watching after Scout vs Tracer though; so I've missed a lot of possible bad fights.

Hello, I'm gonna list the most bullshit matches and this is obviously a non-objective opinion.
>Bowser vs Crenando
>Pikachu vs Blanka
>Rainbow Dash vs Starscream
>Mario vs Sonic
>Luigi vs Tails
>Ragna vs Sol
>Gaara vs Toph
>Mewtwo vs Shadow
>Tracer vs Scout

>Rainbow Dash vs Starscream
That just doesn't make any sense to me on a technical level. Like, I don't care what bullshit you spin, a little technicolor horse doesn't beat a fucking giant death robot in a fight.

technically the similarity of them two is that both of them can break the speed of sound

Pony vs Starscream is totally valid.

As is DK vs Knuckles.

dgaf about the rest

Also you missed MC vs Doomguy

I fucking hate Boomer's gimmick. Why does there have to be the vulgar annoying frat boy?

I loved He-Man vs Lion-O for keeping it feeling very 80s

I want to see Judge Dredd vs The Punisher

And the gameplay stuff (Tracer somehow charged her ult on Bonk despite NOT BEING ABLE TO HIT HIM. Seriously, if you try big fat letters that say "MISS" show up over his head)
And even fudged the meet the videos (Scout surviving three rockets that causes a payload tier explosion doesn't count because they didn't hit him directly. Which is stupid, your telling me I can sit on a live grenade and come out okay because it didn't nail me on the head first?)

>Renamon vs. Lucario
That's a notable one because they broke their own rules for how the match would work.

First, they established that each fighter would only have a level of strength they could reach on their own, without any help from a human partner. According to them, this means that Lucario can evolve from Riolu, while Renamon can't digivolve to any of her stronger forms (which they've decided are vastly stronger than her base form because Digimon gain a much larger power boost from transforming). On the surface, this seems pretty unfair, because it's essentially pitting a fully grown adult against a child (or young teenager, at most). In addition to that, it's not actually true; Riolu needs to have a high Friendship score (representing a strong bond with its trainer) to evolve to Lucario, meaning that it shouldn't have even showed up; Digimon, meanwhile, are shown to be fully capable of gradually growing into stronger forms without a tamer to speed up the process. By their logic, it wouldn't have been Lucario versus Renamon, but Riolu versus Taomon; this would have been an incredibly lopsided fight, but it wouldn't be the first one they've had.

Of course, like every video with a noticeable flaw, the comments section was filled with smuglets screaming their bloody lungs out about LOLOLOLOL SALTY SALTY BUTTHURT XDXDXDXDXDXD YOU'RE ALL SO MAD AND EMOTIONAL HAHAHAHAHA I'M SMUG AND BETTER THAN YOU towards everyone with any kind of criticism. Or, really, just the idea of having any kind of criticism.

>Digimon, meanwhile, are shown to be fully capable of gradually growing into stronger forms without a tamer to speed up the process.
I didn't watch that much tamers, but didn't the digimon literfally fuse with the tamer?
Did she ever managed to digivolve on her own?

To be fair it wasn't titled Riolu vs Renamon. It was Lucario vs Renamon. So they had to start them off at those evolutions. It's not cheating as much as you say it is.
Not to mention like you said, if Renamon digivolved even once then Lucario would be screwed over and the fight's outcome would be obvious and thus not fun to watch.

What comic feats does he actually have? It always seemed like he was canonically the weakest member of the team aside from medic. I mean he "died" to a bunch of robots.

>Balrog vs TJ combo next
my boy combo better win this

>I didn't watch that much tamers, but didn't the digimon literfally fuse with the tamer?
Yes, but only for their most advanced digivolutions. That's why I said Taomon and not Sakuyamon.

>Did she ever managed to digivolve on her own?
Not the protagonist Renamon, but the show did establish that Digimon could grow and transform on their own by fighting, and the fight was framed as pitting one member of each species against the other, not as any specific individuals.

It would've been a horribly uneven fight, true, but the rules as they stated them still wouldn't work that way.

It doesn't cause me butt hurt but their worst one is Flash vs Quicksilver. It's such a boring, obvious matchup that everyone and their grandma saw the winner to.

>Gen 1 Starscream
>Ever beating anything
Dude loses to everything

>The second I saw it was announced I knew that I'd like the One Minute Melee version better
>I was right
It even had a better looking fight instead of Diamond Storm Spam while Lucario does nothing

You know the Deathbattle guys hate anime and intentionally make anime characters lose as much as possible right?

Its why the Superman vs. Goku battle was such inconsistent bullshit