This show is actually hilarious. Please tell me I'm not alone. Season 1 is hit or miss but season 2 and onward is gold

This show is actually hilarious. Please tell me I'm not alone. Season 1 is hit or miss but season 2 and onward is gold

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I've never seen the show and I can already predict the character archetypes by looking at them
the bear is probably a Roger-like edgelord
the fat chick probably has some mental problems
the black and the short guy are probably buds/competitors
the blonde has a fucked up past
the captain is incompetent
how many did I get right?

You are alone Tosh. It is pure garbage.

bear (malloy) is roger taken to an absurd extreme
fat chick (connie) is a lesbian that her parents abandoned (ultra religious)
black (denzel) and short guy (steve) are buds
blonde (ethel) had a promising career until she drank on the job and caused an incident
captain (woody) is incompetent (most of the time)

the scary thing? that's just the tip of the iceberg.

denzel likes old women. REALLY old women
steve killed more campers than dachau (actual tv quote)
woody actually shows more humanity than quagmire after accidentally (possibly) having sex with his daughter (glenn actually welcomes the possibility of that happening to him).

it's pretty ok. it has it's moments.

It could've been good. I really WANTED to like it.

I loved it. There was no place they wouldn't go. I almost pissed myself during the Obama episode.

>Connie is high as fuck
It's the way the lines are delivered. It's fucking golden. You can tell the voice actors had a blast doing this show. Especially Tom Kenny

This show tried waaaaay to damn hard to be offensive and shocking

and this is coming from someone who really enjoys Tosh

>That episode where Tara Strong played that hot retarded big tit blonde
>Tara Strong actually said nigger 3 times

I've heard Tara Strong, Rob Paulsen and Tress MacNeille all say nigger before and I don't know how to feel about this

the bear is a self absorbed intolerant fuck and it makes him insufferable to watch.

I don't think malloy ever had a redeemable moment.

even ROGER has a moment or two.

Have you never watched Drawn Together? Tara voiced Princess Clara who was racist and always shit on black people.

Is she redpilled?

Not at all. Just dedicated to her craft.

She also said faggot before

God I miss the Boondocks

God no, this show is trash.

I'll never forgive this show for getting Ugly Americans cancelled

There's nothing Tom Kenny will say no to is it?


This show always felt like it was trying too hard in all the wrong ways. I don't think I ever laughed from what I saw of it, and with a show with as little to like as Brickleberry I just didn't care for it.

I'd put it in the same vein as Crash Canyon, but Brickleberry at least tried(?) to be its own thing where Crash Canyon is probably the blandest show in existence.

Yeah she is, I went to DCAD in Wilmington Delaware maybe four, five years ago. One of the head Animators from Batman the Animated Series and heard Tara Strong and a bunch of other Voice Actors joking around in their voices. He even had a few voice recordings he saved on cassette tape and once in awhile shared them with the class.

She said all kinds of shit, they had a whole skit of her and the Joker killing niggers and the whole crew was cracking up.

I think this needs to be said. Majority of people hate blacks, they might not share it out in the open but once their in good company, the truth comes out.

>Just started watching it
>First two minutes of the show
>Five black jokes
I love it already.

its good in a binge when you're real fucking tired.


I want this to be true so bad

And that's the exact reason our teacher never handed out copies. If we did good for the year he'd show us some of his personal collections from when he worked on BAS and sometimes those tapes.

Not sure how DCAD is doing anymore. When I was there they had a drug bust (weed den on the second floor of the dorm across the street) and woman was taken to a Psychiatric Hospital. On top of all that we had a Narcissistic Fine Arts Teacher who was caught sleeping with students. Majority of it was kept quite because they want and still want Wilmington to try and become better, its nickname is "Murder City" for a reason. All Cops leave the main strip and surrounding areas at 5 PM and the only escort you get are from volunteers with stun guns.

The BAS Animation Teacher was an absolute asshole though.

It's fun to watch hammered/high desu

New season of Ugly Americans never

I really liked it. Tom Kenny's voice he uses for Woody is maybe my fave thing he's ever done and it pretty much filled the fucked up void that Drawn Together left for 3 years.