Do you dread tomorrow, Sup Forums?

Do you dread tomorrow, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

"fuck monday" garfeld

I dread right now.

I'm fine, fine about every day as I can be

I'm spending tomorrow with my milf FwBs after she's been out of town for a month and her txts have been getting increasingly provocative and sexually aggressive over the last week.
so, no, I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

I dread it if you faggots keep breaking the rules

*takes a big ol shit on this post*

How the fuck is this breaking the rules? OP just asked a simple question.

hahahahahah I love this image.

I go to be every night wishing not to wake up again, and every morning I'm disappointed.

Tomorrow is just a continuation of today. It doesn't necessarily bring any new challenges or experiences that are unlike the ones being faced right now. Tomorrow is merely a construct of the human mind used to better our understanding of the progression of all things towards entropy. Fearing tomorrow is intellectually no more meaningful than fearing five seconds from now or the next hour.

>I dread this thread being unable to go 5 more posts without someone posting the pipe strip

If you want your image to deter shitposting it's probably a good idea to make it be readable.

>start 11 hour shift at 4:30 pm in 100 degree weather

at least I get to sleep in tomorrow

I've got tomorrow off work.
Tuesday though?
Suicide watch.

Is it it true that Lyman is gay?

Only the mondays

>Do you dread tomorrow, Sup Forums?


....Oh wait, it'll be Monday.

Then yes, I dread tomorrow.

Jon is where it's at, pal.

It's Monday, of course.

Speaking of which, here comes a fresh strip off the wall for the start of the week.


every day is the same day, what are you talking about

You are a new type of Barneyfag.


>Asking questions is roleplay
You have no taste in conservation, do you?

No, I don't hate my job.

Plus, it's a holiday.

I dread this board's future

There was a rulefag on /mlp/ people started to replicate him without understanding what he was complaining about. Now it's an i don't like this image.

Jesus... how has Davis done this for so long?

That date.
What significane would that have in the history of Sup Forums?
Specifically 8 years after this particular strip was released.



Not dread, just Grateful

i dread every day, for I must always confront the fact that no matter how close I get to someone I still carry self-loathing that poisons everything around me.