Why is the west better at doing Sup Forums than Japan is?

Why is the west better at doing Sup Forums than Japan is?

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same reason the east does capeshit better

huh. weird.

I await the Sup Forums show that's based on a mobile card game.


Because these are 2 shows out of 2 shows this year where as Japan is tasked with 20 shows a season along with 10 movies before next season rolls around

If your taking about the Netflix animes, that's because they want ratings. Japan just wants to sell merch

>not even boasting about Samurai Jack anymore
I just feel sorry for you guys at this point.

They're not.

I like Voltron better than Castlevania but what's wrong with Castlevania? I like it.

Because you have shit taste

Casltevania is western

Voltron:LD is a insult to real Japanese animation, seek help.

because the dialogue is written in english originally so it's better written than translations.

because for that same reason nothing is lost to translation.

because the humor and story elements are western so you get and understand them better than you would otherwise.

because it was made for you and not made for specific demographics that exist on the other side of the world but not near you.

because it's not better, it's just better for you.

reminder that you will never be Japanese and that golion is shit compared to voltron.


I watch some anime, but the japanese cultural stuff still feels weird and alien at times.

There are some shows where I think "I'd probably like this better if it was written by westerners". Talented westerners.

>Muh superior culture meme
Nah. If a story/characters can't cross cultures then they won't good to begin with.

fuck you that fight was hamazing

Its really weird to see just how much of Golion they used in Voltron LD

Kill yourself, famicom

Why is it that, whenever you talk about TMS and praise its past animations, you always bring up Hamtaro, which was completely unremarkable animation-wise?

It's because he wants to fuck a loli and her pet hamster we've all figured this out by now user.

It's obvious to us, but I want to hear him say it himself, if he can


Also the episodes TMS did themselves were excellent, it's was the other studios that were unremarkable to garbage in terms of quality.

In short.

TMS = excellent
Ajia-Do = hit or miss
Magic Bus = unremarkable
Sunshine Crop = bland and lifeless
Tokyo Kids = terrible
Actas = primitive, was only used for 2 episodes

No, just no.

Proving his point

>written by westerners

They all look almost exactly the same it's the same bug eyed loli over and over dude.

I'm guessing the only people who watched hamtaro watched it because either they were 4 year old girls who liked kawaii uguu hamsters and guys who wanted to fuck the little girl

4th row on google already at rule 34 of the laura

>They all look almost exactly the same it's the same bug eyed loli over and over dude.
No, they don't, neither does this.

>I'm guessing the only people who watched hamtaro watched it because either they were 4 year old girls who liked kawaii uguu hamsters and guys who wanted to fuck the little girl
No, Hamtaro was watched by millions of people, those 2 things are not why people watch Hamtaro.

Also Hamtaro was a uni-sex show, it was made for both boys & girls.

Go back to Sup Forums.

We sure can tell how good the animation is from this static image

If they weren't labelled, no one would be able to tell what studios did what in that picture. Hell, you could be fucking with us right now, for all we know

>fuck you that fight was hamazing

I didn't say it wasn't.

Startoons = Thirteensomething
TMS = A Ditch in Time
Kennedy = Can't remember it's name
Akom = Animaniacs
Wang = Cant remember it's name
Freelance = Toons Take Over
Encore = Hero Hamton

I was talking about the Hamtaro pictures

>millions of people watched hamtaro
maaaybe in japan if you really want to stretch it definitely not in america since less than half of it's episodes were aired here

Hamtaro's target audience is little girls, that's why it's listed under shoujo and was produced in a shoujo magazine. C'mon bro get your weeb facts straight.

Who gets credit for the new FLCL?

Anime has gone to shit in the past several years but cartoons will always be nothing but kiddie garbage and with a few success stories that happened in spite of all the limitations and shit.

>why is the west better at doing Sup Forums than Japan is?
Because you're delusional and much like the people working on those properties you're saying are better your tastes are tainted by nostalgia for badly translated adaptations that butchers the original content.

You're just like the Mexicans that think Dragonball Super is good.

Coz Nip's market and consumers are a mess. Animus don't sell, they never did- But other shits related to anime do somehow.
The only show you'll see airing right now are "advertisements", not even adaptation; advert for manga; advert for vidya; advert for light novel; advert for toys; advert for hug pillow and dick sleeve.
That's why they can make a LOT of shitshow every season, but no heart whatsoever.
Crossboarder out, peace

Show got millions of ratings on Cartoon Network, also Hamtaro was mainly in dedicated books before he got his own anime, not a serialized manga magazine.


Also the books were in the kodomo market, Wikipedia is not 100% right as it has outdated/incorrect info.

Japan. Production I.G is making it, and Adult Swim is just funding it.

>post shonen shit
>call it cape


face it bro Hamtaro is an anime for little girls that had shitty ratings in america.

>sold in kodomo market
And? There tends to be sections for shoujo and shonen manga in japan just because it's sold in the same market doesn't mean they're targeting the same audience that's like saying because romance novels and horror novels are sold in the same store means that they're targeting the same demographic

Who even said that except OP?!

Whats the difference?

Thank god went go full weeaboo and actually learned japanese

>Western anime is better because it's just cartoons made in nip style but it's all animated in Korea anyway

Castlevania was pretty boring though

>Anime has gone to shit in the past several years
Anime was always shit. Manga will always superior to anime

Episode count is based on the Japanese airing.

TMS = 1, 101, OVA 2 and Movie 3
Ajia-Do = 3, 54 and 154
Studio Jungle Gym = 70 and 27
Magic Bus = 161 and 4
Sunshine Crop = 11, 92 and 162
Tokyo Kids = 163 and 178
Mushi Pro = 58
Actas = 2 and 9

He's not saying culture is superior retard, he's saying it's more relateable because it's the culture you know and understand.

Shounen shit is pretty much capeshit of japan

Oh god you edgy faggots are cancer.

> Manga will always superior to anime
This fact does not change that there were at least a dozen of great and inventive anime coming out each year while now it's all generic and shit.

they are using the same korean studios?

No it was not, otherwise Laura would of never been made and 2-3 million views is not shit.


Nowhere in the Japanese Wikipedia does it say that Hamtaro is Shoujo, it was made for both boys and girls equally.

comics are shonen shit user.
i am an old fag like you and enjoy them anyway but come on.

No, VLD is by Studio Mir and Castlevaina:TAS is by Mua Films.

Ciao is a girl's shoujo magazine and it's literally listed as shoujo

Are you even trying silly?

>muh creative anime

Your shit didn't sell

my point is that the US is outsorcing animation just like japan does, so being "better" how?
the story is better?
because the animation ain't made by US studios anymore.

>This fact does not change that there were at least a dozen of great and inventive anime coming out each year
Yeah i dont think that was ever like that. I mean i like alot pre-2000 anime but we only remember those good ones and not the bad or generic stuff.

Because Japanese likes nearly everything related to a highschool in one way or another.
The west is stuck in nostalgia mode and Loves it when certain material sticks to the source creation.

US has been outsourcing animation for decades. 80s cartoons were basically anime light since it was all drawn in Japan. In the 2000s, just about everything was made in Canada and now it's mostly Korea

Japanese culture deifies the High School experience because it's the last semblance of freedom that they have before taking on the responsibilities of adulthood so of course most of their media revolves around it. Same as Americans love it when things are based around America

Thats where Kawai's other manga went to, Hamtaro was in Shogakukan's school grade manga however in it's prime however.


English Wikipedia is not 100% right you know and The Japanese Wikipedia said nothing about Hamtaro being in Ciao.

t. Netflix advertising intern

Both of those shows are terrible.

It's not.
>Not knowing about the puppy like kids that live in a water tower since the early 30s.

This. Cant really blame them for it

...There's literally scans of ciao magazine online with hamtaro issues I found this with a simple google search mate I'm just wondering why you like this animu to begin with it's pretty shit compared to other shoujos


fine, doesn't change what i am asking.
OP faggot claims that "Why is the west better at doing Sup Forums than Japan is?"
if the animation ain't made in the USA, then the story should be better.
and honestly no, asia is better at story telling.

The trend continued until about 08 or 09 though.

Most of the hamsters on that magazine are not from Hamtaro and Hamtaro only shows up in 1 page (page 224) and it's a ad for something else (the anime by the looks of the katakana).

My bad user but I do agree with you that OP is a faggot because he's trying to claim the west is better at making something than X country simply it uses a similar animation style.

Well they do it because their main source of income is teenagers still in school. TheY go where the market is.

Bro did you seriously skim through the entire thing? Why are you so obsessed with a shitty kids show about lolis obsessing over hamsters? It's not like the animation is good either even compared to stuff that came out the same year it looks like shit.

No, it's this.


It's not a shitty show, it's a 6/10 show that was badly mishandled and that if Telecom did Hamtaro instead of Return of The Joker Hamtaro would of been 8/10 at worst due to Toshihiko Masuda handling the ranks and Laura & Kana would of been used the way they were intended to be (aka a repeat of the likes of Buster & Babs).

>Comparing Return of the joker to Hamtaro

I'm sorry what?

Fuck off, tasteless faggot.

No it didnt. Those years had some great stuff but not inventive.

Telecom was meant to do comedy shows.

So basically you wanted them to be what CN is today, nothing but comedy? I don't really get how Hamtaro is a comedy either? I thought it was a slice of life?

What does "inventive" mean to you?

Intelligent comedy that is and when Hamtaro is slice of life Laura & Kana are built the same way as Buster & Plucky.

It be wasted talent otherwise as is the case with LilPri & Aikatsu.

Well i guess shit like evangelion or Urusei Yatsura

>little girls are the same as a rabbit and a duck
so are they furries or? Personally I'm not that big a fan of tiny toons either, whenever I watch it I just want to watch animaniacs.

The hell is Lilpri and Aikatsu? It just looks like once again a generic shoujo manga based on the google images Sort of looks like a bootleg pretty cure.

I'm talking about japs

You must be joeking.

>Hyperbolic reactions from people who probably are 10 years behind as usual.
Do you guys ever get tired of being wrong.

No they're humans, they're built to do crazy off the wall stuff like Slappy Squirrel.
>TMS-Kyokuichi Corparation

So you don't think Texhnolyze, Casshern Sins, Ergo Proxy, Mushishi, Samurai Champloo, Mononke, Kaiba or Kuuchuu Buranko are unique/different?

Granted the only thing I've seen of hamtaro was about 1 episode but wasn't the show almost entirely based off the hamsters? The little girls seemed to be a sub plot. Still trying to figure out how Hamtaro has anything to do with warner brothers cartoons from the 90s since I'm guessing they were done by completely different animation studios.

>another shitty bait thread made to start pointless arguments
Bravo, mods.

Both were from TMS but are hold by different companies.

Where they even on the same network in japan? This seems to be all based on nostalgia fagging and not knowing how to do simple research.

The WB stuff aired on TV Tokyo on it's heyday so yes.

But manga is better

I'm still not seeing any relation besides being on the same channel

they're targeted at different age groups, written and produced in different countries, etc I doubt the creator of hamtaro has actually heard of tiny toons.

Different sure but it is not like those kinda just dissapeard anywhere

>dat riposte
Fpbp defined.

Tiny Toons ass raped Sazae-San in the ratings back in it's heyday on Japanese TV, also Kawai had nothing to do with the human characters of the Hamtaro anime as that was 100% up to TMS.

The thing was that SMDE (Shogakukan Music and Digital Entertainment) botched it and Laura couldn't shine the way she was intended to.