Why does Sup Forums think that this character is popular when in reality he can't even hold a book?

Why does Sup Forums think that this character is popular when in reality he can't even hold a book?

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He has an obsessed shitposter, which is more than can be said for most characters

So does Bueno Excellent and he isn't popular.

Stop making this thread nobody cares anymore.

Why? It is a fair question.

Why does this site like to pretend that angry fish man is somehow a popular character when this clearly isn't true?

I haven't been around for a few months so if this is a recent thing IDK. Elaboration would help. What has Sup Forums done that's irked you so?
If you don't understand why he's significant, he was Marvel's very first superhero. As well as comicdoms first mutant, first flier, first antihero, first hero-hero rivalry, lots of novel fringe concepts that would later go on to define Marvel as brand.
In the Golden Age he was popular enough to build Timely Comics off of, and for competitors to copy. Aquaman is like the one DC hero that was done after Marvel instead of before, in an attempt to emulate Namor's success.
If people have been shitposting about the movies, I can't blame them. They cast the perfect Namor lookalike with the classic Namor personality to play a pop-culture punchline who they redesigned to look more like Namor. Aquaman is the one DCEU movie I was hype for on announcement, because it's a blatant fucking Namor movie.

>Namor lookalike
Yeah, totally Namor. He even has Namor's iconic beard.
>classic Namor personality
You mean "angry angry angry try-hard"? Because Aquaman seems pretty laid back
>Aquaman is the one DCEU movie I was hype for on announcement, because it's a blatant fucking Namor movie.
Yep. "Superhero with a loving wife" sounds totally like a Namor movie.

nobody fucking posts about fucking NAMOR other than YOU

you are the one shitting up the board with this character

and to top it off you just make the same shit thread every fucking time

nobody cares about Namor stop trying to make people care you fucking autismo

What's funny is that his popularity apparently continued into the 60's. It almost gets to a Wolverine-like level in the Stan n Jack era where every time a book launches, 9 times out of 10 Namor shows up in the first few issues. Obviously it happens in F4, but also Avengers, X-Men, and even Daredevil for some damn reason. I don't know what the Greatest Generation's obsession was with Asshole Speedo Man, but dude sold books. They even had him sharing Tales to Astonish with Hulk for a while.

>but dude sold books.
He didn't.

The only golden age characters that carried their popularity into the 60's were Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman. By that time, Namor was already well behind Aquaman in popularity.

Let's not retcon the reality.

okay, he didn't. he sucks.
now everyone, go home. nothing to see here, except one autist with a hateboner for a fictional character

I don't have the numbers, but why else would he show up so much if his mug on the cover didn't sell?

Don't talk with Namorfag, Don't reply to Namorfag threads. Hide them, and if you want to post in them, use s a g e

namor is fucking gay shit

Same reason as for why "Capes with Apes" was a thing during the silver age: I don't know.

If he was really popular, he would have a book of his own instead of making cameos. If he sold books, we would have sold books.

He should show up in a Black Panther movie as an Antagonist and then use that to weave him into future crossover films. Even if he came first, he's too similar to Aquaman in the public eye to have him get his own movie.


>H-He had a book!
Is that supposed to mean that he was a big seller?

So... what you're saying is it IS movie shit that's got you ruffled?


I just find funny that Namor fans see "laid back, long-bearded man with a loving wife" and actually think that it looks like Namor.

Maybe "Hancock" is totally a Batman movie in their opinion.

>I just find funny that Namor fans see "laid back, long-bearded man with a loving wife" and actually think that it looks like Namor.

I think you have misinterpreted some things. Someone did comment that one was a blatant copy of the other, but that was an established fact...50 years ago.

Bearded Namor comes from a period when he was a landlocked goodnatured amnesiac hobo, King Namor was always clean shaven and wore a lot less clothes than modern Marvel allows today. As for the loving wife....Namor bangs what he sees, marriage be damned. He's not even limited to bipeds, or mammals, in general.

So yeah, even one of them WAS a blatant copy of another, they're all written differently, both in personality and in the way that the world perceives them.

The guy pretty much said that "Jason Momoa Aquaman looks like Namor, behaves like Namor and Aquaman movie will totally be a Namor movie", when it is clearly not the case.

>So yeah, even one of them WAS a blatant copy of another, they're all written differently, both in personality and in the way that the world perceives them.
Their books are also different. One of them can sell. The other can't.

Because people are idiots with a boner for Namor. Even though he's half naked & looks gay as fuck. Oh wait...gay guys might like Namor, that's probably why they have a boner for him.

>for competitors to copy
Namor is a ripoff of another comic book character called "The Shark". Look it up.

>in an attempt to emulate Namor's success
Aquaman seems more well known, recognizable & popular than Namor. In fact Aquaman had once beat all other Marvel comic book sales back in 2012. That's just how popular Aquaman is.

>They cast the perfect Namor lookalike.
Jason Momoa's Aquaman has long hair with blond streaks/tips & a beard. He looks closer to the 90's incarnation of Aquaman. Namor looks like an elf with short black hair & is clean shaven, he looks nothing like Jason Momoa's Aquaman. However Namor does resemble Spock from Star Trek.

>classic Namor personality
Not even close. Just like the other user said, Aquaman is laid back.

>It's a blatant fucking Namor movie.
You sound angry. But you're wrong. It's like saying Deadpool is a blantant Deathstroke movie, even though both characters are very different in personality. Despite the fact Deadpool is a Deathstroke ripoff, it's easy to tell the difference between the two characters. Deathstroke is a more serious character & a total badass. Deadpool is a fun character & a total jackass(in a good way).

>Why does Sup Forums think that this character is popular when in reality he can't even hold a book?
>W-well, I can't prove but he was extremely popular back in the day and he is so popular that the Aquaman movie will actually be a Namor movie because of his popularity!
Why are people pretending that Namor, of all characters, is popular? He is less well-known than Jay Garrick. Why would someone lie for him?

They could save him and change him and Atlanteans for the movies to have lived earlier in time than the movies have focused on currently and maybe have Atlanteans reappear for some reason later on from now like in the 2020s or 2030s. They could make up something where he gets somehow kept alive like Captain America and comes back or gets resurrected.

He and Atlanteans could appear with old sorcerers hundreds to thousands of years ago, with Eternals and Deviants many years ago, with Ulysses Bloodstone/Elsa Bloodstone decades to hundreds of years ago, with various monsters (like Dracula, Frankesntein's monster) from Marvel's monster focused comics decades to hundreds of years ago, and/or with Conan characters many years ago.


Those would be a change from what the Marvel movies are like currently and what early Namor comics are like, but it's something to consider if they have trouble working Namor into movies in the near future.

Chill the fuck out loser

>Namor is a ripoff of another comic book character called "The Shark". Look it up.

Not exactly. Namor is known to have appeared in something printed before The Shark. Namor was made by the same person who founded the company of whose comics The Shark would first appear in.

Motion Picture Funnies Weekly is a 36-page American comic book magazine created in 1939, and designed to be a promotional giveaway in movie theaters. While the idea proved unsuccessful, and only a handful of sample copies of issue #1 were printed, the periodical is historically important for introducing the enduring Marvel Comics character Namor the Sub-Mariner, created by writer-artist Bill Everett.

Motion Picture Funnies Weekly was produced by First Funnies, Inc., one of the 1930s–1940s Golden Age of comic books "packagers" that would create outsourced comics on demand for publishers. The company, founded by Centaur Publications art director Lloyd Jacquet and later named Funnies Inc., planned to be a publisher itself, with Motion Picture Funnies Weekly as its initial product.


Creator: Lew Glanzman

The Shark debuted in the October issue of Amazing-Man Comics.

Motion Picture Funnies Weekly had been continued as Amazing-Man starting with its fifth issue (September)


Centaur Publications produced Amazing-Man's eponymous series, Amazing-Man Comics, which ran from issues #5–26 (Sept. 1939 – Feb. 1942).

>Namorfags actually think that these characters look like Namor and Namora
Namorfags are indeed retarded. Water is wet.

The story behind why OP keeps making this thread is fucking sad and hilarious.

He was in some thread that someone made from of Aquaman. Some posters said Namor is better and had better stories. He proceeded to lose his fucking shit and sperg the fuck out. Examples were given of good stories and he denied ALL of them because they weren't from a Namor solo book. Mini's don't count, nor do being part of a team or team book I guess. So everyone called him a retard and then... then he carried his anger into these threads.

It's funny really. He's seeking revenge over a few user's who said Namor was better than Aquaman. He can't get over that. He's very much like Namor.


Maybe they'll save him and Atlantis as a replacement for Black Panther and Wakanda. It seems like Wakanda at least might act as a replacement for Asgard in some ways in the MCU and possibly also as a replacement for Stark Industries for creating technological stuff. They might also hold off on introducing Atlantis due to the cost of the cgi and filming with water and probable future improvements in cgi water. Also,with the growth of the movie industry in Asia they might wait until they get to be an even bigger portion of the portion of the box office and introduce Namor as being played by a person with partial or full Asian ancestry.

You are taking me for someone else.

I started disliking Namor after I made a thread asking for recommendations and Namor fans said unironically that "New Avengers" was his best story, ever. I mocked it in another thread, this one about Doctor Doom, and then I made a thread just to mock Namor and its sad fans.

Your made-up story is better than Namor's stories, I will give you that.

Namor returned in Fantastic Four #4 (May 1962), where a member of the titular superhero team, Johnny Storm, the new Human Torch, discovers him living as an amnesiac homeless man in the Bowery section of Manhattan.[16][17] Storm helps him recover his memory, and Namor immediately returns to his undersea kingdom – identified, for the first time in the Marvel canon, as Atlantis. Finding it destroyed from nuclear testing, Namor assumes his people are scattered and that he will never find them. He again becomes an antihero during this period, as two elements – a thirst for vengeance and a quest for identity – would dominate the Sub-Mariner stories of the 1960s. He was both a villain and a hero – striking against the human race who destroyed his home, but showing a great deal of noblesse oblige to individuals

Initially, Namor variously finds himself allied with the supervillains Doctor Doom and Magneto, but his royal nobility and stubborn independent streak make these alliances-of-convenience short-lived. Namor's revival was a hit with readers, but Marvel could not give him his own title due to publication and distribution restrictions that would not be lifted until 1968.[3] Instead, Namor was given numerous guest-appearances – including in Daredevil #7 (April 1965), a rare superhero story drawn by comics great Wally Wood – and a starring feature in the split-title comic Tales to Astonish (beginning issue #70, Aug. 1965)

He was spun off into his own title, the 1968–74 series Sub-Mariner.

In 1966, Namor (along with Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk) had his own segment in the animated series The Marvel Super Heroes


I was in that thread, asswipe. I even posted a rec image, which you just fucking handwaved because "HURR THERE'S NO SOLO SERIES HE A SHIT!" Me and others figured out that you were some scorned bitch who had his feeling hurt when everyone made fun of Aquaman.

The fact that you keep making these threads is really fucking sad. Where on the spectrum are you?

They could also save him for if they ever get the rights to Fantastic Four back or get Fox to let them work the Four into the MCU.

Are you retarded? I literally have the thread that started all of this here.


Stop making shit up!

By the way, yes, if the character only has one story of his own that is worth reading, then he is shit. If you happen to like a character that is gay bait and don't have good stories, then I feel sorry for you.

Dude is an aquatard and just rages and rages because Aquaman gets shit on for being a lame fish-talking cracker no matter how many shitty attempts to fix his image happen.
Namor's fine, he's not everyone's favorite, sometimes great and popular characters can't hold down books (Storm's never had a really successful book, Thor often struggled). Don't talk to him, don't respond to him, leave him in his angry, very stupid bubble. He doesn't want to learn facts.

I'm starting to think that this guy's goal isn't to get people to hate Namor, bit to get people talking about him more often.

>sometimes great and popular characters can't hold down books
The state of Namorfags.
>Sometimes great and popular characters are less popular than the likes of fucking Jay Garrick
>Sometimes great and popular characters don't have good stories.
>Sometimes great and popular characters don't have any development.
>Sometimes great and popular characters aren't great or popular at all.
Meanwhile the "lame characters" get to have books that sell, while the "great and popular characters" get killed and no one gives a fuck.

You don't have to be able to hold a book on your own to be popular. Alfred Pennyworth is very popular and loved, even among cartoon-only casualfags.
But for the most part, he wouldn't hold a solo book.

>taking the bait

yeah, show us your autism

There's nothing to talk about when the subject is Namor. His fans will only say that he is great and has classics like "The day his foes stole water" and shit like this.

When the character is static and shallow, you can't really have a conversation about it.

Alfred's book would outsell the shit out of a Namor's book, though.

>Tells a lie to protect the honor of his favorite angry fish man
>Is called out
>"Y-you took the bait, r-retard!"
Now that is just sad.


You can't go gayer than that.

His fans certainly think this story is a popular classic.

Thanks for your weekly Namor-hating threads, user. I love reading your autismo. It always brings a smile to my face.

You're welcome.

I will do this until someone recommends a story better than "Namor foes steal water" (lol) or "New Avengers" (lol). So, we still have a long time.

Why do Namorfags always come in hre and fag up the threads where we are trying to have an actual conversation?

well he's better than fuckin aquaman

he's more homoerotic than Aquaman you mean, because there is absolutely no other reason to have a single interest in the character

>art actually tries to make the left look like a sea king in an underwater environment
>right tries to look as homoerotic as possible with naked guy thrusting his dick forwars as much as possible

Why can fucking Aquaman sell books while Namor can be killed off and nobody gives a shit? Why do people know Black Manta but not whatever enemy Namor has?

Honest questions. Since you guys can't name a single Namor story that is not a joke, at least these questions you have to answer.

>assuming Namor has enemies

His enemies are other heroes like the Fantastic Four

>character is so shit that doesn't even have rogues
From bad to worse.

That is untrue, though. Namor most classic story, Namor's "Born Again", Namor's "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" is "Namor foes steal water". Every Namor McKenzie fan knows that.

>reference throwaway stores no one has ever heard of

If you have to jump to cancelled series shit that barely anyone knows exists then you do not have an argument.

Why not just admit that you only read Namor for the homoerotic fantasies? You might feel better

I was mocking the character, user.

Same goes for Beta Ray Bill, are you saying he isn't popular? Supporting characters can be very popular too

Beta Ray Bill is very niche, though.

And it would be easier to write and sell good stories about Bill than Namor. Bill's character is bigger than "eternally edgy fish man".

Gayest costume of all time. Namor is indeed a faggot.


>I will do this until someone recommends a story better than "Namor foes steal water" (lol) or "New Avengers" (lol). So, we still have a long time.
This will never happen because you'll call whatever story anyone recommends as shit for the sake of bait

So is OP more autistic than the "Bitch Aaron" guy we had awhile back?

>this story is a popular classic
anons, your casual is showing. that's the swimsuit special

>swimsuit special
Gay. You'd have to be pretty gay to even know about a swimsuit special for male Marvel superheroes.

Going by the number and frequency of these threads, yes.

>swimsuit special for male Marvel superheroes.
wow you are a massive casual. You NEVER seen any of the swimsuit editions?

I think that it's become abundantly clear that the true faggot here, is OP.

>swimsuit editions
The only swimsuit editions I looked at as a kid was Sports Illustrated.

>Implying I'm a casual
>I've been reading comics since 1992, starting with Sonic The Hedgehog comics.
>Started buying Superman, Superboy, Lobo, Lady Death & many other comics in 1994 when I found out about comic book shops.
Definitely not a casual.

sure sure, that's why you have no idea what you're talking about

>wolverine with the tanning mirror thing
Do you think he even can get tan, or at least stay tan? I mean, that's technically skin damage from UV radiation.

who carried Mjolnir here? I don't think any of them are close to worthy

He is the Vegeta of the Marvel universe.

First Marvel "hero"