Sup Forums vidya

Is this the greatest Sup Forums related vidya in existence?
I know people give it flak because it's LEGO but it's still fun.
>has basically every important and semi-important Marvel character playable (Iron Man, Spider Man, F4, X-men, Cap, Hulk, Daredevil etc.) Also has a huge roster of villains to choose from (Magneto, Doc Ock, Goblin, Loki, Venom, Red Skull, Doom)
>can free roam through NYC doing side quests and activities which there tons of
>interesting story that's over the top but still fun to play
>inb4 we all know Sup Forums is shit to discuss anything and only will indulge itself in shitposting so I'm asking here, what's your favorite Sup Forums vidya?
If janitor doesn't like it, feel free to move it to Sup Forums or whatever.


How is this possible with Lego but no other freaking format in existence?

I'm currently playing Lego Batman 3, and the voices they chose for some of the characters, and returning characters like Mr. Mystyx or what ever, voiced by Gilbert. And the fucking Adam West in peril shit is a riot but also sad.

Also, the whole 66 Batman being shot as a TV show in the Batcave.

Kevin Smith? Conan O'Brien? Daffy Duck as the Green Loonturn? Cameos by Dr. Who and Jurassic Park? The cheeky reference of Marvel heroes when a few DC ones enter a portal through silhouette and even had a man hanging upside down via a rope.

Replace Capcom with DC and it would be legendary.

The game is fun because it's bizarre as hell. Adding DC to the mix just makes too much sense and would ruin it.

>TT has the rights to do super crossovers now, Sonic, DC, Marvel, Ninja Turtles, Jaws, King Kong, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, fucking everything

>we still don't have a Lego DC vs Marvel

I remember playing Lego Batman 3 and being kinda disappointing.
Story was kinda meh and humor was cringy, but the biggest disappointment was no hub area like in Marvel Super Heroes where to fuck around in.
Did it get better as you finish the game (open up more)? Might give it another try

It's just a series of smaller hub worlds (Batcave, Watchtower, Hall of Justice/Doom, Lantern Planets)

Disney is not playing nice with them otherwise Lego Dimensions would have had Star Wars and Marvel stuff on Launch and would not be announced as cancelled in a couple of weeks.

I just wish Lego would get their shit together and polish their fucking games. They have great games that are being held back by amateur design choices and glitches.

Yeah, when you finish main story and beat the 66 Batman stage, you find the Green Loonturn in the Watch Tower, build a slide teleporter to the Moon and get access to every Lantern planet.

>ywn get a Lord Vortech figure

hmm, interesting
I'll give it another try then
i was kind of in a LEGO mood anyway

I really liked that one

It's sad the new one won't have any X-Men or F4

yeah, I guess Disney makes them add only characters that are in the MCU out of spite

Most satisfying, fun and fulfilling? Probably.
I haven't even played but I know how Lego games operate, great fan service, tons of related content and easter eggs, lot's of obscure characters and facts.

Wouldn't say is the best, though.
The best Sup Forums game to me is The Darkness, followed by Hulk Ultimate Destruction, simply because they are faithful enough to the source without being limited by it and being able to expand it and improve, to the point they are better than any comics.

Looks better than the Avengers one at least.

the trouble with the fighting games is that they've become so hardcore that casuals need not pick up the controller.

And I'm all for hardcore games. Dark Souls shouldn't be made easier for casuals, if anything its difficulty should be cranked upwards. But its hard for me to say that a marvel vs capcom game is the best Sup Forums game when maybe 1% of the gaming audience gets the full potential out of the game. For them, maybe, its the best thing ever.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is easy to pick up so everyone can appreciate it. Much wider audience so I've gotta give it the spot.

Note: some of the challenges in the Lego game are NOT casual-friendly at all. Some of the 3D racing challenges were grueling. But thats cool, only the 100% completionists will go for that stuff and they (including myself) deserve a bit of punishment for being so OCD.

100% on steam, suck it!

The lego games really aren't fun. There are 8 or so abilities then just a fuck ton of skins.

The fuck kind of beef does Disney have with LEGO?

I wish Marvel made better games.
The new Spider-Man looks okay but more of the same kinda stuff we've seen.
There should be fully fleshed out GotG games similar to Mass Effect.
Cap should have games like Arkham Asylum with cool MGS-like plots.

It's Marvel with Fox, not Disney with Lego.
And blame either the executives at Fox for not giving the F4 and ike for being a kike

Too bad they ruined everything with the new one... no X-Men and Fantastic Four = no buy!

But well... the story will be better... it's Kurt Busiek and is based on Avengers Forever.

Lego Marvel is fun, but come on, best Sup Forums game?

Granted there are very few Sup Forums related games that even qualify as good games at all.

People will call me a pleb for this but the Arkham games have absolutely impeccable game design. In terms of story and content they became bloated as they went along but the design of the combat and predator challenge level design remained top of the line.

Just because they have the rights to make toys of them doesn't mean they have rights to video games, and it especially doesn't mean they can throw them all together in a game. That's not how licensing works.

Disney are ultra protective of their IP and probably breathe down TT's neck while they make these games.

Honestly LEGO games are cool, but I wonder is it that hard to make a game like Ultimate Alliance or X-Men Legends but with more characters, more costumes and better graphics?

And I also think I saw a trailer of an Avengers game being developed by Square Enix not that long ago. That could turn out to be good.
