We were this close to getting a mohawk Sue


Could be worse, it could have been Polaris' 80s hair

what kind of hairstyle is that?

what in the fuck

I'm guessing a very wide mullet

It's like a mullethawk. Coincidentally, this was also from the period where Polaris lost her magnetism powers on Muir Island, and also became taller, stronger and invulnerable, and also created feelings of hatred in the people around her.

amazon Lorna was fun

Why do Byrne's women sometimes look like Voldemort?

Too bad it didn't last long, the comics world needs more tall women.

Nobody talks much about Magnetos other daughter

Can it really be proved, though?

x-men evolution kitty was going to be a literal anne frank jew stereotype instead of a cute valley girl


She died as origin story. What is their to talk about?

>People in charge of comic books have shit taste in haircuts
Not a new trend, huh.

Are you telling me this isn't the height of fashion?

It would have been better desu. Only Drumpfkins have a problem with it.

No one fucking post it.

Woe! It's Dobson!

He's talking about Zaladane.

Marvel Wiki says died in '91

Yes, killed by Magneto himself, which is why it would be ironic if she actually were his daughter.


what is "it"
post "it"

That's just 80's hair, not an anne frank curly bob-cut with a star of david (subtle)

What? Aeroplane Over the Sea?

>dat hair

>muh mullets
The 80s were awful.



>that full on ass shot
Good lord.

At least the 80s hair wasn't all bad

>both Storms with mohawks
I could go for it

Pick unrelated?

It looks good on my mother

>only daughter
Wanda and Pietro aren't his kids. They aren't even mutants

What, user?

/m/ here

ditching 80s floof was a mistake

Oh ffs, no one is going to ris a ban posting "that" on a sfw board.