Why do people keep trying to bring this back?

Why do people keep trying to bring this back?

wait what

what the hell is this

It's a new robotech comic

just because the /m/ thread of this and is still salty doesn't mean you have to make another one (the Sup Forums version was pretty much ignored).

besides, even if people say they're ok/like it, you're not going to acknowledge their opinion anyway.

you ignored my question

Harmony Gold is a real estate company that uses its money to make investments into other things, for a while this included media. Deacdes ago, on the front end of the anime boom, Harmony Gold bought the tights to three different shows with nothing in common, realized that none of the shows had lengths that lined up with American syndication lengths, and decided to mash these three shows into one frankensteins monster, pretending they all happened at different points on a single timeline. This is how SDF Macross, Mospedea, and Southern Cross became known to the states as Robotech.

The thing is, the company that Harmony Gold bought the rights from wasn't actually in any position to give Harmony Gold the level of authority they claim they paid for (complete and total ownership of the Macross label and all of its associated imagery for the purposes of distribution anyplace that's not Japan). I'm only going to talk about Macross here, because while Mospedea and Souther Cross were one-offs that have largely faded from even the consciousness of anime fans, Macross went on to be a mecha franchise often compared with Gundam in Japan that continues to this day.

The company that HG dealt with eventually went out of business, and as such never sent a representative to the legal battle for ownership of Macross when HG defended their rights in court. As such, HG's claim was upheld at the time, establishing legal precedent.

As such, there are 6 shows and as many movies made AFTER the original Macross that cannot be released outside Japan without paying a kings ransom to HG for doing nothing at all. HG already made back their initial investment years ago, so now they are just sitting on the franchise with a loaded gun pointed at anything Macross related, waiting for the day someone pays them a shitton of money because they have to.

But they have to show they are still using those rights every once in a while. Hence a shitty comic they will likely never continue.

>that cannot be released outside Japan without paying a kings ransom to HG for doing nothing at all
This is how intellectual property works, yes
So fucking pay them

The anime was popular in America back in the day and the franchise got a successful comic from Comico at the same time who were well known for their high quality licensed books. So the franchise has credibility with comic fans even setting aside the cartoon.

Robotechfag here.
Is it good tho? I honestly had no idea this thing existed.

Fuck will they just go bankrupt already or better yet just fucking let go of the rights so we can get decent macros releases

Satelite, the company that owns Macross these days in Japan, doesn't recognize HG's claim. The company that was licensed to oversee DISTRIBUTION of SDF Macross in the US in SPECIFIC (Big West) only had that authority, in their eyes.

What HG claims to own is the ability to distribute anything with the Macross name or imagery in it, regardless of whether it is the original SDF Macross show they bought from Big West or not, in any place outside of Japan. It is like buying a sandwich from a deli and then turning around and saying that you own all of the bread, meat, and condiments that went into that sandwich and the deli can't sell any food that includes those ingredients without paying you first. Because you bought 'the sandwich' as a concept.
Except in this analogy, you bought the sandwich from a guy who bought the sandwich from the deli in question, so the guy at the deli counter doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about until you serve him a court order.

Ah, nevermind.

It's amazing how HG has been completely incapable of doing anything with the macros brand for decades especially after that failed kickstarter they had

Unlikely. Robotech doesn't represent anything significant to HG's earnings. As long as their real estate business is good, they don't have to give a shit about anything else.

HG realistically can't go under unless there is a massive economic crash of some kind. And since they already made back their money on robotech they spent years ago, its financially sound for them to just make the minimum effort to hold onto Macross in perpetuity in the hopes that either Japan ponies up the dosh or Hollywood decides they want the rights for a movie or something.

They could do something with robotech if only they gave a damn. Instead, their original content has been pretty lazy and notoriously unfinished, and their merchandise... people took pictures of the robotech revival toys falling apart IN THEIR SEALED DISPLAY CASES at the con where they were revealed.

I honestly feel bad for Robotech fans. Robotech has cool stuff in it (because the shows it is based on have cool stuff in them) so I can't fault them for liking cool things. But holy fuck, HG is screwing them over almost as bad as they are screwing over Kawamori.

Harmonygold-Funimation conection?

Sony Pictures is working with HG to make a movie. Knowing them they'll turn it into budget Transformers.

Macross Plus is the best thing to come out of this series, prove me wrong

I answered it already.
there's enough people who like it to justify bringing it back.
of course that would mean accepting that fact.

by that you mean "toys" right?

nostalgia i supouse,i watched robotech when i was a kid and i loved it,but now days i admitt that macross is the real deal

If only Myung wasn't a dumb skank.
>be almost raped by a guy
>push the other guy you love away
>later on would-be rapist shows up
>immediately sleep with him

She didn't deserve Isamu.

Minmay is a slut

>What HG claims to own is the ability to distribute anything with the Macross name or imagery in it, regardless of whether it is the original SDF Macross show they bought from Big West or not, in any place outside of Japan. It is like buying a sandwich from a deli and then turning around and saying that you own all of the bread, meat, and condiments that went into that sandwich and the deli can't sell any food that includes those ingredients without paying you first. Because you bought 'the sandwich' as a concept.
Has no one fought this in court? I want to see some fucking macross presence in the west.

Pfff, thats gonna turn out well. Hoping that it flops hard and that this forces them to give up the rights.


That's the thing. Harmony Gold doesn't actually own the IP. They "bought" it from a company that also didn't actually own the IP.

murikan leeches strike again
Fuck Robotech, fuck Power Rangers, fuck Voltron

There's nothing wrong with Power Rangers and Voltron, because both companies respects the original properties enough to actually release them stateside. Go-Lion and Dairugger have been available forever, and they've been rolling out nice DVDs for 90s Super Sentai.

>HG realistically can't go under unless there is a massive economic crash of some kind. And since they already made back their money on robotech they spent years ago, its financially sound for them to just make the minimum effort to hold onto Macross in perpetuity in the hopes that either Japan ponies up the dosh or Hollywood decides they want the rights for a movie or something.

HG's "rights" (pretending that they're actually legally valid in the first place, which they aren't) were set to expire in 1991. So HG bought an 30 year extension of the rights from Tatsunoko Production.

Since then, Tatsunoko has been ruled in Japanese court to have never owned the rights in the first place, so they're not going to be in any position to renew HG's rights again in 2021.

I didn't watch it as a kid and I have no stake in it and I get annoyed when people who did keep claiming it's some kind of misunderstood masterpiece, especially since Samurai Pizza Cats is the true recut masterpiece.

Just like genzoman every picture artgerm makes looks the same. They all bleed together