Do you miss her?

Do you miss her?

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that CWC cyber-creeped on Doopie to the point she leaked his emails to the Kiwi Farms.

who and what

Reminder Chris unlocked psychic powers by clicking Like on youtube hypnosis videos.

I miss her voice. It was very pleasant and nice to listen to. A rare mature-sounding voice among a billion women pretending to still be teenagers.


Oh Chris.


He doesn't know.


She sounds like Ryoko's english VA

This is the cat from the beep beep animation. Who is she?



She literally sounded like a mtf tranny

He's memeing

Shima Luan from Planet Dolan on youtube.

They make trivia list video content with cartoon avatars

The only reason she sounded anyway decent is because she was paired with Dolan, whose voice and tone are a neverending nightmare.

I just watched a video. I didn't think it was possible to have a voice that sounded like a warm blowjob. I need sexy and or cuddle pics NOW.

It took the Beep Sheep video to explain she got fired.

Why? Was she making women feel insecure about their unsexy voices?

This. Never was convinced that the female cat was a girl because of that questionable voice. Tranny indeed.

Not really, but I wish that Mrs. Mayhem would actually get some screentime. Vim's art style is the best out of the whole crew imo.

You mean

did it ever get revealed what happened to her?


why did they get rid of her?

She refuses to return messages and calls, essentially disappearing completely off the internet due to her stalking fanbase.


Shima easily had the best voice on Planet Dolan (next to Hellbent) and it was nice to listen to. Melissa is okay, I really hate the sound of Doopie's voice though.

Rumors were that some fan found out where she lived and started stalking her. It spooked her and she basically completely left the show and dropped off the grid all together.

I like Doopie because the character isn't a furry shit

>Stalking fanbase
I fucking bet /lit/ is behind this. It wouldn't be the first time.

At least we still have the lewds.

>Having lewds
>Not posting them

Yeah she's a shitty animu character with a very annoying voice.

e621(six hundred and twenty one).net

Never thought I'd see Planet Dolan on Sup Forums. Neat.

is this the bird who sounds fucking terrified of her own voice?

still better than dolan, who slurs out half the shit he says and punctuates the other half in horrid ways, and makes it nearly impossible to follow what he's saying.

cat and demon guy were best. demon guy's jokes(well...more like all of their jokes) were bad, but at least those two were confident and clear.

Demon guy had a real nice voice. I kinda felt weird when Dolan wasn't doing them all himself anymore though. Took me a while to get used to it.

I saw her in sonichu once and then I looked up rule 34 of dolan because I thought it'd be funny. It was kinda funny.

Cr1TiKaL needs to get the fuck away from these clowns

TL;DR: Doopie is a voice/animator for Super Planet Dolan, and Chris-chan is apparently acting creepy towards her, at least from what I've read.

She recently posted some emails Chris sent to her on KF.

This is actually interesting.

What is kiwi farms? I know a little bit about chris chan but not enough to know why kiwi farms is relevant.

It's like a forum dedicated to 'lolcows' but in reality it's just about chris

It's basically a forum that discusses Lolcows like Chris (or people they deem Lolcows), it's based off of a similar forum I think the admin of KF also administrated.

........... no?

Holy shit, I need to do some reasearch into these people, this is hilarious!

she isn't an actual person she's a character that vimhomeless made. the voice actor was just voicing his character.

reminder that the entirety of kiwi farms is populated by people just as pathetic as the lolcows.

Eh, you'll find the occasionally funny thread like the ones discussing barb or the chandler pets but most of it is 'WHY WON'T CHRIS GET A JAAAWWWWBBBB' even though it's obvious why.

on a side note who's best chris love interest Sup Forums?


crazy furry fans.
all furries are messed up in the head.

he needs to stay away from the furshit

Aww damn, I knew it was a matter of time but it's still sad to hear...

He's only good when he doesn't do fart porn

he should go visit funhaus again.

as is anyone. thankfully he's only done few


What? Dolan has a fun voice to listen to.

Is Chris in love with the girl or the cartoon character?

Isn't Dolan an Aussie?

Too late, dude. He had YMS on his podcast and was totally cool with him literally admitting to be a gay furry.

knowing chris, most likely the character...

I dont watch is podcast but I doubt it was brought up

He's in love with the girl I think, but not Shima. Here's Doopie:

forum about making fun of internet GODS when it comes to cringey shit

No, it was brought up. They talked about it at length.


did he say that he fucked dogs

>gay furry

Don't forget that he used to be addicted to cocaine, and defended de-criminalizing bestiality.

holy shit i need to see some source for the last one
that will make my fucking day

No, bestiality is news to me. He just talked about fapping to gay furry porn and going to cons.

already a minute in

>you can't say sucking a dogs dick is wrong and killing farm animals isn't

Cr1TiKaL is probably into weird shit despite being a Chad

It's not really a meme if we're not in on it.

holy shit


Damn, Chris is really making his way up in the world!