Decided to look into these new Rick and Morty writers

Lots of people are saying the new female writers for Rick & Morty are ruining the show, lots of people are saying you are sexist if you complain So lets take a look at all of the writers and their credits

Jessica Gao:

Writer for Back to the Barrnyard. A shitty nickelodeon spinoff cartoon of the shitty early 2000s movie "Barnyard"
From here she moves on to The Mighty B!, which Ive never seen or heard of, so nothing to comment on there
She then move to the writers room for Big Time Rush. Yep, you read that right. The new head writer of Rick and Morty was a writer for Nickelodeons knock off Jonas Brothers show about some lame boyband. Video for example:

From there she moves on to the Kung Fu Panda TV show which was awful. She then does the only two decent credits of any of the new writers with Robot Chicken and Silicon Valley. She doesn't seem to last long. Shes had stints on eight shows where she only lasted long enough to write two episodes or less.
Jane Becker:

Literally never done anything. Was an assistant to producers on the Simpsons. So her job was getting fucking coffee lmao. Somehow manages her way into the writing room. Likely by sexing one of the lame neckbeards on the staff or something
Sarah Carbiener:

Only two credits of note before R&M are Return to Nim's Island and a show called just add magic. She also has a show called good game coming in the future
Erica Rosbe:

This is where it gets fun and you can see the obvious nepotism. This womans only credits are the exact same as Sarah Carbiener. Meaning that one of these two keeps getting work because they know the other.

TL;DR New Rick and Morty writers are unqualified and are handing out jobs in the writers room to their BFFs

Other urls found in this thread:

>So lets take a look at all

*So let's take a look at all

Also, according to IMDB, three writers responsible for 18 episodes in the first two seasons are no longer on the team. These guys names were on every good episode of Rick and Morty. If you look at their IMDBs, they are very qualified. Each writer lthat was fired has more credits than all the new female writers combined. They fired the writers behind 2 of the best seasons of TV ever and replaced them with people who wrote for Nickelodeon shows about boybands. This show is dead

List of things new Rick anrty writers are responsible for:

Direct to DVD movie starring Bindi Irwin AKA the fucking crocodile hunters daughter.
Nickelodeon Jonas Brothers knockoff show about tween boyband.
The MIghty B
Shitty Nickelodeon Spinoffs of popular cartoon movies the Barnyard and Kung Fu Panda
The Annoying Orange

The social justice pussy better be worth it for these guys because they've killed their show and its legacy

Then I looked into their twitters and all of them are some of the stupidest SJWs I've seen
Heres the some examples of the bright minds behind Rick & Morty now
>"On #BlackWomensEqualPay Day, we recognize how much longer it takes Black women to earn what their white male counterparts earned last year." Retweet of fucking Kamala Harris
>Every time I think I can't love Maxine Waters any more...
>rt if you're trans rt if you're lgbt+ community rt if you support trans rights rt if we should throw trump in a volcano
>Today was probably the most times Trump and intelligence have ever been used in the same sentence
>A balsy move i wouldn't see coming would be if putin did the @blackmirror pig thing to trump next.
>Has there ever been a peaceful secession? Asking for a friend. #ElectionNight

>I have a feeling that when Hillary is taking notes she's actually just drawing trump sucking a big fat d. #debates
>Maybe Trump thinks he can get away with it because his hands are so teeny women don't even notice they're being sexually assaulted?
>This day almost 100 years ago women secured the right to vote, and everything's been chill & awesome since. Ahem. Ahem. #WomensEqualityDay
>Hillary. Baby. Enough with the emails. You had me at hello.
>And just like that, Trump went from Racist Grandpa Drunk at a Wedding to Grand Wizard Calling His Klansmen To Action. Shiver.
>Bill has some very big shoes to fill as our next First Lady. #MichelleObama
>Historic times, ya'll. Next January we'll have either a woman or a sentient Cheeto as our president.
>Cruz must feel relieved he can put his human suit back in the closet for now and let his lizard-demon skin breathe again.
>It's kind of awesome to have super villains again. #trump

>Aging out of touch man told he's out of touch. Handles it as well as you'd expect.
>Just waiting for a meme or a headline where I can respond, "Get you a cuck who can do both."
>Great. Another thing Hillary will be blamed for.
>I'll be happy to see them go but still sucks that all the old people who voted for Trump are going to die before Medicare runs out of money.
>Cat chewed up my Planned Parenthood membership card. His new name is Paul Ryan.
>Not to beat a dead mom -- sorry, sorry, I meant horse -- but did anyone at the #MarchForLife mention access to affordable prenatal care?
>A couple of @WriteGirlLA mentees wore their pink hats to today's poetry workshop. These little whippersnappers make me feel old and hopeful.
>Fav chant: First comes love, then comes marriage, then we impeach that motherfucker Trump.
>Tshirts I'm getting made for the Women's March are just graphic enough that the printers aren't sure they can print them. #NastyWoman
>Can you believe it's already been one whole month since this great nation elected a self-confessed Rapist? Me neither!!!
>Can we discontinue all cable, digital streaming, and new releases in Red States? They can make do with Kevin Can Wait.
>What were you so fucking afraid of that THAT was the lesser evil? Was she bragging about deporting, torturing and raping people you love?!?!
>The number of white extras in Luke Cage is making me uncomfortable.
>If jails are going to be over crowded, let's fill them with convicted rapists. Oh... right. We don't convict rapists. Or send them to jail.
>Have locked myself in the bathroom. Will do my duty as a SJW until I pass out from thirst and/or hunger.

Went through two years of tweets and did not laugh once. The writers of the majority of these tweets co-wrote the next episode too so we're looking at the 3rd week in a row the new episode has been the worst in the entire series

Any male writers besides the creators?

There are only three writers left that had anything to do with the first two seasons. There are 12 writers that were involved in seasons 1 and 2 that are now no longer involved with the show. And all 10 of the episodes this season are written by the new female recruits. Gao has 3, Becker has 3, and Rosbe/Carbiener are co writing the other 4. They got rid of every writer and replaced them with people who wrote for a boyband show on Nick.

Imagine working hard on this show and making it be huge and successful, then you get fired and replaced by an SJW who wrote nickelodeon bullshit

Seriously go back to Sup Forums
gawd forbid somebody doesnt support trump

and the three writers left are Harmond, Roiland, and Mike McMahan who is a producer. They got rid of every male writer



Well, this is actually solid evidence that supports my dissatisfaction with the new episodes.
Better watch where are those writers heading now, the project they be on its probably better than Rick and Morty.

I'm just glad we had 2 Good seasons and an amazing episode exploring the schrodinger experiments

every episode from here on out this season is from the new SJW writers. The only one McMahan had a credit on was the Rickshank Redemption, which is no coincidence the best episode of the season. I have no idea why they decided to purge their writing staff. I'm thinking there had to be a something behind the scenes to cause this and its probably the reason for the delays too

I don't get it. Last night's episode was pretty good.

pointing this out means you're misogynistic or something i think

Heres the proof. Almost every credited writer from the first two seasons have been fired. The only one left from the first two seasons with a writing credit is Mike M and he's a producer. Every episode this season is credited to the new SJW writers except for the first one

The first episode of season 3 It's the canonical ending of the series for me, it actually makes sense as an ending for the show.

thats why this season is so shitty

meh the only good joke was when the therapist flipped over the sign with the guy eating hot dog, but then they completely fucking killed the joke by repeating the eating poop thing.
it was entertaining but it was filled with tropes unironically

That's this entire industry, you dumb nignog. It's nepotism from top to bottom, gender be damned

The funny thing is this show got super popular with normalfags so we're all going to have to watch this show descend further and further into dogshit until it's canceled sometime around season 15.

>The 3 writers mentioned earlier in this thread that were fired and replaced with women were fired from the show because they were Trump supporters and voted for Trump and made it known to the rest of the team.

Based Adam Carolla tells it like it is

>In a conversation about his new book, "Not Taco Bell Material," he expounded upon an apparent lesson to "not hire chicks," which the Post says he learned "from a sexual harassment seminar."
>"They make you hire a certain number of chicks, and they’re always the least funny on the writing staff," Carolla said. "The reason why you know more funny dudes than funny chicks is that dudes are funnier than chicks. If my daughter has a mediocre sense of humor, I’m just gonna tell her, 'Be a staff writer for a sitcom. Because they’ll have to hire you, they can’t really fire you, and you don’t have to produce that much. It’ll be awesome."
>"When it comes to comedy, of course there’s Sarah Silverman, Tina Fey, Kathy Griffin — super-funny chicks. But if you’re playing the odds? No. If Joy Behar or Sherri Shepherd was a dude, they’d be off TV. They’re not funny enough for dudes."

>never actually says why women are not funny

to be fair, the writing staff of an extremely popular and lucrative cartoon show getting completely purged and replaced for talentless nobodies is pretty strange. I would understand them adding women to the writing for "the diversity", but why get rid of the people that made the show what it is?

I can say that you can see you're self in a mirror but i don't have to explain how it works to get the point across.

Agreed. The 4th episode was written by the two craziest SJWs of this bunch, so its gonna get rough. If this goes the way I think it does I'm gonna drop it

I didn't read all that shit.

Doesn't all of Harmon stuff go to shit by season 3 anyways?

We're going to slowly go from
>This show is a masterpiece Sup Forums go home! Women are hilarious!
>It's still a great show!
>This season really redeemed it!
>Well, it's better than a lot of other stuff on TV!

Mark my words.

1. Jane Backer wrote for simpsons for 3 years:
Jessica Gao was nominated for 2 awards for her work in Silicon Valley
Sarah Carbiener wrote for a bunch of movies before
Same with Erica Rosbe

Compare this with the credentials of Rick&Morty male writers:

It's pretty much at the same level of credentials mate

2. as a response to The things they say about Trump and Paul Ryan are actually correct you mongoloid

3. Almost no one would call you sexist if you disliked the latest episodes, they would only call you sexist if you say "lol female writers, of course i disliked the XD" which would be correct.

4. I personally liked the latest episodes but that's just my subjective opinion

What the fuck does that have to do with someone making a declarative statement -- "women are not funny" -- without any evidence or rationale to back it up?

It's being a feminist toy paying off?
Do they let you lick their cunts after they piss and shit?

Why the fuck are you cucks hyper rationalizing this shit? Were three episodes into the season and as of right now those episodes are passable episodes. We've had far worse in the last season, yet you faggots won't acknowledge it.

lol Sup Forums btfo

This were all male Rick&morty writers:

Their credentials aren't better than the credentials of the new female writers.

fuck off kindly

well i guess if it's going to be so shitty everyone will have to stop making threads about it


No episode this season is worse than "Hyperdimensional Cable 2: We Nailed It The First Time".

>Kung Fu Panda TV show which was awful
You shut your whore mouth. The only problems that show had was having to return to status quo each episode and the training pacing being fucked which is a problem the movie had as well.

because they are using their personal experience and saying what they have seen, heard and felt in the world?

you could argue with them but all you're doing is asking for proof, when instead you could be finding proof they are wrong.

Stop getting upset, it's a comedians writers off hand opinion.

If I had to guess they weren't paying the writers between seasons while roiland and harmon argued with each other and they all bounced
someone backfills with people they know, and you get the current writing room. I'm only guessing that they didn't pay the writers because adult swim has a budget of like fifty dollars and some hot dogs, there's no way they can hold a staff for that long without them working.

Only the captains meant to go down with the ship, not the passengers as well.

You can blame the female writers for slowing the show down, with all the men having to do all the work of making the show good while the women pitched a few ideas, because Harmon has gone on the record that all the writers write every episode together, and it was the writing that made it take so slow.

At the end of the day though, Harmon and Roiland put out the best jokes and the best plots that they could think of, telling the stories that were important to them.

Harmon also said that the 50% split of female writers was mandated, but that he's not going to do that again if there's ever a season 4.

An opinion at least has some rationale or reasoning behind it. Some Christian fuckhead says "gays are evil", at least he can back it up with "because Gawd said so, you fucking faggot" before he curbstomps someone. Carolla says "most women aren't funny", but offers no reason as to why they aren't "funny", nor whether he means most women are unfunny only to him or most women are objectively unfunny to everyone in the world.

If you want to share an opinion, I want to see the work behind it.

>a bunch of movies

only film credit is a direct to dvd movie starring the crocodile hunters daughter. gtfo

I watched S03E02 and was stumped. I have never seen an episode of the show that tried so hard to be funny it was cringe. So I did some digging and found out what most of you guys are saying, they fired the only 3 writers that had talent and replaced them with unfunny SJW's. I gave S03E03 a chance, but the whole episode was fucking stupid with nothing funny about it. The past 2 shows is doing the norm now, parodying big budget blockbuster movies, exactly like the Simpsons and Family Guy, but now they are doing it instead of clips, doing it in whole episodes. Lazy, no talent hacks. Unoriginal. The show is now kill.

Here OP i made a better thread about this topic

Come here

lol actually click the links. He claims they wrote for a bunch of movies but the only thing there is a shitty direct to dvd kids movie lol

Nice op! Sup Forumsmbler is BTFO again!

Do you cunts ever get tired for always being wrong?

dude the world doesn't work in you're fantasy land. get over it


Go back to Shitlord

>This womans only credits are the exact same as Sarah Carbiener. Meaning that one of these two keeps getting work because they know the other.

This activated almonds

>The first episode of season 3 It's the canonical ending of the series for me, it actually makes sense as an ending for the show.
This is legit my own personal ending of the show. Anything after isn't cannon.

Yea when I noticed that on IMDB I knew this show was fucked. Pure nepotism

>family drama

Has been in the show since episode one.

>poop jokes

Do these dumb niggers even watch the show?

The poop joke was in different fashion imo

You faggots need to get locked into a general thread. You asshole act like this show is some sacred show, yet the the same "adult" animated comedy we've seen already.

At this point you faggots are forcing yourself to hate the show because because you don't like the ratio of dicks and vaginas. The new season is on par with season 2.

>being this pathetic

I have never liked R&M, and I don't give a shit about either of your "investigations", but I can tell you this:
Fuck off, tripfag.

>Literally never done anything. Was an assistant to producers on the Simpsons. So her job was getting fucking coffee lmao. Somehow manages her way into the writing room.
I know this is Sup Forums but do you people actually not know how corporate corporate ladder hiring works?

Jessica Gao(the one who wrote pickle rick) was a writer for Silicon Valley and she was nominated for two awards for her writing.

Her credentials are actually higher than many of the male writers working in the show

but i guess i'm a "feminist" for pointing this out

This. It ties up everything and we only have to suffer through one lazy episode of the show where they parody a movie through the whole episode- the purge planet (which I liked 10000 x better than the everything past episode 1 in season 3). This show is done. they are now going to use it to preach SJW nonsense and should be renamed, Rick, Morty, and Summer parody movies.

Thank you, user for keeping Sup Forums a little less needlessly circle jerky

>but I'll watch again next week so I can shitpost moan and complain about it

It should also be noted that most of these tweets were made in the window where the episodes were being written. So Im guessing a big part of that delay was the writers being too busy bitching about Trump to do their jobs. So keep in mind while watching these episodes that they were written by hardcore SJWs that were basically having a 24/7 mental breakdown over Trump. Hell, thats probably why they had Rick shoot up a "russian" spy embassy

click his links hes blatantly lying.

The one "who has written for tons of movies" has one credit for a direct to dvd kids movie starring the crocodile hunters orphan

>they are now going to use it to preach SJW nonsense and should be renamed, Rick, Morty, and Summer parody movies.

the show is still fucking rick and morty, you're acting like a fucking child who doesn't want to share his toys. Summer has a episode to herself and it the end of the fucking world to you. She's had episodes revolving around her, what changes things now?

Only a faggot or a chick couldn't tell the difference between the writing in season 2 and 3. Chicks aren't funny so of course they can't understand what makes something funny. Faggots are the same way, its like if you like dick, you don't know what funny is, it makes you all serious and shit.

>Return to Nims Island
>Friends with Benefits
>Shared writers guild award
>The Annoying Orange
>The Mighty B
>Assistant on Simpsons

>Assistant on South Park
>The Morning After
>Brooklyn Nine Nine
>Robot Chicken
>Parks and Rec assistant

Pick your team

only has two credits and was fired after the first season, meanwhile the actual talented female writers on that show have 10 episode credits

youre embarrassing yourself tripfag

an assistant is the technical term for what they used to call gophers. They are basically slaves, pick up dry cleaning, coffee, go get lunch, etc. Exactly like calling a janitor a cleanliness engineer or a cashier a public relations agent, or a fry order cook a "culinary expert".

We don't need two thread for a specific Rick and Morty topic.We already have enough thread about this show. Stop being a fag and use the thread we already have.

>Male Writers
>South Park
>Drawn Together
>China, IL
>Brooklyn NIne Nine
>Parks and Rec
>Robot Chicken


>Female Writers
>Back to the Barnyard
>Kung Fu Panda
>The Mighty B
>Annoying Orand
>Big Time Rush
>Return to Nim's Island

wow these female writers are way more qualified than the males

Shhhhh, don't tell the Sup Forumsacs that the problem is nepotism, they already have an excuse.

co has autism what else is new. They are contrarian as fuck.

I'm surprised the love for Rick and Morty lasted as long as it did. I can't wait for them to hate the DCEU once it becomes mainstream good.

Arrrrr matey. Their ads be not a worry for me.

Do we know they've been fired specifically to hire these incompetent boobs? Because they could have... You know, left? On their own? Shocking, I know.

Exactly, the guys that got fired were Trump supporters (that were acting like liberals) to keep their jobs, and were found out accidentally by their peers and were purged from the show.

or the mail room guy "Mail Administrator"

An entire writing staff being axed after producing 2 very successful seasons to make room for entirely new people isn't typically a good omen.

Wow, you guys are literally the reason why women in the past had to use male surnames to sell their books. You're literally throwing a shit fit over the fact they hired more women writers. Fuck the fuck back off to Sup Forums or that fucking beta club in tumblr full of "nice guys".

Im guessing all the Trump supporters got purged when MDE became a controversy within adult swim

You keep bringing this up like it matters

Surname is your last name you fucking retard.

Pretty much. When everyone involved with writing the show gets purged while the show is on a 2+ year delay something is up

Stephen king used a male "surname also" Stephen. He also used a pen name back in the day- Stephen Bachman. People just did it because its fun to be anonymous faggot. You know, why most people use Sup Forums.

>male writers
>Robert Jordan
>John Grisham
>Peter Benchley

>female writers
>J.K Rowling
>Agatha Christie
>Emily Dickinson
>Virginia Woolf

Geeze it's almost like it doesn't matter what sex you are... it almost seems like OP and butt hurt virgins have some sort of agenda to peddle?

There was also drama with the animation studio threatening to quit mid-production. something is up behind the scenes

So fat wojakposter, why don't you shitpost in Sup Forums anymore? Mods got the best of you?

Season 3 is made by bad writers?

>JK Rowling. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahahahahaha-oh wait your being serious

Quality male writing here...

did you just assume my gender, shitlord?

You excluded Silicon Valley on the female team you idiot

Do you even history? I know facts probably aren't your thing but ever heard of Louisa May Alcott, no? Then have you heard of A. M. Barnard? If you are remotely educated I bet you have. How about Mary Ann Evans? No? Then what about George Elliot?

Alice Bradley Sheldon, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte: all other authors famous for culture shaping literature, and all used male names... not because it was FUN, you faggiot. Because men did not respect women, and if they even got a whiff that an author had a vagina they behaved EXACTLY like you are.

>JK Rowling

Go Hemingway yourself

What if I'm glad the men got fired so they could go to work on some better show instead of wasting their talents on godawful shit like Rick and Morty?

I mean he's not writing an epic 7 book series targeted at preteens and held on par with Shakespeare by 20 somethings that have never read anything but Harry Potter and have only it to compare their daily lives with. When all you know is shit, shit is what you know.

>Stephen Bachman
Richard Bachman, you insufferable faggot.