His name isn't Thor anymore. Get the fuck over it

His name isn't Thor anymore. Get the fuck over it.

You're the one who doesn't seem to be over it OP.

That's pretty retarded.
Even going with the whole "Thor can be a title" schtick. Thor is actually his name, and even even then....why the THE why not just be Odinson?

It's like "The Fonz"

"The Son of Odin"

Jesus Christ marvel get it the fuck together.

Pretty disrespectful to Odin's other sons if you ask me.

Who, Thor?
I don't begrudge you your arc user, if you enjoy it good for you.
But if you think any of this is gonna stick as canon, you haven't been reading comics long enough.

I see your plan Thor! This way you'll avoid all those door to door salesmen as well as dodge invoices and taxes! By denying your identity you can't even be legally persecuted! Admit it you're dodging child alimony!


What a load of toss. Thor himself doesn't know how names work, it seems.

No, that's stupid. I fucking hate Thor and am a liberal socialist feminist, and that's his fucking name.
His name was Thor before he had the hammer. The hammer had been used before Thor. It had been used during Thor.

If you get your sick coworker Tom's laptop, it's fine to do his job while he's out. But carrying his laptop and calling yourself Tom- when your name is Susan- to his friends and coworkers is fucking fucked up and stupid, as is them going along with it in any way that isn't a joke.

people change their names for personal reasons all the time.

he's been calling himself the Odinson ever since he lost the hammer, dumbass

Don't try and reason with their stupidity.

Being able to lift a hammer doesn't make you Thor. Is Steve now also Thor since he was able to lift it?

Thor is still his name and the whole concept is still retarded


>and am a liberal socialist feminist
Consider suicide.

It doesn't say they'll be Thor, does it?


The power of Thor, not the name.
Beta Ray Bill had the power of Thor, but he was not Thor.

"Possess the power of" does not equal "become".

Try to be less fragile.; it's embarrassing for a man.

>be everything wrong with the West
>"haha u mad?"

Yes, I am. I hope you get a visit from the Truck of Peace.

one of thor's powers is the legal right to go by the name of thor

It's like they took it as a challenge.

And he still has the inherited power over the elements from his mother.

Jane like all these other legacy newbs is just fucking useless.

Yeah. Steve "Thor" Rogers.
In a few years Miles will inherit the name Peter.

Jane's already disqualified.
Don't give me that gender neutral shit, we both know that isn't how Norse myth works.

>Be everything wrong with the West

Don't be so hard on yourself.

like marvel gives a fuck

I can't believe it's been like what 5 years and I STILL have to explain this to casuals. Thor has ALWAYS tied his personal identity to being the God of Thunder. If he isn't the GoT then he feels he isn't worthy of his name. He literally implies this in OP's image but you're all too fucking autistic to see it.

Odin even entertained the name "Beta Ray Thor" once when Bill lifted the hammer.

He sounds like a criminal on the run trying to train his girlfriend not to use his real name.

>Norse myth
>Marvel Thor

What if you used Mjolnir as a Smith's hammer to forge a weapon, instead of using it as a weapon itself?

You seem to know more bout Thor than the other guys

Recommended reads?

Simonson and Straczynski(my personal favorite) runs are good reads.

No Marvel, i'm not gonna buy your shit. Stop trying so hard.