The Gifted: New trailer and pics

Starring Amy Acker, Polaris, and whoever the Strucker Twins are.

I think these are the Strucker Twins, and Amy's character.

looks pretty generic and uninteresting. In the days where we have Netflix and Legion you have to really stand out. 10 years ago this could probably work

Polaris looks interesting. I like her magnetism effect.

>Bruce Wayne made Silver St. Cloud so scared she parachuted into a different universe

Man I'm still disappointed that Bishop, Blink, Sunspot and Warpath didn't get a push in the comics after DOFP

So seeing Blink, not Sunspot and Thunderbird and Polaris in this is neat

Yeah, it's cool to see more Blink. Also, isn't it weird how this show's Blink looks more inhuman that a certain other IMAX show's characters?

Just barely desu, I want my cutie pink skin Blink with blank green eyes

That would do a number on the budget. I'm sure she'll look like a full-on Blink at some point in the show. I do like how the show at least seems to be trying to make it look comic-accurate, to the best of its budget.


not-Sunspot seems pretty cool.

Any other thoughts?

Post Blinks and Polarises (and Sunspots).

Post X-cuties.

The best part about this show is that we get a new X book called the gifted because of television/ film synergy.

Fox's comic book shows are all super fun, can't wait for this


It'll be interesting for sure. Where's my X-cutie pics?

Surely there are Polaris or Blink fan around?


So is Legion really good? I cut my cable cord a while back and only pay for Netflix and watch DVDs from library with the very rare pirated site. Eventually my library gets what I want to watch (12 Monkeys for example, which I've been marathoning via DVDs) and I can't be that fussed to torrent and pirate things when I can just be patient and get better quality with bonus content and subtitles, etc.

So I haven't really seen Legion other than You The clips and webems but it looks worth tracking down.

Legion is very good. It's almost more a psychological surreal adventure series than a superhero show.

I think it's on Hulu, user.

Looks like dull trash. I can't wait for the niche fandom to build and shit up other threads lying about how good the show is.

It might not be the GOATest tier, but it might be competent.

Legion is what Inception wished it had been

I'm admiring that set of twins if you know what I mean

>>Polaris without green hair
>>Blink without pink skin
You know....

I do know what you mean. Carol Strucker's bust is nice too.

But Polaris does have green magnetism powers.

Are they going to fuck?

Probably not. This isn't that sort of series.

Back to shit humans thread

then why use 90s incesty bîsexuals?

I have no idea.

I see it's on Amazon Prime which a friend has so I can always go watch it at his place. I wouldn't pay for Hulu.

and thanks for the feedback.

The Fenris twins are pointless without that one little twisted detail, but there's no way FOX has the balls to do anything close to what we all know should have been done with the Maximoff Movie twins.

Polaris would be awesome all full-tilt crazy Magneto stalker, but they would have to sell that much harder than the comics ever did.

... ?

Who else is slated to be an X-Babies reject?

BoomBoom? (PLEASE be BoomBoom)
Random? (he's canonically underaged)

And who's the mutant villain?
'Haller got ShadowKing.
Is The Vanisher taken?
Orphan Maker and Nanny?
M's brother?

Inhumans sister show !

The Strucker twins remind me more of Rusty and Skids than Fenris. I'm pretty sure the girl is straight-up Skids, but the boy's powers are different than Rusty's

More Nat pics please.

This is the best reviewed pilot of the Fall TV season. I'm excited.


I don't know who's lame enough to be stuck in non-movie TV Limbo, but has a fanbase enough to be cast...

And what kind of CW type Hell are we damning these characters to?
Is there going to be actual story?
Will the X-Mansion be at the end of their yellow brick road?
Please, somebody tell me this won't be Heroes 2.O.!

And what Movie universe are they in?
Old-Man Logan's?
Original trilogy's?
Agents of SHIELD?

>Blink doesn't put on pink make-up
>Polaris isn't green
Just fuck off, Singer. Seriously.

Wait they're doing Sunspot for the second time now and they change his powers again?

>Stan is in this
Huh. Has he been in any of the other serieses?

>I don't know who's lame enough to be stuck in non-movie TV Limbo, but has a fanbase enough to be cast...
Original Hellions, Academy X, Generation X, Morlocks. X-Men has more than enough C and D listers to sustain a show like this. They could have a cameo every single fucking episode for 4 seasons straight without ever running out. Hell, look at Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon for that. Every single background mutant was a cameo. Every single one.

>And what kind of CW type Hell are we damning these characters to?
>Is there going to be actual story?
Well the family is running from spider Sentinels. So there's that. Guess they'll join the resistance with Polaris and Blink or something. I don't know. It might work out. Or it's going to suck. Who knows.

>Please, somebody tell me this won't be Heroes 2.O.!
Well okay-ish CGI should be affordable enough these days so I don't think they have to write around ever actually doing anything. Also this doesn't look like it has some stupid JJ Abrahams-esque made-up skinner-box bullshit mystery the writers haven't thought of yet.
You know, the Sentinels don't have a plan, they aren't stuck on a mysterious island and the mutants just have their powers for the hell of it.

>And what Movie universe are they in?
Probably their own.

He showed up in AoS at least once, the Netflix shows usually have him in a background picture or on a poster or something