Frank Miller

Does his work still hold up or is it dated? Is the hatred for him pedestrian or does it have merit?

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moronic normies can't talk about anything except how he's a racist or whatever.

He was and still is hugely influential on the medium in the USA. He was one of the first (or at least most touted) creators who adapted techniques and layouts used by manga artists as well as from cinematic composition theory. He blew up the traditional six-panel page and made treated the whole page as a canvas. For 15 years after The Dark Knight Returns the industry essentially folded in on itself trying to ape the feel he brought.

Yes, his work still holds up. He is and remains one of the greatest creators of the late 20th Century.

It holds up extremely well and while there is some valid criticism to be made of his more recent work, the hatred is pedestrian.

His work really holds up, very very well, some of it even having become extremely prescient (attitudes in DKR of the talking heads, the satire in Martha Washington surrounding the US).

or maybe the problems of today aren't so different from the problems of 30 years ago

>15 years
Didn't this comic come out in 1986? Or do you mean something different?

try reading that sentence again

Oh, I see now. Sorry.

Year One
Give me liberty
Hard boiled
Big guy and rusty
Sin City

Don't get why people doubt him even his batshit insane stuff is still fun to read.

Eh, both are future stories set in about the current time. I think Miller was trying to go for "if we continue this way this will happen" more than direct reference

>future story
Reagan is literally the president

Yes, it does. Add the Wolverine LS to that list. Even though it lists Claremont as the writer, it reads pretty much like a Miller story. You can definitely tell he was very much involved in it.

Even All Star Batman and Robin, if you read it with an open mind, is fun.

When he was starting his writing career and doing new stories, his stuff was pretty great.

As soon as he tasted his paycheck and got full of himself, he started sucking bawls.

I'd probably put the mark somewhere in the late 80s or early 90s for him. Everything before that reads as fresh as it was then, but everything after becomes some kind of simulacrum or some kind of parody of itself so much that it just loses a lot of coherency, and doesn't age well at all.

Of course, now all he does is sequels of sequels and milking dead cows.

And the idea of the Cold War escalating into a hot war under Reagan was a fear people had at the time.

>You can definitely tell he was very much involved in it.

You can tell he had the dialogue cut down


Old man Frank still got it
Master Race #9 actually gave me hope. Can't wait for Frank's Superman and Whores story


I've always heard the idea is that DKR is set in an AU 80s, not the future, with the idea that Batman literally began his career back in 1940 but that's probably just fanon


So Jason would have been beaten and Killed in the 50s or 60s? because that doesn't make much sense?

why did frank stop giving a shit after sin city

I'd say Sin City still holds up.



spoonfeed me a list of the comics he did (the good ones) after sin city. i'm lazy.


>Does his work still hold up or is it dated?
Considering his large body of work, yes and no.

DKR is badass but with references to Regan, Nixon and the Soviet Union it is a product of its time.

On the other hand Sin City has this timeless quality that evokes a nostalgia for old film noir and gritty exploitation movies.

>pedestrian or does it have merit?

There are legitimate criticisms about his work but that seems to get overshadowed in the click bait nature of online journalism.



alan moore is my nigger, but i can't take him seriously when he suggests miller treats women badly in his comics. i don't feel like getting into whether prostitution should or should not be a thing, but i don't think the whores in sin city cast women in a bad light. also--it's FICTION. and therefore representative. it's not like frank miller has the power to legalize prostitution.


But Howard Chaykin did all of that before Miller

Please don't write slurs.

Well there's a lot of 80's references in DKR. The talk show host is based on David Letterman, the guest who kept talking about "zex und zex" is Dr. Ruth who got big in the 1980s. And of course Reagan was President as pointed out.

Also Bruce is said to be 55 years old when he "died." And taking into account that Reagan was President between 1981-1989, and DKR would have to take place either 1986 or before, it probably means Batman would be born anywhere between 1926 to 1931.

>DK2, to me, reads like a Bizarro World of Paper Rad, B.J. & da Dogs fan art on cocaine. Surely, DK2 would have received more love from PictureBox readers rather than the impossible-to-please nerds who masturbate to their DC Comics. Miller’s cartooning and Varley’s colors simultaneously marry and divorce each other in a chaotic fever dream of 21st Century Digital Age fury. It’s a shock to the senses and was, for many, Miller’s last straw that broke the camel’s back. He had gone too far.

>DK2 as a sequel to The Dark Knight Returns is a total and absolute failure. However! DK2 as a stream of consciousness art comic/love letter to the superhero genre is an unsurpassed gold medal achievement.

Where the hell do you think you are?

Moore is one to talk considering how often he inserts rape into his comics

poe's law in effect. i can't tell if he's serious.


Yeah I always thought inferring someone's views from what they write is dangerous.

> In one panel of DKR a guy says he doesn't like gay people. Clearly this means Miller is homophobic
That's a real argument I've seen.

If we believe that DKR takes place in 1986, then Jason was killed in 1976 since the reporter said it's been 10 years since Batman was last seen. Since Reagan's president DKR has to be between 1981-1986. If you assume it's 1981, then Jason died in 1971.

they both started around the same time

but Miller got a major title first

>Yeah I always thought inferring someone's views from what they write is dangerous.

It's weird he did that considering he was upset with a bunch of people inferring Moore's views in that one rant he had (the one where he later vented about Morrison, but before that he was addressing and venting about three other people).

His 80s work was great.

His 90s stuff got a bit formulaic but still pretty good anyway being 300 his last good work.

Beyond that his randian power fantasies got stale and declined down the toilet he is right now.

The whole DK timeline is fucked, even from Franks perspective.

DKR is supposed to be set in the "present " of 1985, but starring Franks version of the Golden/silver Age Batman who operated in his peak in the 40s to 60s.

Year One is a prequel to DKR but takes place in the 70s.

DK2 is set a 3 years later( Carrie Kelly was 13 in DKR and at least 16 in DK2) but clearly it's set after the millennium.

So basically following the same arc as any musician that doesn't join the 27 club.

>Martha Washington starts as super dark satire
>then becomes a Randian fantasy becuse Miller had read Atlas Shrugged last week
>then Miller realizes that was dumb and it just goes full sci-fi
what a time reading that complete edition was

>Franks perspective.

*Frank's perspective.

>>Franks perspective.
>*Frank's perspective.

Also had Holy Terror been still part of Batman it would've taken place between Year One and All Star, but Holy Terror obviously takes place in the 00's/10's.

And All Star Batman definitely looks like it takes place in the 00's.

Spawn/Batman which takes place after All Star Batman but before DKR shows the Cold War had already ended so it's the 90's.

>moronic normies can't talk about anything except how he's a racist or whatever.

Does Martha Washington ever come up? With all the clamoring for "women of color" protagonists, that series seems like it would deliver in spades.

Dark Knights Strikes Again is a massively underrated book even if he is a fuckin insane racist old man now

DKR sucks though

people who claim to care about people of color don't do their homework and don't actually care about people of color.

Martha Washington is in a weird place because the second series is expressly a Randian power fantasy

Most people today don't give two fucks about Frank Miller.

When he dies, you'll see some folks mention it in sites like this one, but I seriously doubt that one year later, people will mention it with any feelings like they do say Darwyn Cooke.

if he really knocks it out of the park on his Superman book, I think people will remember him pretty fondly