Has anyone gotten into a confrontation with an SJW comic "fan" at a con or at their LCS? What are some stories?

Has anyone gotten into a confrontation with an SJW comic "fan" at a con or at their LCS? What are some stories?

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I have never seen that crap dribble out of this hellhole

If a comics fan ever tried to talk to me in person I'd take the cyanide tablet I have on me at all times

The internet is the only place I've encountered militant SJW, and all those have been twitter screencaps and shit posted here.

Thankfully, no one actually buys comic books from my lcs. I've seen the occasional 40 year old guy show up and collect his 120€ pull list, but never witnessed an actual discussion with an "sjw". The owner is so incredibly chill that most people going in there are only there to hang out at the counter and talk about movies, while I'm the creep checking out the back issues for the millionth time.

I live in TN, fuckboy.
We dont have too many of those kinds of people down here.

No, these kinds of people only throw tantrums on the internet.

you got that pic from porn didn't you

What do you think user pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph583171f51b719

i knew it, so your a fan of freako

Yes, and i really like the chick who did the voice and sound effects

Her singing at the end is great

>live in Washington state
You tell me

What the fuck happend user?

not a direct confrontation, but a shit show nonetheless
>go to SGC 2 years ago
>there is a custom built white arcade cabinet in the middle of the arcade
>Con attendees are expected to draw on it with markers, they are going to raffle it off at the end of the con
>actually covered with a lot of great art.
>Remember noticing one morning that someone drew the gamergate logo on the side.
>come back at the end of the day
>the entire side is a back and forth argument between sjws and gamergaters all the way way down to the floor.
>just lines and lines of multicolored marker shitposting and scribbles
>ruined the entire cabinet
>mfw someone had to take that thing home.

I don't get into confrontations much, but there were so many it was inevitable. There was a girl who I was talking to and she said you can't be racist towards white people. I didn't argue with her because I'm not good with creating arguments, but I just couldn't believe that people were that ignorant. Now I know better. It's hard to just find people who can think for themselves, and not people who have others make them think about others.

>you can't be racist towards white people.
Jesus, i wouldve teared her a new one. How can people be so retarded?

...they could just paint over it, you know.

I... I never thought of that.

It's the media, man. People use that shit as their moral compass, their fashion sense, and some want to dedicate their whole lives to it. And the media is full of jaded hipsters who want to come off as unique while at the same time being meta about themselves. That just makes them look self depreciating, and no one "normal" wants to be around them. It angers them that people they consider cool don't look in their direction, so they try painting others as the bad guy and themselves as the victim.

Vivian James got banned at a convention in Canada.

I really, really, want to know how they functon irl if they can't even handle a health blog.
I think too often about this and still cam't fathom. what must their life be like-the daily routine?

then it'd just be a plain ol' cabinet

God, if i could have one trip back in time, i would go back to one event that cascaded into the shw/feminist shit hole we love in now. I want to say its 9/11 that made people more retardily femenazi, but something tells me theirs some other event i could prevent that would stop it completly. I need to do more research on event for when i ever trick a magical imp to send me back in time. Modernity is forever proof that women suffrage was a mistake and they belong chained in the kitchen

Which part of Tennessee?

I'm in the Shelby county, and the only thing kinda close to what OP's yammering about are black weebs that are into SU shit.

>I want to say its 9/11

*I want to say it's 9/11

some of my friends are pretty tumblr. more and more each day I think, though they surprisingly still let me get away with a lot, at least that one time. I think they're just completely critical if it comes from someone new, and how you do it.
or maybe they just know for sure I have no malice in my words.

Shut the fuck up grammar fag
They sound kinda fun, how sjw are we talking about? Tolerable or "anita sarkessian did nothing wrong" tier?

I aint never seen any SJWs here and probably never will. This is redneck country

people are tribal by nature. our allies can do no wrong, while outsiders are criticized beyond belief.

you "being a good person at heart" has nothing to do with it.

No, as I don't suffer from severe autism, and am able to function n most public environments without altercation.

somehow i think freeing half the human population from slavery is more important than protecting your feelings, user.

>somehow i think freeing half the human population from slavery is more important than protecting your feelings, user.
Women are not superior then men and dont deserve to coopt our culture to serve their chic flick retarded mentality. They deserve oppression

>you can't be racist towards white people

I know it's the US and all, but that's a little bullshit even for you guys.

>the media

Eh. Technically it's not the media that can't fathom there are more races than 'white' and 'black', (hence all the Zimmerman anger), people tend to jump on a side of the bandwagon of whatever's going on currently, while knowing as little as possible.

Closest thing I can think of as to where that came from is maybe a Malcolm X speech (which were deliberately inflammatory compared to Luther King's speeches), or maybe an analysis of the commoness of institutionalised racism. In the latter case, you could easily argue that institutionalised racism has a far lower chance of affecting white people as opposed to black people, but that's about it.

Gamergate is another incidence where no-one is right, and you can only choose the least bad wrong. Gaming journalism has always been a mild joke, having only more accuracy than celebrity journalism, and the entire review process.

On the one hand, Sarkeesian has only ever hit the mark on the oversexualisation of all characters in videogames. On everything else, she misses the mark, either completely or by not noting key examples, case studies and projects where something went wrong/right.

On the other hand, unless Quinn and Wu are extremely stupid, I doubt they slept with the reviewers for good reviews. If they did, then fair enough, I'm wrong. I never did get to the bottom of whether the 'militarisation of space' had some kind of 'patriarchal' agenda so it's possible.

Nah. Once helped one of my friends hide from a dude carrying a bodypillow of their cosplay around unironically, and I've caught a few (I want to say Mystic 8?) whatever that dating sim cosplayers glaring at me when I agreed to do photos with/for people, but that's about it.

>superior then men

*superior than men

>don't live near a coastal shithole city or near a college town
>don't have to put up with man hating feminists and sjws on a daily basis

I'm not sure what a Reddit mascot has to do with that statement.

Personally below tolerable. Not shrieking crazed person, but the lack of tolerance is just by how beta they are and the lack of self-awareness, making their hobby a bit too close of a lifestyle where it becomes uncomfortable to talk to them about anything that isn't anime. As for the SJW-ness, it's more of a blind eye sorta thing.

They just go "that's good for them" and that's it. Don't know nothing negative about current SJW stuff, just live and let be. So on a SJW-scale, they're tolerable because they only just barely give a shit because they heard a bit of stuff on the side while looking up anime shit online.

The other, more rare kind are the parrots that just say what's negative without any arguments or info to back up their claims. Don't think they realize for themselves why some things are bad and only accept they're bad because some people on the internet said so.

Redneck and ghetto from what I hear. I know Memphis is way, WAY worse with ghetto shits, but Nashville from what I heard isn't free of that sorta problem either.

>they're not superior! they deserve slavery!

wtf, dude.

Most of them are early 20's unemployed middle class white girls who live with their parents. They DON'T function in real life.

Sup Forums fetishizes female NEETs but this is what they become. SJWs blame men for all their problems, /r9k/ and Sup Forums blame women.

>I want to say Mystic 8?
it's Mystic Messenger and the fandom is...yeah....it's pretty bad but not other fandoms bad.
I mean, at least they don't tell people to kill themselves

I've had encounters with comic "fans" that do nothing but bitch about comics they don't read while not buying anything good.

They usually hang out on Sup Forums.

Excuse me boy
Nashville is nothing like that shithole Memphis. We have tons of homeless and methheads in west nashville and theres a small amount of petty crime but over all its a pretty good city. but if you can afford to live near Greenhills or east nashville then its even better.Good old fashioned Christian white folks that hate the sjw agenda

no one does, dude. no one does. this is an imaginary problem. except maybe on the internet.

Hahah, oh I know Memphis is the worst city here. It's literally only good for a day time visit for BBQ and burgers, night time is shank time.

I just wanted confirmation that Nashville had a ghetto or trash problem in some parts, and it sounds somewhat tame enough being contained on the west side like you said.

But if me and/or my family were planning to move, it'd probably be Kentucky (at least I think it's Kentucky. It's one of the surrounding states with low crime rates from what I've heard).

sounds shitty.

Well I'm not alt right, so no.

Only if youre muslim or black

Not necessarily a confrontation but I used to work with a girl who said she liked comics but just liked the marvel movies, but she was also an SJW. Never read or bought a comic in her life, wasn't interested in reading them either.

>Sarkeesian has only ever hit the mark on the oversexualisation of all characters in videogames.
>implying its a bad thing

this may have just been my sister considering we're from the same state

>Has anyone gotten into a confrontation with an SJW comic "fan" at a con or at their LCS
No, because this doesn't happen outside of made up internet stories that Sup Forums makes up so they can wank about "white genocide" or "people getting cucked" or whatever the fuck they cry about these days. Believe it or not normal people who leave their homes try not to get into confrontations over trivial bullshit everywhere they go.
That being said if anyone has that crazy stalker greentext about the girl in the wheelchair at some con that would be most appreciated.