Fox in ‘Preliminary Conversations’ to Revive ‘King of the Hill’

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they don't live up to expectations whether they're still considered 'good' or not

It ended right when it should have though. Also isn't Luanne's VA dead?

Beavis and Butthead got revived and suddenly disappeared. What makes this any different?

>gets revived
>becomes PC as fuck
There had better be a naked non-binary genderqueer under your bed!

No. Just, can we not? It's over, it's wrapped up, we don't need a continuation or a reboot or revival.

Just have Mila Kunis replace her


Let me guess...
Mike Judge will have nothing to do with it


Season opener should be Hank Hill in bed. An older Bobby opens the door and he looks like your typical Kekistan. MAGA hat, poorly kept neckbeard and about four mustache hairs. He's yelling whatever frantic message of the day Sup Forums is talking about, tells his Dad to get over it.

Hank is still upset a year later that Jeb Bush didn't get the nomination. Ladybird is dead. Joseph looks like John Redcorn 100%, Bobby refers to Dale as cuck.

Dale was a Trump supporter but the conspiracies turned towards Trump and now he's just your basic libertarian. Bill is more left-leaning and sad because Democrats are sad filth. Boomhaur is on trial for shooting an unarmed black teen, but he gets off scot-free. He's been suspended from the force with a heft severance package that will last him throughout his life (Luckey calls it Boomhaur's Pew-Pew Money"). Luanne is in prison like her Mother.

FOX = Prime time network
MTV = Late night cable

King of the Hill has a better chance of survival given that FOX is still interested in animated sitcoms.

Beavis and Butt-Head's reboot was well enough received, but MTV doesn't have the same key demographics it did when B&B was on in the 90's, and with a new network head taking over the network midway through the revival season's run, she publicly said that she wanted to focus on more female oriented programming, and that Beavis and Butt-Head wasn't part of that vision.

There is nothing they could add to the series that wouldn't ruin it. It had a fantastic run and ended on a solid note. Leave it be, for fuck's sake.

What should the sentence be for trying to reboot something?

We are never going to see anything new again, are we?

>Pew-Pew Money
Ok I keked to that. The rest is just nonsense

This would have been the only show I would have wanted to see how they handled the 2016 election. But that window has closed.

Everyone went into the Beavis and Butthead revival expecting to hate it, but I've never run into anyone who actually did. A King of Hill revival would probably turn out fine, since the show's only real problem was writers running out of ideas near the end. The show's had a few years to rest, so that won't be a problem.

>Given what’s going on in the country, I think they had a point of view about how those characters would respond.

Oh please don't.

fucking this is why i don't want it to happen. every single show has been turned into "i'm going to write my opinions into my show and ruin it"

>Bobby refers to Dale as cuck.
Are you retarded? Bobby has nothing but respect for Dale, even if he knows that his wife is a whore.

>but I've never run into anyone who actually did
I thought that the replacement for their music video commentary was stupid, but I understand why it was done.

>Bobby is going to come out as trans

Enough motherfucking reboots. Are companies really that fucking scared? Is the environment really that fucking unstable?

That's honestly what bugs me most about this. Brittany Murphy died like, 2 months after the finale aired.

How many times has a show that's been brought back from cancellation still been good?

Them talking over reality shows and UFC fights wasn't great, but the music video stuff they did was still on point.

Plus don't forget we got that fucking amazing segment with them reviewing The Human Centipede.

Truly uplifting stuff.

Are they doing a reboot or continuing it?

If it's a reboot then Fuck no but continuing it then I guess but I'm still really worried about this

I would be cautious but curious if they aged them up.

bring back travis and bobhead

A good wholesome conservative cartoon would do insane numbers right now with the surge of conservatism.

8 years have passed...

>Hank gets iPhone episode
>Bill starts UBERing people around to talk to them episode
>Bobby gets a fidget spinner episode
>Connie and Joseph explain white privilege to Bobby episode
>Peggy joins Arlen Antifa episode
>Buck Strickland sentenced to death for his years of sexist comments and actions episodes

King of the Hill is honestly my favorite show, animated or not, and have been watching ever since I was a kid, even though I probably shouldn't have been. This show means a lot to me and having it rebooted will """literally""" kill me.

Please no. King of the Hill ended at a perfect time and it DID start to dip in quality during the last season. I love the show, yeah, but it needs to stay buried.

A good twist on this would be having the characters express apathy about Trump and whatever the media's talking about. Show average Americans not caring about the news and the President, that their everyday lives and trials are more important to them than the rest of the world. But we all know how this is going to play out

Same butat least they never fully abandoned music Videos.

I also enjoyed Good Vibes.

>Hank goes to college to show Bobby what it's like and shocked at the degeneracy there
>Hank disapproves of memes being used
>Bobby starts calling himself a feminist in order to get girls

i will blow my brains out if some shit like that were to come out of hanks mouth

I don't want this. The worst episodes were the topical joke ones and they became outdated really fucking fast. Like the No Doubt episode. There was one joke about the cowboys being average that managed to hold up until last year. Which is hilarious or sad depending on your football affiliation.

I'm a lot more worried if it's a continuation. If it bombs, it's tied to the original series.

That shit wouldn't happen unless they directly sought to kill his character. Hell that episode with the drag queen even after Peggy explained that Caroline was a man he didn't understand what was happening.

Maybe since only two people watched it?

after the futurama reboot I'm not so sure I want this


Daily reminder that Mike Judge pumped baby powder up a fat man's ass with fire bellow at a party.

Bobby would be more of an obnoxious but succesful youtube vlogger than a Trumper

Exactly how it went the last time they did an election episode.
Hank is disillusioned witu both candidates, decides not to vote, somebody tells him voting is important, them he votes with a smile on his face without ever divulging who he voted for.

The only thing that could convince me that this is even a good idea would make it about 5-10 years in the future.

Hank is now manager of Strickland, Buck having died some years before and left the company to Hank in his will.
Peggy is a semi-successful writer, having written a book called "Substitute Woman" which became extremely popular amongst transgender circles. She's also still terrible at Spanish.
Bobby is still the same quirky kid, but he's now just starting college. He has a girlfriend who is new to the series. He spends his spare time trying to perfect the ultimate BBQ recipes.
Luanne is mentioned as having "moved to Oklahoma" with Lucky. Lucky would show up once needing to "get away from the girls for the weekend", much to Hank's chagrin.
The Gribbles are divorced because Dale became convinced a woman like Nancy could only love him if she was a government agent.
Joseph is a blossoming college football player, but is having an identity crisis after he accidentally learns John Redcorn is his real father. Dale still has no idea.
Bill is in an on-again/off-again relationship with the female police officer.
Boomhauer is still dang ol' Boomhauer, man.
Kahn and Minh haven't aged at all, and now make fun of their neighbours for looking "like hillbilly grandma and grandpa".
Connie, now being in college, has mellowed out considerably and is hinted at being a bit of a stoner.
John Redcorn has put on a noticeable amount of weight, is balding and has lost his charm, making him severely depressed. This would become mended somewhat by Joseph spending time with him to understand his heritage.

It's like you people have no faith in based Greg Daniels.

>first episode is Luanne's funeral

I use to hate this show because of the whole Texas Redneck Republican aspect of it. But over time I learn to love this because of how funny it is. Dale just happens to be my favorite character from the show, even though he's a cuck.

I will accept this if there's a time skip where Bobby is an adult

oh man that'd be something

luanne was always my least favorite character

> Trump trump trump

Kill yourself

Nah Bobby should be the most incompetent cop in town with everybody knowing it except hank who regularly talks wistfully of "officer Hill"

>do the Arlen shake

I have no idea why the fuck Bobby would be a Sup Forumsshit.

>a democrat
>a new yorker
>and now I'm going to vomit

Oh my god it's gonna be shit

I saw this posted on Sup Forums somewhere. It's relevant to your post.

It's true of Texas at least
Trump isn't really liked here
At least in relation to the bushs

>the greatest chick flick ever made

>Dale reveals he has a fetish for cuckholding

I mean he does have the Asian gf
But Texas isn't West Virginia so it wouldn't be a big plot point if it was brought up

Plot twist
He's the one doing the cucking

This would be the only good in-character way for Hank to respond to Trump. Have him hate Trump for the smallest things about him and not mention anything about his policies

>He spends his spare time trying to perfect the ultimate BBQ recipes.
Didn't Bill pass on the legendary Dauterive BBQ recipe to Bobby?

>all of Mike Judge's other projects failed so hard he has to go crawling back to Fox begging for more episodes
Oh, Mike.

pretty much like George W. Bush right? just make Hank talk about how he doesn't like how Trump makes his steaks well done

You just made me spew all over my keyboard. No fucking thank you.

Fuck off, Seth.

>What is Silicon Valley?

Go out on top and leave them wanting more. I love KotH but I want it to remain untarnished as it is.

This. Samurai jack seemed promising but shit the bed hard during the second half.

Wasn't that on Jackass?

(((they))) need to be stopped already

I think so, yes.

>I mean he does have the Asian gf
That means literally nothing. Being a weeb, which bobby isn't, has nothing to do with political affiliations.

KOTH is something that died a very natural death after a full life. This is just corpse defiling.

Trump is basically anti-Hank anyway. No way Hank would be into a showy womanizing foul mouthed New Yorker who panders to the idea of hard working American values.

Trump is basically Thatherton/Strickland, but from New York. Hank hates Thatherton and his respect for Strickland stems almost entirely from his love of propane, which Strickland constantly strains to its limits via his shitty personal behavior.

if we are being realistic hank would definitely be in the kasich, evan mcmullin, jim webb realm for this past election cycle

Now I want this new King of the Hill to have Trump move into the neighborhood as an obnoxious neighbor that gets on Hanks nerves for petty reasons

King of the Hill is basically the only show I would tolerate doing topical political humor/Trump jokes right now.

Sup Forums
>Sup Forums get out
also Sup Forums
>Trump Trump Trump

its a joke


A steaming pile of shit.

Season 13 wasn't good.

The only reason I'd watch it is if I could watch Grandpa Hank.

Bobby doesn't even have to be the one with the kids.

Sup Forums already came up with the perfect sequel and it was just a 20th anniversary movie.

>Bobby's a single dad who has a successful restaurant in NYC
>Moves back to Arlen to open up one there because Sugarfoots closed down
>Lucky and Luanne moved to Montana to look after the Ranch, but Gracie is spending the summer with Hank and Peggy
>Joseph is the coach of Arlen High's football team
>Connie and Chane are married, but Chane has mellowed out and has a kid as dorky as Bobby used to be
>GH comes to bug Hank like Cotton used to, but only because he sees Hank as a father-figure but has too much of Cotton in him to express it well.
>Hank's retired, but did get to be full Manager of Stickland Propane before RayRoy bought it.
>Buck died of a heart attack; Thatherton died of a heart attack because he found out RayRoy knocked up his daughter
>Bill retired and moved to Hawaii, but everyone keeps accidentally phrasing it in a way that sounds like he died
>Dale still doesn't know

>the reboot could be about young or adult bobby dealing with Good Hank
Why does this sound good

>Dale somehow comes across fetish and decides to try it for science
>tries to get John Redcorn to be the bull
>awkward hijinx ensue

Any episode with someone trans in it would have Hank being either weirded out or confused as fuck about it, with it ending with him saying something like "Well, all I know is that they're a good worker and a Texan, I tell ya hwat, so if ya mess with them, you're messin with both Propane AND Texas. And if I hear ya don't EITHER of those, I'm gonna kick ur ass."

>“We have had preliminary conversations with Greg [Daniels] and Mike [Judge],” Dana Walden, Chairman and CEO of Fox Television Group, says. “I would like to explore that. We had a very preliminary conversation about that. Given what’s going on in the country, I think they had a point of view about how those characters would respond.”
God, no. Don't turn this into a Trump-bashing thing.

Yet I do not age.

We already talked about this a week ago.
Hank would just never say who he voted for and they'll never talk about politics directly, because they never did before.

Bush's presidency, 9/11, and the war were NEVER mentioned on the show. Neither would any of the modern day shitshow politics.


If they do it, at least kill off Luanne. I hate when characters have voice actors that barely sound like the original.

Have Bobby opening up his restaurant as a season finale thing, and for shits and giggles, call it the King of the Hill Bar and Grill.

Pocket Sand!