/OurGuy/ ?

/OurGuy/ ?

yeah i sucked him
he gets really hard but was upset when he popped idk why
think he was high or some shi




Fuck off, you dumbass spic


not based...

how old were you when you stopped watching this fucking show

how will chuckheads ever recover?

Spics are the ones getting mad that Sneed overtook una vela.

when will this meme die?

He used to be so great. Now he hasn't been funny in years.

Fuck off, you sad vindictive faggot. Sneed is here to stay.

So based

You mean The Simpsons or the chuck/sneed meme?

Sup Forums is the garbage board of Sup Forums.

fuck yes

Homer Simpson would have beaten you up in school

the original cuck

the sneed shit

No he wouldn't. Homer isn't violent. Except with Bart.


>We may never get the good ol' simpson classic threads back.
It hurts bros, it shouldn't but it does.

Daily reminder there are more bad episodes than good episodes of the Simpsons.

how many years had this show existed when you were born would be a better question

formerly the original seed

You're really getting desperate these days aren't you sneedfag? you steal my pictures, my words, but to no avail, this shit meme is on it's last legs. you have lost.

we will never be D E F E E D E D

Trips. Sneed is fucking done.

Trips confirm, god does it feel good that this shit is ending soon.

>Frinkiac spam didn't kill it
>falseflagging as a sneedfag who says "brah" didn't kill it
>spamming the "I'm not going to reveal my age" image didn't kill it
>Janny didn't kill it
>depressing Simpsons edits didn't kill it
>chowdah didn't kill it
>merry fishmas didn't kill it
>steamed hams didn't kill it
Nothing will.

this fag has never seen the show

all because one crybaby spic can't handle everyone calling season 10 onward garbage

who that?

You are like a little child. Watch this.

Daily reminder there are most good episodes of the simpsons than most other shows.


>all because one crybaby spic can't handle everyone calling season 10 onward garbage
Is that really it? how is that known? what did i miss?

You seem confused

Gee wiz mister, that's not edited or nothing is it?

It's just something I made up and am trying to make the #1 reposted image on Sup Forums

Do me a favor and help spam it to trigger the sneedfag

it's afraid