Hi, welcome to another episode of Mike and Ryan!

>Hi, welcome to another episode of Mike and Ryan!

Other urls found in this thread:


God, Ryan is so fucking sexual.

The guy on the left literally looks like he's about to have a heart attack, meanwhile you have Mike the model on the right.


Holy shit Ryan is about to fucking die

Ryan dead lifts 600

>One last brownbrix gadget, c'mon baby i'll suck your dick.

and no one said a word


What the fuck is wrong with the guy on the left? You're on camera, you can't wipe your face with a fucking towel? Or comb your hair? Holy shit


>Guest on your own channel...

How come Cinemassacre threads get deleted on sight at Sup Forums?

I would love to shitpost on the native place.

they dont always but Sup Forums cinemassacre threads arent as good. too much autism.

someone post the racist mike matei comics

barcode ryan


How it going mike I was starting to miss your threads good to see your back



Someone post the webm of mike in the room with the people, you know the one

Happy Holidays!

How can James ever EVER ever hope to compite?

will he direct again?

>More youtube shit.

Because Sup Forums is an SJW echo chamber where anything that isn't le stronk womyn, Nintendo shit, or some other completely boring weeb game means your thread is gonna vanish real quick.

Just go on there and call someone a nigger, it's a bannable offence.

Was it kino?

Holy JAMES HAIR is this real?

How in the f%ck did you get a picture of me?

Pretty sure this is James not wanting to associate with Ryan. He'll appear on Mike & Ryan but will never put his name on a Ryan video

Where did the hair go?!

I guarantee those women lead them all like the balless betas they are, and the words "conversation" and "problematic" get thrown around like sand at a beach.

Just imagine THOSE people being your friends. Holy shit I'd rather be completely alone.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

I really hate the Mike Youtube channel. When will James make one for himself?

Is Mike good looking?

Holy shit what video is that song from again?

Stop making fun of Ryan. His toy reviews get dozens - no - HUNDREDS of views. How's YOUR shitty YouTube channel going?

Real question is..what the fuck happened to Bootsy?

What do you think is the collective weight of all the people in that room?

Don't advertise your channel here

Mike looks extremely uncomfortable.

Ikari Warriors

What did she mean by this?

Who the fuck are those people? Ryan's family members?

what type of smile is this?

Justice for Bootsy when?

The only gaming thing ive watche is theyr Monday videos...

Seriously, what the fuck happened to the channel that lately i see a LOT of gaming videos where they review random shit like new clone consoles, PC games and shit?

the information in the newest clone console review was so inaccurate its pathetic

Why does the guy on the left look like his very existence is unbearable, like he is going to explode?

Bootsy was the most well liked member it seems. Too bad it didn't last.

WTF all of them are fat, use glasses and look 40 even tho they are in their mid 20s... WTF, who are they?

Those cucks banned me for a nintendo-soyboy meme.

Los abominacions.....

>Sup Forumsddit mad they can't eliminate all discussion with off-topic racebaiting shit like all the other boards
Cry me a fucking river

Come on a tour with me, Sup Forums!

>current year
>wood paneling for walls


yes, in fact i got linked to that from a thread on vr, was that one sponsored or what? its like Mike actually feels he needs to make a video about the new hot geeky gadget...

Maybe they want to milk the channel now that they are in their mid 30s and wanna get married and buy a home, or... idunno.

What was the point of this scene... no REALLY. What?

>"When are you gonna go Captain Picard?!"

Wew, Mike is fucking ruthless

why is he so surprised?


what part of the video are you referring to?

Ryan owns a company called Screen Wave media or some shit. He bought Cinamas from James and basically controls the content now. Notice Santa's horrible voice in one of the latest AVGN eps? Yeah that was Ryan shoving himself into James shit.

The Nerd just needs a hat and then people will stop whining about his hair. Doug Walker was at least smart enough to give the Nostalgia Critic a hat from day 1.


was it a hostile takeover?

The end of pt 2 of Super Mario world 3D or whatever the Wii U Mario game was

28:05 on.

>Why is Mike so abusive bros?

*Destroys your channel*

Thanks I couldn't sit through the entire thing

You can actually see Jame's soul fizzling.

they are good friends you mong


>deleted on sight at Sup Forums?
Sup Forums mods are very biased, they will only allowed certain e-celeb on the board, also

>will he direct again?
it him decades to direct that awful avgn movie
so no.
yes, but mike and ryan is going to ruin that pretty soon

the cinemassacre channel is technically "their" channel
but that wasn't enough for mike so he made the second channel into his "own" channel

>what the fuck happened to Bootsy?
mike was mad bootsy was becoming a fan favorite
saw on twitter bootsy was making drumpf jokes
so he used that as a way to fire his ass
also bootsy cannot legally make his own bootsy beats videos

the "I'm a fucking cuckold and I love it" smile

the girl is his wife's self-insert...the rest you can figure out

What the fuck

he didn't bought cinemassacre, it's just the owns james ass completely. all the money james makes goes directly to his, mike and james wife money.
he started with james as a webmaster
