They just mentioned Sup Forums

They just mentioned Sup Forums

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Uh really? How

Basically the Hillary stand in is a fascist and there’s a line about “someone in Sup Forums/pol says”

Well how about that

this show is still on?


oh wow

What's Sup Forums?

>someone in four chan backslash pole backslash
What show


They did this last season too. The Alex Jones character was working with the CIA to create bots to post to different websites to shill against the president elect.


Remember in S4 when she let a Muslim schoolboy fuck her

Jesus what a mess

wew lad

Make Sup Forums real homeland
Mein Heimat

Where the zombie Quinn spin off where he just murders muslims?

Is this show still going on? Holy shit.

What the heck

Never heard of it


>the one time they talked about all the accounts they had on Sup Forums

Soyboy larping board

Lmao. Cringe

I dropped this show long ago, it feels aimless

We did it lads!

you rarely get writing this good

Well what did they find?


This show ate shit when brody got killed

literally ribbit: the post



So they turned her into Trump after having her as a Hillary clone for all of the previous season

What is the writers end game

I love how everybody takes Sup Forums so seriously but nobody who actually uses it does.

It's like they're trying to tell is it's shit but don't realize we've known it's shit for decade now,

That show should have ended with him blowing himself up and the season ending there, or maybe one last final season where they investigate how the fuck it all happened

Keeping Brody alive was a mistake



Do they pronounce it "Pee-oh-ell"?

They found the chinmen

can I get a rundown?


God damn, Claire Danes is world class. Maybe my biggest celeb crush

No my position in my timeline is compromised by posting; only a matter of seconds before they warp into our timeline to claim my chin.

Look at these cryptokike bastards. How can they NOT be responsible for the recent spike in pedophilia?

godspeed user, I know you brought me this information at a great risk

The show ate shit when the first second of the first episode aired

This cant be real


The liberal mind is full of contradictions.

Sup Forums is both where Russian white supremacist hackers rigged the election and where neckbears losers fap to anime girls.

Watch the first two seasons when it kept the plot. Great spy drama.

claire danes can get it ngl

>just when I thought Sup Forums couldn't get any worse

lol goddamn what is the problem with these faggots? Anyone who takes this place seriously has stage 4 terminal ass cancer

and yet it is

By the way this guy is Homeland's parody of Alex Jones

top zozzle

Fucking normies

Alex Jones is a parody of Alex Jones.


>Imagine hating Sup Forums so much you post about it on imageboards
>You sit down on your pink dildo to watch some soy kino
>They start talking about Sup Forums

Those are not exactly mutually exclusive.


Sup Forums legit shilled their assess off to reddit during 2016 to become more mainstream, why are they so fucking mad that at this?

I puked a little


they're giving Sup Forums too much credit

Where's a youtube clip so I can send this to all my steam friends with anime avatars?


This sounds more like something a frustrated boomer would post on Yahoo Answers.

homeland goes full pants on head retard sometimes but they are heavily critical of israel, the intelligence community while not being anti-state, or anti-interventionist, depicts the muslim world in a nuanced way, they talk about shilling etc etc

it's got some good stuff in there

Sup Forums is getting too much credit and is actually becoming a boogeyman site for bugmen

>television writers browse Sup Forums
Really not surprising at all. Infact we see evidence for it all the time.

Liberal - PASS.


>be Sup Forums
>shill person of interest as being hard sci fi
>it's actually Buffy The Vampire Slayer in both how mature it tackles its themes and characters
Fool me once Sup Forums but I'm not giving Homeland a fucking chance.

me otl

>Sup Forums
>No mention of the jews


Is that fucking Boomhauer?

They focus group ideas here

There is nothing nuanced about the muslim world. It's literally all the same.

He is living with mom in his mom basement

I got something for you boys!!!

It is an Israeli show after all


first ahs now fucking homeland
can't wait for the big bang theory to namedrop Sup Forums as well.unless that happened already


We scarey turrists for Boomers, now

after trump did a 180 and bombed syria all the intelligent people left . go there now and its 80% 14 year olds posting epix trump maymays

>when the President does whatever the fuck she wants
Wrong timeline, nignogs

got another ass,

Claire Danes is an ugly ogre

Has to do with that whole "we can't censor them, therefore they're worse than terrorism" mentality

Shimdiggyday! Kekkers!

aw fug.

we're about to be flooded with normies

>about to be
ebin bait

Need an HD remaster of this

that's my queue to leave


the movie is called To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday

hey so uh was the episode good