Movie uses cgi in places where practical effects would clearly been better

>movie uses cgi in places where practical effects would clearly been better

Other urls found in this thread:

This webm has bothered me since the day I saw it. What a terrible way to wrap yourself up. It's not comfy at all.


I bet his legs are uncovered.

I thought sad frog was chubby

1965 NASA BUSTED - Stop Motion Animation Revealed

The blanket looks like it's caught on something behind him, so his back is also completely exposed and not touching the fabric at all. Any body heat would escape and he would be getting a cold draft from behind.

Why fake this AT ALL????

EESA (Europeon NASA) fucked up their CGI, see 15:10

hey autism squad no one asked for you

lol k

the fuck?

Is space even real?

>not a fat fuck or a skinnyfat

nope, you can't physically leave earth

That's a comfy pepe

that blanket looks itchy as fuck

shut the fuck up.

how do i upvote all these funny posts?

reply to them all and type "upboated"


>he doesn't know about the dome, antartic walls and underground heat that prevent our bodies from leaving earth
git gud

>thing in space no look like thing on ground
>no move like thing on ground
>not real!

>da bideos are wrong! da syentisds are ryte!!

there are retards that think bringing your legs close to your chest in mid air is gravity

looks likes dust on the lenses to me.


Doesn't look like anything to me.



No its all fake

NASA Challenger Crew Still Alive

ow are these astronots still ALIVE??? Didn't they die in the 86' challenger explosion? They never were ON-BOARD! Don't believe me? Heres proof.

Same facial features, same names.

>ywn fuck her in zero g

NASA humiliated

I don't even know if I'm real anymore.

>zero g

Just throw her in a harness, itd be the same shit

We're being lied to

These people see us as dumb cattle

They use chroma key bluescreen to do cool prop tricks in (((outer space)))

Just like in the movies


>mfw people still argue we landed on the moon

Get rid of that text at the bottom holy shit it doesn't need specification.


delete /x/ and permaban anyone who posted on it. quality of Sup Forums goes up a significant amount

So we are on a flat earth afterall...

do you have any sort of proof that the second photo was taken 177km away from earth?


how is that video supposed to suggest we didn't actually land on the moon?

what am i looking at here?

>duh videos they faked are fake becaue dey fake dem bad

Webcam footage, sun distance seen 4:15

Pay attention to the lack of curvature shown had extreme height, also see the small and local hotspot below the sun.

IF the sun is 93million miles away and GIGANTIC, why is this hotspot so SMALL???


focal length you colossal retard

They simulate floating in space using a harness/cgi system

who are they trying to fool with this? That cant be a real video right

>focal length

It wouldnt shrink the object though

I know you shills are on maximum damage control, good luck

>Same facial features, same names.
The earlobes don't match faggot

>Movie ruins what otherwise would be great action with bad sound effects

The moon landing was fake so the U.S. could pretend to 'beat' Russia.
Since then it's been easy as sin to lie to the public and fabricate things about space/earth and people eat it up like good goys.


Almost everyone, thanks for showing up to this thread before it gets 404'd

"You could tell its real because it looks so fake"

What am I supposed to notice here?


post more

Weather balloon fisheye lens accidentally proves flat earth


Rocket hitting firmament?

I'm confused. On the ground due to the fish eye lens it's bent, so shouldn't it be bent if it was flat earth?

Look, I'm willing to look at evidence against all this stuff but you guys always sound like 9/11 tinfoilers.

>that AR DARLING font

In the bottom right pic it actually curves the other way around.


>how would all the aircraft pilots keep their mouths shut? Are they in on it too?

What is a non-disclosure agreement?

This pilot admits to know the earth is FLAT



that looks alot like momentary panic and disorientation


The image of a disc with water falling off is psyop propaganda to throw off the scent.

The uncomfortable possible reality is that we live on a infinite plane where the sun carved a pool of water from ice. You dont fall off the edge, the image of a disc is propaganda.

Anywhere you go south, you reach the southpole -- because its a sun-carved ice ring that surrounds us on a flat plane

This thread is pure kino.

holy shit this thread is giving me brain damage


>panic and disorientation

Why does blood rush to his head and he falls if hes supposed to be floating in space?

>what is focal length

I understand. You've been brought up to believe this things as absolute scientific fact, it's hard to change that thinking.

Flat-earth shills BTFO'd

My Sides

>Admiral Richard Byrd (first man to transverse north AND south pole) said theres more land to be discovered outside of south pole
>Byrd says antartica (south pole) is full of uranium and mountains of coal that could "generate enough energy for the entire earth for centuries"
>Byrd says theres a continent as big as america beyond the south pole from south america

"... Strangely enough theres left in the world today: an area as big as the U.S. thats never been seen by a human being, and thats beyond the pole on the other side of the southpole from middle america - and I think its quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored." Admiral Richard Byrd

Watched the first episode of Sopranos to see if I would like it since I was only like 10 when it first aired and that happed in it. Tony was beating on some guy but the beating sounds were so bad it sounded like they came from the 1940s. And also that show is boring as fuck

>Why fake the shape of earth??

New land discoveries, possible other lifeforms that have better advancements in technology.

If the earth is a sphere, theres nowhere else to bother exploring. It also creates a one-world religion of scientific explanation.

Considering the earth is flat, it raises a lot of uncomfortable questions, not just about lies but the reality of what we exist on.

What if instead of planets, there were just islands to be discovered? There would be new plants, new fungi, new minerals, new food, new creatures, NEW EVERYTHING!!!

The fact that people are KNOWINGLY using fisheye lens and spending tons on CGI to procure an artificial curve on the earth speaks volumes.

If the earth has the correct curvature we're told, why give flat earthers any ammo by using a fisheye lens or cgi replica AT ALL??

The easiest way to end this argument is to have a REAL UNEDITED pic of earth!

What do you mean lack of curvature? Do you really think that's where the earth ends?

This is fucking stupid. Earth IS round, it's just that all the earth stuff is on the inside of the sphere. That's what nasa doesn't want you to know.

"It is photoshopped because its its its... it has to be"



The big question is obviously... WHY?? Why does it HAVE to be shopped? We take pictures of saturns rings, but not of our OWN EARTH???
If you're going to collage/composite, then COMPOSITE! Don't fucking copy/paste, thats FAKING AN IMAGE!

If you copy and paste, thats now an artistic rendition, not a composite.

You know, every time I read about any conspiracy theory I find it amusing, and sometimes really worthwile to read it all. Sometimes even understanding where they are coming from. But then they say that one simple sentence. ''Wake up''. I just always laugh when I see it and immediately discard everything I've read before

The accepted curve is 8(miles squared)
8in.(distance in miles^2)

Which means to take the square root of the distance traveled in miles and then multiply that figure by eight inches.

So for example, if you traveled one mile, the formula would look something like this;

8(1×1) = 8 Inches of total curvature

And for the first ten miles traveled of curvature in inches…

8(1×1) = 8 Inches of total curvature
8(2×2) = 32 Inches of total curvature
8(3×3) = 72 Inches of total curvature
8(4×4) = 128 Inches of total curvature
8(5×5) = 200 Inches of total curvature
8(6×6) = 288 Inches of total curvature
8(7×7) = 392 Inches of total curvature
8(8×8) = 512 Inches of total curvature
8(9×9) = 648 Inches of total curvature
8(10×10) = 800 Inches of total curvature

Yet we can't measure any curvature AT ALL!! FROM ANY DISTANCE!!!

Flat earthers, show me your proposed model of how the earth-moon-sun system really looks so i can better know the truth.


Gemini 4 helmet can swivel though. The motion is unnatural because the suit's internal pressure is 1 atm and he's in vacuum (it wants to balloon out and make him starfish)

The wire harness on his waist

he got so owned. epic. simply, epic.

So what do they gain by faking all of this?

>came for frog memes
>ended up getting my mind blown
any movies for this feel?

>earth-moon-sun system really looks

Good fucking question, I honestly dont have all the answers.

Why does moon turn red during the lunar eclipse? It doesnt make sense on either model

I fucking hate you people