How did we go from this

How did we go from this...

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to this...

and then to this?

to this

It’s the chemicals in the water

please tell me you're memeing and that's from the ps4 game


I never saw the sequel, what happens in it?


Came here to post this

What the fuck, I don't understand? Why were the webs he was holding stronger than all the other webs combined? And why did the boat magically stay afloat with a giant crack in the middle just because he held it together

Hey its the jesus scene from spider-man 2 but not nearly as emotionally moving

The web stretches the most in the middle point. Replacing the weakest point of the strand with himself produces two weak points in the two resultant strands, but each of them is half the length of the original, and thus is stronger overall.

I still can't believe they got away with ripping that scene off.

CGI was a mistake.

he checks in

It doesn't look that bad in motion.

Damn, the new PS4 Spiderman game looks great.

Tobey was the best. He wasn't too tall like ASM guy. But he also wasn't too small, like the 5'6 gay manlet they got now and He also the only to bulk up for the role. Spiderman isn't huge but he does have some size, The two are too scrawny. I remember making a deal about the new guy but he looks small as shit and just looked like he did a couple situps. Tobey destroyed those two faggots.


Hottest to least hot (in the spidey suit):
>1) Tobey Maguire's Spiderman
>2) Andrew Garfield's Spiderman
>3) Tom Holland's Spiderman

Hottest Peter Parkers (out of suit):
>1) Garfield
>2) Holland
>3) empty space
>4) another empty space
>5) Maguire
>6) Spiderman 3 was that bad

looks like i turned bloom on for a 10 yr old pc game

>no crotch bulge

so boats dont sink if they are just pulled back together. Good to know.

If anything he should've tried to pull them at an angle so that the side of the ship laid on the water and it could float a bit.

>outsourcing CGI to China was a mistake


this is actually, without exaggeration, the dumbest post I've read all week
>single rope is weak
>cut rope in half and secure the newly cut ends together
>rope is now twice as strong
how do you survive in this world

you just know that a bunch of people thought the crotch was "problematic" and they had to get rid of it

tobey was actually buff, is that him in the suit?

To this


Why didn't Frodo fold his chain in two, then loop the ring around it?

the ps4 game probably looks better

the CGI got a lot better from Homecoming. What's the problem/

did you watch the moobie? his plan doesn't work and iron man has to come and save him and the boat

He would still be in possession of the ring. Mere proximity to the ring is enough cloud the mind over a long enough time frame.

More importantly how can he (and Emma Stones) jump back from a cancelled franchise to be selected by high profile directors making kinos?

>What's the problem

its a marvel movie

Kek, literally the first thing I notice.
what have you done to me Sup Forums

1. Tom
2. Toby
3. Andy

No Suit:
1. Tom
2. Toby
3. Andy

Jesus Christ what's wrong with the hulk busters arm when it lands. It looked Ike stop motion or something

why cant they just use real fucking actors or real fucking sets?

having a dick is misogynistic

>Why don't the get a real man to jump 20 ft to the middle of a ship lazered in half, shoot webs to both sides and use his superstrength to hold it together
Gee I dunno. BTW the webm ruins the CG quality for some reason - I saw this in theaters and it all looked great.

Why would Parker look at his arm when his hair stands up? It's HIS fucking arm.


They even showed it in the fucking trailers

It's like if you felt the urge to grab a girl's tits and you look at your hands like "HUH? WHAAA?!"

literally looks like a life size toy. though i suppose thats what they aim for when making these movies.

oh fuck off. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this

Iron Man helped him hold it without him knowing.

Iron man did most of the work


How the fuck did he make that suit?

His boyfriend made it for him.

Daily reminder Rich Evans was jested about Spiderman 2002.

Oh wow

costume designer made it for him. its strange how people let plot critical gaps get by in new movies but became obsessed with such trivial details with the old films

>no bulge for whitey spidey
>for Black CHADster
(((They))) aren't even trying to be subtle anymore