Disney will never allow a series like this, or similar to this, to ever happen

Disney will never allow a series like this, or similar to this, to ever happen.

Well duh, it's a video game user.

There isn't room for a mote of thought provoking writing in the wholesale pabulum that is Disneywars. There's nothing reprehensible about it; it's just business.

>Obsidian is given barely 18 months to do a Star Wars game
>Literally the only impressive thing done with the franchise since 1980
How are they so based?

It was actually more like 12 months. Impressive when you consider how long decent RPGs take nowadays. Although I guess they already had the base engine to work with.

>the only impressive thing done with the franchise since 1980

Of course not, KotOR 2 was utter garbage that had no place in Star Wars.

Well, when Disney acquired Star Wars they did cancel every single video game that was in the works, something like 15 of them.

Thought provoking entertainment and business aren't mutually exclusive. It's simply easier to shit out digestible mush.

They're slowly recanonizing elements of KOTOR which is cool but I fear that they're doing it so they never actually have to go back to it. I'm already sick of the new canon and the only thing that can bring my interest back is if they start fleshing out the new timeline before the prequels

What do you mean? TLJ was literally a really, really, really shittier version of this.

having one uncertain Jedi does not at all make TLJ like KoTOR2

t. Obsiditurd

The post ROTJ era in the nu canon is almost comically bad. Just absolute garbage

>I have come for the Jedi

I wish the rest of the game had the same tone as the peragus level.

>Lucasfilms Story Group didnt even know these games existed
lol what a team

>Deconstructive takedown of the Star Wars mythos that puts the series through a critical lens and tears down everything you believe about Star Wars before rebuilding it again

they did it in their own way with The Last Jedi

>""""""""""Lucas""""""""""film Story Group [read: (((Disney Story Group)))]


Let's never forget this piece of beautiful literature.

it's pretty obvious they hired people who had no real knowledge of the universe except for the fact they had just watched the movies casually at some point

they don't seem to get it

>muh "Jedi is bad" meme
Fuck off.

outside of the throne room stuff it IS pretty bad though.

So? That's one book. And The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are in my opinion the best two movies in the franchise

blindly subverting every expectation that was formed after TFA is not the same as desconstruction

Who would win

Kotor 2 didn't imply Jedis were bad though.

One of the most misunderstood parts is Kreia's ramblings I feel, as if everything she said was supposed to be taken as 100% true. That was not the case. She merely played the devil's advocate and offered a countering point to all of your actions, good or bad. She was trying to make you think about your actions and that not everything is black and white, not tell you how it is. At most points in the game you can tell her she's wrong or shut up.

right, because there was absolutely nothing in the Last Jedi besides Snoke dying and Rey's parents being nobodies

I'm sorry you wasted time speculating on Snoke's identity

He's talking about the fact that the user he quoted implied that "The Return of the Jedi" was bad.

>Kotor 2 didn't imply Jedis were bad though.

Kreia isn't some "good and evil don't exist, le truth is in le middle, man!" fence sitter like brainlets think she is, but the virginal rules autist jedi of the prequel trilogy were absolutely shat on though.

I was talking about Return of the Jedi when I said "muh Jedi is bad meme"
You retards.

The point is that TLJ is not really a deconstruction though, it just had some submersive elements.

The point is that the author of the book thought that of anything to write details about, to add to the lore, to expand on the dry seabed that is the current SW canon, writing about flatulence from pudding at a wedding with Poe Dameron was the most important thing the author thought about. Novels and all sorts of media in the past put heart and soul into the books. While they all aren't great, far from it, at least the authors of the Legends books took their audience seriously.

Also, if you like TFA and TLJ, fine, that's a subjective opinion on the movie, but they aren't objectively good movies. If you like the ST movies and think they're the best movies for yourself, fine, go ahead, but that doesn't mean they're good movies. I personally love the Prequels yet I will admit that they're objectively not that good.

It's a kid's book you fucking sperg

I could pull dumb shit from the Glove of Darth Vader right now but I'm not going to because I know it's a book written for eight year olds

Good. They can keep their hack mitts off it.

Just because something is meant for kids doesn't mean it's free from criticism. If you put this mindset on everything, shit like Teen Titans Go and the Powerpuff Girls reboot would be considered thought provoking masterpieces in modern day entertainment.

>The Jedi choose to go to war to defend the republic from madmen and tyrants
>The Jedi choose to deliberate before entering into the Mandalorian wars, knowing their impact could become catastrophic
>The Jedi take steps to restrict a turbulent, maveric Knight who casually throws off the spiritual teachings the Order.
>Said maveric Jedi becomes a case example as to why said religious dogma existed in the first place. Namely, so that 2 meter tall rapacious murder-borgs and cackling space warlocks who shoot lightning made of genocide don't run roughshod over billions of people.
>.................BUT THE JEDI ARE BAD...........

Not saying the Jedi are perfect, but holy fuck, modern culture just cant let heroes be heroes, can they?

You have to understand, user, that in a universe of real people with real emotions people do not always act rationally. The Jedi Councils action's (or lack thereof) in the KoTOR games led to a mass turning to the darkside by their followers, regardless if what they did was "heroic" or not.