Are the flops of the Matrix sequels the reason why we got a decade of capeshit as spectacle treats?

Are the flops of the Matrix sequels the reason why we got a decade of capeshit as spectacle treats?

>inb4, the Matrix itself is the pinnacle capeshit

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floppy dicks

matrix reloaded was the highest grossing R rated movie for over a decade and even with the huge drop off for Revolutions it still made a ton of money

Wasn't it because of Spiderman though? I mean once they dropped that giant turd called Spiderman 3 and it still made more money than any movie ever the studios must have had a eureka moment.

Yo, Neo.

I actually love Matrix Reloaded, but even with the huge audience most people consider it a coffin nail.

No, it's Spiderman 2 and 3 making almost a billion box office each.

>tfw the first matrix is the last time hollywood produced a mainstream action movie that was actually a well made film
should have enjoyed it more but no one knew the chinese were taking over our blockbuster industry

Fury Road is an exceptionally well made film. Can't think of too many other example since Matrix though.

I know Sup Forums doesn't want to hear this was LOTR.

>tfw those clubs in the matrix activated my latex fetish

that was because fury road was a 20 year old script and an 80 year old director

have you watched the matrix recently? it doesn't hold up that well

it didn't even invent bullet time, just made it popular

I actually liked those sequels, they were more gibsonesque. those that disagree are distinctly plebeian.

Serious? There were matrix clones for a solid fives years and they all sucked.

>Wasn't it because of Spiderman though? I
>Spiderman 3 and it still made more money than any movie ever
kill yourself you retarded faggot

>most people consider it a coffin nail.
You don't have a fucking clue what most people consider you little shit

It's a great movie and revisionist 90's born scum can't change that.

I was born in the 80s and it's the equivalent of an emo phase

just a pleb then

The matrix is the equivalent of bell bottom pants. It could only exist in one era.

nah you're just in denial

hush child, you appear foolish.

you're opinion is worse than mine!

Please stop screaming "Hey everyone, look at me! I'm a contrarian!" at the top of your lungs.

you can thank sam reimi's spiderman, not movies made by trannies

I liked it at the time but it doesn't hold up well. Read my original post. Just look at the pathetic ending with 90s rock

ignore 90's born queers with their shit bait user


1 > 3 > 2

they weren't trannies in 1999, they are, however, terrible directors who managed to delude the world at large into thinking they were good despite The Matrix being their only decent film.

I felt all tingly during those scenes.

No it sucks man go back and watch it. The music alone is enough to cringe. When I see it my mind immediately feels like its South Park parodying the matrix. Listen to the dialogue it really beats you over the head. Shit was cool when I was 17 and just starting to do drugs. Its really not as smart as it tries to be. It doesnt hold up. Go back and rewatch. A prison... for your mind! Wow. Its kinda like rewatching the first season of seinfeld. Its not as good as you remember and really trying too hard to tell you what its trying to be.

you're a youngfag user. I get it. It's ok. I went to see it when it came out and I still enjoy it. movies tend to be products of their time and the matrix is no different. If you don't like rage against the machine that cool as well. I watched seinfeld when it came out too. the first season was always the weakest. why don't you try finding some things you actually enjoy user?

I love you user, even of you don't deserve it, you are loved.


>music is cringe
Fking kys it's kino.

I can't remember a single one, at most citations in some TV shows.
Which proves my doubt: they had to transfer to "iconic" superhero branding to keep milking the goat.

It is an action flick.

no one agrees with you kiddo

sequels made the mistake of focusing on zion and not on liberating people's minds in the matrix

>bitching about a reference to Platos allegory of the cave

I'm eagerly awaiting for the Matrix reboot starring Michael B Jordan to come out so you can all get on my contrarian level of recognising the Matrix sequels were some of the best action movies ever made.

I already said I like ReLoaded

Reloaded is a great movie, great action scenes, good pacing, it's just got some "huh?" moments related to the convoluted plot of the architect and oracle.
Revolutions is bad because in the whole movie they spend like 10 minutes inside the Matrix doing cool stuff, rest is all set in the real.

I'll try to spell it out so that you can understand that I'm a better person then you: the development of technology in the late 90's meant that action films involving previously unthinkable levels of post-treatment meant that "super" themed movies had to happen at some point. The Matrix was one of the first exploits in that direction and it caught everyone's attention spanning a trilogy (something unheard since the times of Star Wars, some 15 years before). When the trilogy collapsed under the weight of a story "too deep" for average pop-corn costumer.

they had to go look for material that had already been proven in other medias: enter LOTR, HP and finally... the capeshit movie.

Notice that I didn't imply that the Matrix movies weren't good (or bad). I like them, but that's not the point

>I can't format a post on Sup Forums

No. It was Superman. The one with Christopher Reeve. After that gave way to the "darker/gay" tone of Batman 89'. Which in turn, led to more comic bookish and out of character Bat-movies. Until finally, we have the straight faced "world weary" but colorful Marvel universe and the stark gritty DC cityscapes.

you just reveal your youth and ignorance user

Love her hairstyle.

Holy shit Louis CK was in the Matrix?

>Holy shit
kill yourself little homo

baldy white boy got himself a LA CREATURA


Ah yes, the hating 'pleb movies' you used to love phase.

No. Louis CK did not star in the Matrix.

his post is formatted? if he formatted it anymore youd try to call him reddit lol. keep being angry pleb

are you fucking kidding me, literally watched it yesterday, most of the effects are practical. the only cgi that stands out are the sentinals (which see a huge jump in graphics in the sequals) and hovercraft scenes. the rest of everything is done via chinese wire fu and practical set destruction like the lobby scene

It was good, you turd throating maggot. Its like when I got in an argument with some punk because I said reservoir dogs was awesome. It was awesome for its time, as was pulp fiction.

it gets better when you realize the resistance are actually the bad guys and the movie is an allegory for programming a MK ultra shooter

>color grading
>costume design

what is wrong with the music? its synthy because its a cyberpunk hacker movie, the music is typical of something like Deus Ex. the one song people do remember is that song from the lobby which was made famous from the scene. the only one that stands out is the credits song.

>costume design

their meant to look like goths and leather freaks because that was the counter culture at the time (also because the resistance is representative of AA or other satanic cells)

It's subjective I guess, but I don't think it holds up at all. Maybe it's because it had so many clones

Give us one notable clone. I'll let the "clones" slide.





This is some weak ass shit.

> Clone: it's sort of like something

ok. then stop replying to me so i can get out of the thread. you obviously like this franchise more than i do and i don't care about it enough to debate you

you win! congrats

I love you bro. You win by being the bigger user and walking away.

no problem man, and enjoy whatever you like. i don't hate the matrix or anything

The current glut of capeshit is due mostly to the success of the MCU, and the MCU exists partly because of Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, and partly because the Harry Potter films proved you could get 10 years worth of consistent mileage out of one franchise film franchise.

>Clone: it's sort of like something
Yes, that's the whole fucking point. They're shitty clones.

Same here. My first post ITT was 10 mins ago.

I got another clone.

Underworld. If i remember right the oracle says the earlier matrix had glitches. And that's where ghosts, Vampires and Werewolves came from.

No, no, no...

Any user can read back and verify that this was definitely not what was meant.

This is a generational truth

>If i remember right the oracle says the earlier matrix had glitches. And that's where ghosts, Vampires and Werewolves came from.
This needs to be canon.

It is. Because the werewolf dude gets killed with a silver bullet right away. The twins are the ghosts and the French guy's lackeys are vampires.

No shit.

>Are the flops of the Matrix sequels the reason why we got a decade of capeshit as spectacle treats?

more like FLOPPED their dicks off am i right?

Uwe Boll directed Matrix x Underworld when?

no, it's the mass infantilisation of American males

Beckinsale > Carrie Ann Moss

Beckinsale --> Carrie Ann Moss if you know what I mean

Verne Troyer as a buggy agent program would be amazing

Instead of dancing to techno to defy the machines. They can dab.

The 90's had a whole wave of pop culture and movies , that had as a theme the questioning of reality, corporate culture, and mass media. From the Truman show to Pleasantville.

The Matrix was marketed and arguably was the thinking person's blockbuster , the sequels lost this as the got bigger and bigger and had this whole Neo as the messiah theme which was boring. The world of the Matrix had an infinitely interesting premise, but the world became smaller as it focused on an adventure narrative for Neo, in this way Matrix did become somewhat like capeshit, though not in the same way capeshit is today which is complete corporate and mindless schlock.

>The Matrix was marketed and arguably was the thinking person's blockbuster , the sequels lost this as the got bigger and bigger and had this whole Neo as the messiah theme which was boring.
pleb spoke

>the sequels lost this
Revolution did. Reloaded, if you follow the dialogue and the plot, expands the lore and explains a lot; underrated movie and the most intellectual of the three.

Both Spider-Man and Batman are to blame as the instigators.

All Matrix movies were equally great for me.
Except the parts where Neo could enter the matrix without actually plugging into it and other sorts of magic shit. These moments were hyperspace ram level of retardation, inconsistency and asspulled twists for cool visuals.
But this can be fixed by headcanon if you consider Zion just another layer of the matrix. So whatever.

pretty much this. Revolutions didn't really have any notable action scenes either. The climax was some DBZ level of retarded. Wish they showed off more of the machine city though.

>But this can be fixed by headcanon if you consider Zion just another layer of the matrix.
I actually thought this was the intention, else there's a shitload of things that don't make sense.

>magic shit
just another layer of the Matrix, bro

>The world of the Matrix had an infinitely interesting premise

Loved the Animatrix and small bits of Enter The Matrix game. I'm okay with them rebooting this now as Matrix Cinematic Universe


Underworld series.

>I'm okay with them rebooting this now
Are you meming or is this actually gonna happen?

>it didn't even invent bullet time, just made it popular
Do you tend to focus on details other people find irrelevant?

>12 minutes between posts