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>just a different colored Black Panther
Wow so satisfying

Unironically the exact face I made when I read it

Well the movie got a higher ranking than Godfather 2 and The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly so I'll believe it! Black Panther sounds like the next... Shakespeare!

More like Chuckspear! Shandilay!

Bane has brought me more satisfaction than that edgelord

I really didn't like that they turned him into a glorified henchman in the last twenty minutes of the film but otherwise agree.

I'm not just talking about his actions in the movie


>best Marvel villain
Don't they says this every Marvel movie only for it to end up as another forgettable villain?

>villian isnt a rich white male
i thought this movie was about trumps america?

>it's the best SW movie since Empire!
>it's the best villain since TDK Joker!

>black on black violence

Well at least they're keeping it realistic.


You're a meme guy.

It's not like he has competition. Maybe Zod.

Every other capeshit villain since has been pathetic.


>and he is of course played by Michael B. Jordan, the extremely talented actor of color that we've seen act his heart out in movies like Creed, also directed by the brilliant Ryan Coogler.
Why are white liberals always falling over themselves to praise everything that black people do?

For you

So do they give him a new suit or what don't they copy paste the black panther cgi suit its literally the laziest thing they do in comics and I hate any movie that does it except iron man

Nice cargo cult

Uhh quick think of some capeshit that set the bar for something. Black Panther just beat that. Can't wait for the opening scene to be so unintentionally hilarious it will give us 6 years of pantherposting.

White guilt.

How does Marvel keep topping their own perfection?


Can we just have one movie? In our entire lifetimes, your parents entire lifetimes and beyond, mass media, movies, shows, books etc., have exclusively Caucasian actors, actresses, culture (well, bastardized culture that is), and people of color like myself don't have anyone to look up to. All Sup Forums loves Batman and Superman... whoops, they're white! In 2018, ya know, billions of years post universe creation, we finally get Black Panther, and you guys have to shit on it. Can we just not have 2 hours of our people, our costumes, our culture?

>best Marvel villain
I mean they’re all mostly forgettable bar Loki, so he doesn’t have much competition.

You control the media.

I bet this faggot pretends TDKR is a good movie


why are marvel villains always an evil copy of the main character

they actually portrayed Bane as the genius he is, not some guy with retard strength.


Worked for Hela at least. Can't forget about her when I jack off to her constantly

Why? Becaus he's black? Fuck you, cunt racist.

You have already had plenty of your own movies don't sit there and tell me that this is some revolutionary film and is the black equivalent to the godfather, I'm not having that shit, it's capeshit and it will be judged as capeshit, this capeshit just happens to have niggers in it.

Meteor Man
Black Lightning
Static Shock

All of those movies are objectively terrible and tv shows don't count.

Everytime except ironman 3

I thought the main villain would've probably been a white guy.

Then make a better one or be happy that you are getting more than 14% representation in the genre despite being only 14% of the US population, nigger. Why can't you have a white man as a role model? Are you racist?



>Then make a better one
It's called Black Panther.

Blade is vampire kino you faggot

YES! And makeup is a REAL Oscar!

No. Now go back to Africa you fucking nigger.
>our culture
You mean that cookie cutter consumerist shit the kikes tricked you into believing was your culture? The crime? The single parenthood? The poverty? The degeneracy and anti-intellectualism?

spoiler: at the end of the movie it turns out he was black but was born with reverse albinism so he was raised as a black african

Have you seen the lyrics to the Black Panther soundtrack? It's vile talking about fucking white women, murdering people, and destroying businesses. Lots of f-bombs. Why is Disney allowed to get away with it?

Go to bed BonQuiqui

>pass user

ok? what's your point? why are you still crying for more gibs

>Angry Black Bastard wants to kill his brother who's da KANG and he isn't

What's the villains motive in BP?

It is an important part of any movie/tv series yes. Why are you being a prick?

Sit down. Be Humble.

fuck wyitpipo

no i'm actually serious

It's you who is crying. Day in and day out you poison Sup Forums with your bitter contrarianism. Are you lonely? Is that it? Never been kissed before?

>dc cuck getting buttblasted
Stand Back Everyone, just let him do his thing.

FPBP yet again.

>Sup Forums is one person
I have tickets to opening night, nigger.

I don't think this post is right about literally anything

Dear America,

The only;y thing the world wants from you is your media - and youre ruining it yourselves - please stop.

Stay safe

Where did that saying come from?
Its so fucking patronizing.

concealed carry state, my nig

This. We can't no longer finance Hollywood expensive lifestyle with the trash they put out.


His name is literally Killmonger? lmao

I could take at least one from that pos before getting one in his skull

Like everything in black "culture" it came from a shitty rap song about wasting money on stupid shit.

Kendrick Lamar song

Kendrick Lamar's song "Humble" from his April 2017 album.

Get with the times white boy

Holy shit look at this retard. Kill yourself.

>villain is black too
Legit surprised

he was raised in USA thats why he is evil

That's the minor "villain". The real bad guy is one of only two white people in the movie. Also a white South African to really drive home the kill whitey message. The other white character is a sissy incompetent effeminate and clumsy goofball from the FBI to drive home the fuck the police message.

>what are you doing seeing a movie on the movie board in a thread about the movie you're seeing what a retard

the kept the retarded voice, though
>even Deckard Cain from Diablo 3 sounded better than Bane

This is now a nigger hate thread


Post your other 2 lol files

what fucking cucks

I mean Michael B. Jordan is legitimately good. I'm not paying to watch capeshit but I'll admit that



To be fair anyone that’s seen the Wire knows Michael B Jordan is a good actor even when he was a child, but you’re right

Yeah that sounds about right. Really I can't wait until SA runs out of water so the whites who're still there can genocide the blacks once they try and steal theirs. Once the government collapses there'll be nobody to tie the white man's hands behind his back and he'll have no choice but to fight or die

I'm black but banking on a whole generation of young blacks to idolize these specific, unique, and never before seen characters is one of the best marketing ploys I've ever seen in my life. I wouldn't fall for this kike scheme in a million years but it's a shame that so many have. They are quite oblivious. This is one of the reasons that I support that petition to make marvel donate a good chunk of the proceeds to the black community. They've literally used my community as their own personal marketing tools, the least they can do is donate at least 1 fucking dollar. But they're kikes, so they won't. I detest the mouse. He'll hang soon enough.


It's nonsensical

people of all colors will band together once it's time to hang the mouse from the elm tree


>won't even come near Cotton Mouth

You say this as if black panther isn't a shit movie

false flag