This the Best Evidence Bill Hicks = Alex Jones

I used to think this was a dumb theory, but then I saw this video and I'm not so sure anymore. Made in the same year of Bill's "supposed" death.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bill hicks was born 13 years before alex. Does alex jones look 57 to you?
Also today is his birthday.
Happy birthday alex jones.

I don't give a shit about the Bill Hicks/Alex Jones conspiracy. I just love Alex Jones. He is so comfy! COMFY!

The new show with David Knight is good too! YEY

If Alex is Bill's alt-ego, either birthdate could be fake.

Hell yes he looks 56.

Look at his facial mannerisms, they're the same as "Alex Jones".

>He even does the cough and lick lip

I wonder if he was hired to play Alex Jones

He tries to hide it with the vitality pills.

And surgery.

You're a fucking brainlet if you believe this conspiracy

I had a good friend who was a bit of pot head, and I can trace his downfall from funny, pretty easy going stoner buddy to burnout schitz cunt from when he first started joking around (half joking half serious) with the idea Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.

He knew too much...

I wish that was the case, seeing someone you used to know lose there sanity is pretty sad, especially when they had so much potential :^(

>Used to post on Sup Forums and other minor message boards about Chem Trails, 9/11, Kennedy Assassination, Aliens
>It was always just fun to me, I was essentially just Role Playing as Fox Mulder
>Actually meet a guy who legitimately believes that the Pope will reveal the existence of extra-terrestials
>Heart sunk realizing I could be making other people bat shit crazy by having fun on the internet

That's how I feel when I remember all the flat earth society posts I made as a teenager arguing for flat earth theory to get reactions.

Holy shit

take this shit to pol you faggot, sage and reported.

don't feel bad user, I've thought a lot about it a lot and most conspiracy theorists are just escapist's, they need to be oppressed or there needs to be a bigger reason for there short comings in life. It's not usually well adjusted, on the straight path people that jump on board with that looney shit, half of them are just losers the other half were just crazy to begin with

>alex goes full free bird

>tfw the Star Wars Prequels were actually genius.

>this fucking thread
>It was just a larp, I only IRONICALLY pretended to be a tinfoiler, aren't I so special? *takes selfie with mouth open*

Eh fuck all of you cocksuckers and shills. Especially the fucking retards who don't believe in conspiracies, but still thinks Jew fairy tales are 100$ REAL

>actually thinks people are paid to disagree with his opinion on a thai fly fishing forum
>says not believing conspiracies is retarded

based anti-semite schizophrenic poster

what jewsish fairy tales? the one where Bill hicks ins't Alex Jones? kek stay being a loser and thinking the worlds against you rather then your own shortcomings.

JIDF cocksucker

The ones you listen to your friendly child molestor recant to you every sunday so you can get back in the good graces of space men every time you fuck women behind your wife's back.

Lenny Bruce his idol faked his death to become a lounge singer


This is how I was with the Trump election only I don't feel bad.
I legitimate hope all of you faggots melt in nuclear hellfire.

this is me after all the Sup Forums shit i've posted too

This is tv related dipshit

I want to believe he's acting but I can't

I want Alex Jones to break into acting, I really think he has the chops for it.

jesus I was just joking about the schizophrenia but you sound seriously mentally troubled buddy, hope you get better user

Evidence against

Hicks was a slovenly waste-case. Alex was an ubermensch

forgot pic

>pencilbrains in charge of brain scans

>not knowing the full power of super male vitality is eternal life

>Bill Hicks does a bit on the injustice of Waco
>Alex Jones rebuilds the church

there's some overlap, and there is enough evidence that I leave it in the real of possibility, but overall I think they're different people and Alex is just aware of Bill Hicks & his work & the connection to him so he gravitates towards him a bit. maybe he adopted some of Bill's mannerisms from watching him

>Does alex jones look 57 to you?
Yes ?


> Does alex jones look 57 to you
Of course he does, look at the guy kek

>be me
>vehement holohoax denier and generally racist natsoc
>LARP as a far left lgbtq loving commie to false flag as an incredibly stupid liberal for the lulz
>do it on public message boards while pretending to be a Romanian Jew
>eventually get a private message from an actual catholic Polish holocaust survivor thanking me for my steadfast defense of what is true and right
>get told that they were having a bad time and were feeling increasingly depressed but seeing the youth championing a righteous cause filled them with hope, something they hadn’t felt for years
J-jokes on you man ha ha

and then you put away your dumb Sup Forumsedditor beliefs?

I still think Jews are nepotistic assholes and it’s a fact that they are entrenched in media and Hollywood but maybe the world would be a better place if we all just got along

>h-he's totally not bill hicks guys!

Bill's ears are different. I always look for that since I saw The Imposter

>ITT: idioits that believe two different people are the same person.
Guys please you really can't believe this, jones is a Jew shill pretending to be a Christian fundamentalist to make counterculture look stupid. Do some research in to stratfor and his divorce.
>stratfor is the CIA media company he works for.
> his divorce settlement is where hi admits its all.
Also he is definitely not Billlllll!

Wait jones is only 44? So much for super vitality what every it is truly a snake oil salesman.

ill take it

Alex Jones was playing the character Bill Hicks. How do you think that he knows so much insider information? The Bohemian Grove was only his second infiltration into their realm.

I am the age Alex says he is. He looks 20 years older than me.

Alax jones was invited to bohemian grove you fool how do you think he had such good seats, he betrayed a confidence by filming it. Stop listen to him shout shite.

Did anybody ever listen to Coast to Coast? I use to listen to that site all the time like at 3 in the morning. Loved it when he had guest call in and tell their scary stories

>...and take these [hard pause] GLOBALISTS on!

Hm it's almost like he caught himself just in time before saying something untoward and inappropriate