How could anyone watch this? All of them are liars, it's disgusting

How could anyone watch this? All of them are liars, it's disgusting.

Other urls found in this thread:

>all of them are liars.
No, just Jews. This show was my first red pill. Back in 1996.

That's americans for you.

And they almost always get their comeuppance. What's your point?

>American sitcom
>Complaining about morals

There is literally nothing wrong with lying

Nice people are boring though. Go watch Gilmore Girls or something fag.

I'm not watching the show for a lesson in morality, I'm watching it because it's hilarious. Anyone that uses a television show for guidance as their moral compass is retarded.

4 kikes in Jew York
That's a hard pass from me

It's 10x less gay then Friends faggot

It was a period piece that encapsulated the banality and self-absorption that characterized the 90s. The coke parties of the 80s were over and modern man was reaching his final form of domestication herbivorisim where fights were acting like a gossipy backstabbing teenager and there was nothing to get angry about because politics and social cohesion weren’t yet polarized so the biggest conflict imaginable was the right way to take a parking spot or being denied artisan soup by a gastro.
It ages well understood in this lens but at the time wasn’t meant as unironically as things were genuinely that boring then.

Recall also at the end of the series they go to jail for Good Samaritan laws and during their court case all of the people they treated like shit in their petty yuppy vapidity are paraded our to resoundly condemn them for being scumbags.

FRIENDS should have called the show FAGGOTS

The Good Samaritan laws don't even work like that.

i'm glad you're here to tell us these things professor

That's why people liked it. It was truly post modern and realistic in a way. The point of the show was making the charchters pathetic but relatable.

I like it because they are all terrible human beings.

It's nice to be appreciated.

Don't start.

>so the biggest conflict imaginable was the right way to take a parking spot
I don't know if this is pasta or not but i'm actually watching this episode right now and found this thead on my second window.

I'm scared lads.

>I'm scared lads.
shut the fuck up you little piece of shit.

Nah I’m outside your window and wrote this fresh for us. ;^]

More like Jew York, am i right gang?

haha YES!

Kramer is honest as fuck.

op btfo

He's not adverse to lying for some hickory smoked chicken

hes the only gentile

I know this scene was widely received as a wacky Kramer thing, but it's interesting that in a major city like NYC, there were, even then, cock carousels big enough to beef out unsuspecting whores. Mind you, this is about the 80s and 90s when there were no cell phones let alone tinder. To jump from cock to cock, a 90s roastie had to be much more resourceful and at the time, beef curtains were begrudgingly accepted as a shared cost of sexual liberation and the dangly mark of an ambitious, passionate woman who is tuned into her feminity enough to blossom her beef flower. Today, we're reluctant to even admit mudflaps exist, let alone how they sprout on clams in the first place. The average roastie's gabagool gash is so thoroughly pummeled and pulverized, that to think a pussy could survive such goring and boring is the height of absurdity and a testament to the power of denial and the loyalty of the orbiter males who venerate all pussy, even beefed out cauliflower cunt. Same as India's untouchables scoop up the buffalo shit with their bare hands, the Orbiter laps up a roastie's purulent juices, same as he would her anus or any anus if she asked him flirtatiously.

Seinfeld found a way to talk about these uncomfortable truths, and helped us laugh at the sad dwindling numbers of innie pussies in the world.


how did Kramer gets away with it?

it was a different time.

not that there's anything wrong with that

Elaine was a gentile

the final episode

>Mind you, this is about the 80s and 90s when there were no cell phones let alone tinder. To jump from cock to cock, a 90s roastie had to be much more resourceful
You ever heard of bars?

Kramer's outburst at that comedy club was glorious, though.

He was a parasite. A sexually-depraved miscreant.

her father was jewish. Though jews trace their hebrewism through their mothers. She's a christian irl though, so there's that.
This was the best episode


it's one of the only good sitcoms ever made

That’s an interesting insight user

I thought we were talking about her character


Exactly, it's revolutionary with respect to every other sitcom out there: they are despicable if seen from the outside/society POV, but very relateable if you follow what they think. Extremely selfish, but they mostly interact with strangers, so they mostly act as we would if we had the "courage" to do it without remorse. This is something that Larry David transports into Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's like they're acting and thinking and talking without the filter of morality.

I mean, they can take this and do a show about nothing and still be the best american comedy show ever...