What is Roman Polanski's best film Sup Forums?

what is Roman Polanski's best film Sup Forums?

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Chinatown easily. but he's made a bunch of great movies, such as pic related


Where he intoxicates and rapes a underage.


What a Chad

Honestly, who HASN'T done that amiright

>that ballsack
mmm momma

Bitter Moon is kino

Repulsion is about how Catherine Deneueve was molested as a child and that's why she's a psychotic who is phobic of men and ultimately murders two of them. They show a photo of her family when she was a kid near the start of the film. At the end of the film someone else picks up the photo and there's a closeup of her glaring at her (uncle?).

>Roman was tapping this on the regular
>still butt raped a 13 yo
Remind me again why that piece of shit isn't in prison again?

It's clearly implying she was molested by the man she's glaring at, and that's why she's so fucked up.

It is so fucked up that Polanski made a film about this, well before any of the public accusations. He was 30 when he made it.

He fucked the girl after his wife died

You sound jealous

I think Repulsion is clear evidence he's been fucking girls for his whole life. And he didn't justify it to himself like 'oh they want it' 'old enough to bleed' etc. He actually knew that he was permanently traumatising children.

Rosemary's Baby is tied with The Shining for greatest GOAT horror film of all time

Chinatown is the GOAT noir film.


>When you say he went in your anus, what do you mean by this?
What did she mean by this?

Despite Sup Forums's stance on the source material The Pianist is pretty great on its own.

Also despite it being one of his most critically dismissed films people on here seem to really like The Ninth Gate

'Sup Forums' doesn't have a stance on the holocaust you cunt, a very vocal minority just likes to cry about it



>'Sup Forums' doesn't have a stance on the holocaust you cunt
yes we do, we think it's hilarious

This is what fight scenes should be like


Man, this is really fucked up.
I hope he goes to prison before he dies.

the french have been protecting him his entire life he's not going anywhere.

Hopefully we'll get to lynch the filthy kike soon

>He doesnt know Sup Forums is an anti-Semitic hacker

Chinatown. No contest, he's made great films but it's one of the greatest of all time.

>he went in through my anus.
>when you say he went in your anus, what do you mean by that?
>He put his penis in my butt
Shouldn't laugh but I genuinely found that exchange hilarious.

this and Rosemary’s baby

Leave David out of this

Is Tess as boring as it looks?

Hola reddito!

He did literally nothing wrong.

It hasn't been mentioned in this thread so far. It's one of his earliest.

But it looks gorgeous

You think he was the first to tap that ass?
Alas he was but one of many many.

cue hasty upload of
Knife in the water.jpg

seen them all, polanski essentials

Knife in the Water (1962)
Repulsion (1965)
Cul-de-Sac (1966)
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Macbeth (1971)
Chinatown (1974)
The Tenant (1976)
Tess (1979)
Frantic (1988)
The Ninth Gate (1999)
The Pianist (2002)
The Ghost Writer (2010)

if you want more
Pirates (1986)
Carnage (2011)
Venus in Fur (2013)
Bitter Moon (1992)
Death and the Maiden (1994)

die hards only
Oliver Twist (2005)
What? (1972)

Damn user that is dedication. Have you been all the way through any other directors filmography?


user, I...

Why would you assrape a girl?

A very vocal minority has always been crying about the Holocaust since it "happened."

I bet that felt so fucking comfy.

It was at Jack Nicholson's mansion as well

>Have you been all the way through any other directors filmography?
...um, yes? Why wouldn't I?

Based what did you mean by that poster

not a criticism. just personally i'll watch a lot of films by a directors that i like, but i'm not compelled to watch everything they've made. who else?
have you seen every woody allen lol?

Can't imagine the sheer level of debauchery that went on at that place at that time. It would've been delicious.

>have you seen every woody allen lol?
I've never seen a single woody allen in my life

But yes I do watch every single movie a director makes. Unless he has a really shit filmography.


Chinatown. Is this really open to question?

Isn't there only one logical stance on the legitimacy of the (((holocaust)))?

yes it is

Well then gentleman, tip your fedoras and come out FIGHTING


i liked the tenant. v creepy feels